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.Since I don't practice their mysteries, I've little choice but to defer to their expertise.I imagine their opinion is reliable.After all, we have the entire Order of Illusion working in concert to do what you do best.""You're right," she said, "that should suffice, but you don't know Szass Tam like I do.He's a genius, and a master of every school of wizardry.So can we really hide whole armies from him, or was that Rashemi griffon rider correct? Is this a feckless plan?"Malark smiled."Captain Fezim would be gratified that you recall his opinion, though chagrined to hear you call him Rashemi.But in response to your question, I can only say that in war, nothing is certain, especially when facing an enemy like Szass Tam.But brilliant though he is, you've always proven his equal in guile whenever it truly counted.So I trust your judgment, and think you ought to trust it, too.""Thank you," she said, and felt a swell of affection.Collecting and evaluating intelligence was a demanding task, especially in the midst of an army on the march.She hadn't required that Malark attend to it and also ride alongside her coach to guard her while she was vulnerable, fetch her food and drink, and soothe her frazzled nerves.He'd volunteered for the latter duties, as he always did his utmost to assist her, and without wheedling for lands and lucrative sinecures like so many courtiers."Once we destroy Szass Tam," she said, "I'll make you a tharchion, or whatever else you want.""Some people might object to that, considering I'm not Mulan, nor even a Thayan.""Then they'll just have to choke on it, because I mean it-whatever you want."He inclined his head."You honor me, but let's discuss it after the war is over.Right now, all I truly want is to kill a great many of your enemies."* * * * *Aoth glanced around, making sure he knew where everyone was, as his command winged its way across a sky that was clear and blue for once.Bareris gave him a nod.Aoth felt a fleeting pang of hostility, and then wondered why."Because your eyes water every time he comes near," Brightwing said.Aoth snorted."You've been known to stink yourself.""That's different.I'm an animal.I'm allowed.Do you resent him for persuading you not to desert?""No." A new thought struck him."Do you? If I left, you'd enjoy a safer, more luxurious life, too.You could gorge on horseflesh every day."The griffon laughed her screeching laugh."Now you tell me! But no.You raised me to fight, and I wouldn't want to miss a battle like this.Look at them down there."They were soaring high enough that Aoth had called upon the magic in one of his tattoos to ward off the chill.High enough that he could gaze down on them all-the legions of Pyarados, Eltabbar, and Tyraturos converging on the foe.They were visible to him because the same spell of concealment that cloaked them enshrouded him.When he contemplated them, he reflected on how difficult it could be for even two companies to coordinate once separated by any distance.It seemed little short of miraculous that, marching through spring rain and mud, all the diverse elements of this great host had managed to assemble in the right place at the right time to close the trap on Szass Tam.And on top of that, there was still no indication the lich knew they were coming.As anticipated, the shield of illusion failed at the end.Aoth knew it when horns started blowing and living men and orcs began shouting amid the necromancers' army.That force had arranged itself to threaten the Keep of Sorrows, and now companies scrambled to defend against the enemies who'd suddenly appeared in the opposite direction.The southerners meant to hit them before they had the chance to form ranks.Their own bugles blew, their blood orcs bellowed, and clouds of arrows blackened the air.Aoth brandished a spear, and the Griffon Legion hurtled forward.A flat, leechlike undead known as a skin kite flew up at Aoth.Brightwing caught it in her talons and shredded it.Aoth rained lightning and flame on the massed foes on the ground, while Bareris sang noxious clouds of vapor and hypnotic patterns of light down into their midst.Their fellow riders shot arrows from the saddle."Beware!" Brightwing lifted one wing and dipped the other, turning, and then Aoth saw the danger-several yellowed, rattling horrors, reanimated skeletons of giant raptors, seeking to climb above them.There were too many for the griffon to handle alone.Aoth pointed his spear at the closest and flung darts of emerald light from the point.* * * * *The knight was undead, its face a rotting skull inside its open helm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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