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.Not the end she had foreseen.But now, surely, the best thing for the race, sending the old ways out in honor rather than hanging on and hanging on the way the Serke had done, working only evil.Let the new way have the full use of its energies.It would need them to deal with these rogue aliens, and with Commander Jackson's people, who were sure to come hunting their enemies.As peace enveloped her, Marika found she could wish her successors the best of luck.Anger and hatred went with the fear, and she found she could forgive them most of their wickedness.Momentarily, she wondered if Kublin had settled into the same frame of mind in his final minutes.The golden glow surrounding the sisters began to fray.Their fur stirred in the breath of the All.The darkness closed in.Marika, whelped of Skiljan, a savage huntress of the upper Ponath, possibly the strongest and greatest silth ever to have lived, faded quietly into the All, her battles finally done.Her last thought was a curiosity as to whether or not she would find Bagnel waiting on the other side.IIICourier departs.Nineteen darkships drift on the edge of the cloud, very, very slowly separating.They are lost, but they will not be forgotten.They will become legend.And the legend says that Marika did not die at all, that she is only sleeping, and that when the race of meth have fallen into their darkest hour she will come out of the great void with her witch signs shining, her bloodfeud dyes fresh, and her old rifle newly oiled.And the enemies of the meth will be swept away before her.So ends an ancient age.FB2 document infoDocument ID: 8b57b1f9-6c00-1014-b224-cdba8cf9acf5Document version: 1Document creation date: 07.06.2008Created using: Text2FB2 softwareDocument authors :traumAboutThis book was generated by Lord KiRon's FB2EPUB converter version 1.35.Эта книга создана при помощи конвертера FB2EPUB версии 1.35.0 написанного Lord KiRon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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