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.Kestan'ss clothes were too big for Aedyn, but they made do by rolling up the sleeves of the shirt and the bottoms of the trousers so at least he wouldn't trip over.Shoes or boots were another matter; there was no way Kestan's shoes were going to fit him."Wait here," said Kestan."Don't make a sound."Aedyn nodded and watched with frightened eyes as Kestan left the room to go downstairs.Kestan went quickly this time, knowing they had to leave as soon as possible.Ordgar the Younger was around Aedyn's height and size and Kestan remembered that he and his father always left their boots in the scullery each night; so Kestan headed straight there and found a pair of Ordgar's boots.It was another rush back up the stairs with the boots in his hands.He found Aedyn anxiously pacing the room awaiting his return."They might still be a bit large for you," said Kestan."But we can stuff the front with stockings to help.""Thank you, Kestan.For everything.""Thank me when we're far away from here." Kestan knew they weren't out of the woods yet.Aedyn sat down on the bed as Kestan knelt in front of it and placed the boots on Aedyn's feet; the stockings did help, but they weren't an exact fit.If Kestan managed to stay out of prison, he wanted to make sure that Aedyn got to a tailor and a cobbler and had clothes and shoes that fitted him perfectly.Aedyn deserved the best of everything."I'm scared, Kestan," Aedyn admitted, looking down at him."I am too, but I won't allow anything to happen to you.I swear it." Kestan reached up and caressed Aedyn's undamaged cheek, not wanting to hurt him further."When my face heals, you're going to have to kiss me again," said Aedyn firmly."That's the only promise I want from you.""Aedyn, you don't know what you're asking.""I do.I know what I want.I want you to kiss me again.I'm not leaving this room until you promise me that.""I can be stubborn too, you know.I can also lift you like a sack of potatoes and carry you out of here if you won't go.""You wouldn't dare!" protested Aedyn."I would dare anything to get you away from here.""Please, Kestan.I can't stop thinking about it, how you kissed me.How much I liked it.I want you to kiss me again.""Very well.When you're healed, I promise to kiss you again."Aedyn smiled through his pain."There, that wasn't so hard, was it?""You'll be the death of me," Kestan muttered under his breath, knowing it could well come true."Are you ready to go?"Kestan stood and opened his bedroom door, glancing back at Aedyn as he stepped out into the corridor.Aedyn nodded and followed Kestan out the door.Kestan'ss heart was thudding so hard against his ribs that he thought it would give them both away so that Grunhall or some of the household would come running and demand to know where they were going.But it seemed all the household was still abed and no one stopped their descent down the stairs.Kestan led the way unerringly to the scullery, Aedyn a few steps behind him.Kestan rummaged in the boot again to fetch the key; their freedom was only a few moments away.He lifted out the large brass key and fit it into the lock."Kestan!" Aedyn shrieked in alarm behind him.They'd taken too long, or else they had been spied upon all along.Kestan turned to see Aedyn pulled taut against Grunhall's bulk, both of Grunhall's arms clamping tightly around Aedyn's chest.The young man was struggling for breath, as well he might.Garom was standing by the door leading into the kitchen, holding aloft an oil lamp like a trophy."Let him go!" protested Kestan, feeling his own breath falter at Aedyn's ragged gasps."Allow my nephew to fall into the hands of a sodomite? I don't think so, Kestan! The town guard will be most interested in this, don't you think? How my poor nephew, presumed dead for all this time, lost his mind while being vilely assaulted for years by his kidnapper, Master Kestan."Kestan couldn't believe this was happening; they had been so close to escape!"You're one to talk about assault, Grunhall! With the boy standing there with the bruises you inflicted on him! You whipped him and left him for dead!""Oh no, not me.You were the one who did this to him, weren't you? Isn't that right, Mr.Garom? You saw the whole thing.""Indeed I did, Ser Grunhall [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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