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.If eitherproperty is True, the current record is invalid.If both properties are True,then there is no data in the database table at all.These properties, and the programmatic control methods, operate on theRecordset property of the data control.Hence, to move to the first record in atable attached to a data control named dtaExample, the syntax is:dtaExample.Recordset.MoveFirstThere is a method used for searching a database:Find Find a record that meets the specified search criteria.This method also operates on the Recordset property and has three arguments wewill be concerned with.To use Find with a data control named dtaExample:dtaExample.Recordset.Find Criteria,NumberSkipped,SearchDirectionThe search Criteria is a string expression like a WHERE clause in SQL.We won’tgo into much detail on such criteria here.Simply put, the criteria describeswhat particular records it wants to look at.For example, using our bookdatabase, if we want to look at books with titles (the Title field) beginningwith S, we would use:Criteria = “Title >= ‘S’”Note the use of single quotes around the search letter.Single quotes are usedto enclose strings in Criteria statements.Three logical operators can be used:equals (=), greater than (>), and less than ( [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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