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.I need information from Al Rhemish.Please."„I'll do what I can.It won't be easy.The desert run is dangerous.Now I know why.Come on.Let's enjoy."They strove valiantly, but the evening failed.They were not the men of years before.Michael had too much on his mind.Dantice kept letting a lost love's face get in his way.Josiah Gales shivered continuously, though the apart­ ment was warm enough.He felt the cold breath of Death.„You think he suspects?" Inger asked.„No, My Lady.I think he knows.I think he has for some time.I think the wizard does too.And Trebilcock has a strong suspicion."Inger shivered too.„Damn," she said softly.„We'd better be careful."„Damned careful.It could be worth our heads.I have a feeling he's giving me the rope to hang myself now."„Back off.Stay away from everything.Be the ideal sol­ dier."„I suggest we all take that approach.My Lady, not even you are untouchable."„Josiah?"„Your husband is slow to anger, but he's a hard man.He killed his best friend.You're not immune.Not if he decides it's in Kavelin's interest."Gently, almost unconsciously, Inger made a sign against the evil eye.„Josiah, I think you're right.It's a filthy game we're playing.Why did I let them push me into it?"Gales shrugged.„Back to your quarters.Pass the word.No operations without my personal approval.Don't approach me unless it's an emergency."Gales bowed, slipped out of the apartment.Only Radeachar noted his going.The Unborn could not put a face to him.Gales was shielded from its probings.16Year 1016 AFE; A Plea from the EastRagnarson dismounted outside Mist's home in Lieneke Lane, greeted the guard seated on the steps.The man's head popped up off his chest.He snapped to attention.„Good morning, Sire."„Are you keeping the vandals and thieves out?"The soldier's face reddened.„It won't happen again, Sire."„1 know."„The wizard arrived a half hour ago, Sire."„Uhm.Upstairs?"„I suppose.Want me to take your horse, Sire?"„Just loosen his cinch.Take him over to the park." Ragnarson entered the house.„Varthlokkur?"„In the cellar.Be right up." Seconds later he came from the kitchen.„I found two portals besides the obvious one on the third floor."„Leave the one up top.She'll want to visit her kids."„I did.I shut the others down.Radeachar is out looking for more."„What about Maisak?"„Took care of it last night.Found four."„Think she was planning something?"The wizard shrugged.„I'd guess they were for communi­ cation while she was getting her plot together.Not that she wouldn't use them later if they were still there."„How's the baby?"„Perfect.Nepanthe is up and around, too.We decided to call her Smyrena."„That's an unusual name."„It was my mother's.Nepanthe's idea."„What about Ethrian? Anything?" Ragnarson stopped, startled by the wizard's sudden dark, dangerous look.„I said let sleeping dogs lie.I've finally gotten Nepanthe off the subject."Ragnarson decided to forget it.„I've got one problem you could help with.Mist's kids.Kristen has work enough with mine."„Nepanthe mentioned them this morning.They're her brother's children.We'll take them as soon as she can handle them." He didn't sound enthusiastic.„All right.What are your plans now?"„There's Norath.And the treachery here.How I long for the peace of Fangdred."„So go.Leave it to Michael.Once we cleanse the palace, Norath becomes moot.His interest should have ended when he delivered his assassins."„I can give Michael a few hints.What about Hammad al Nakir?"„Michael and I can handle that.My big worry is still Shinsan."„Uhm.I'm done.Nothing to do but wait for Radeachar."„Had breakfast? Come on over to Kristen's."„Thanks.No.I'll get back to Nepanthe."„See you later, then."Varthlokkur nodded curtly, a gesture of dismissal.Irked, Ragnarson stamped outside.The guard exploded off the steps, raced to retrieve his king's horse.Bragi growled and grumbled and cursed till he was in the saddle.Kristen waved from her porch.He turned in.„How're you this morning?"„So-so.Weren't you going to stop?"„Hadn't made up my mind."„Somebody here you might want to see." She gave him a saucy smile.„She's still here?"„Sure."„Isn't that a little.?"„I'm going to complain? She helps with the kids, helps with the house, and lends me a crying shoulder.I need one lately."„I've got Derel and the Baron working on the succession thing, but don't get your hopes up.It doesn't look good.Think you could give the old man breakfast?"„In bed?"„I'm not in the mood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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