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.“What’s he doing here?” Simon asked after we turned our bikes off.“I invited him over for dinner,” I replied making my way to the house.“Ah”I walked in and immediately found Matt sitting on the couch, Zadok in his arms.I smiled, no matter how strained their relationship was Matt adored Zadok, and Simon never came between that.“Uncle Matt.”“Seraph,” he replied looking up at me, “you okay?”“Fine,” I said giving my common reply.He looked at me dubiously then over at Simon who nodded his head, I’m sure having some unspoken conversation about me.“Well I had better go get dinner started.” Then I quickly left the room.I listened to them all talking in the living room, none of them bringing up the competition or me.I was grateful for both.I hated when everyone talked about me like I was a china doll that had to be cared for with kid gloves.I would be the first to admit that I have issues, but I tried not to let those issues take over all of my life.Dinner didn’t take long to prepare, and so we were sitting in the living room, telling stories, eating food and having a good night.I loved evenings like this with my family, looking around at all the smiling faces.The guys were picking on one another, while Cam laughed at stories about a young Simon.It was moments like this that I really wished my brother were here with me.I loved all of these people, they were my family, but Cas and I were each other’s home base.Too quickly dinner was over, Matt was leaving, and everyone was going to their separate rooms.“How was the doctor?” asked Saul.“Fine.”“Just fine?”I nodded, “Yep.”“K, night, Girl, I’m leaving in the morning, have to get back to the shop.”“K, night, Saul.”I curled up on the couch and pulled my blanket over my head and drifted to sleep, thinking about Cas and praying that he was safe.I woke up late, so I had to hurry through my morning routine and run out the door so I made it to the garage on time.I didn’t think I would be received well if I was late, the producer seemed to want me gone, and I wasn’t going to give him a reason.I ran into the building and found that they had my team was already situated, so I went over to them and glared at them for not waking me up.“Good morning, princess.”“Bite me, Liam.”“Ah someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”“Rusty dull spoon, Liam,” I reminded him, causing the other two to cough to cover their laughs.I glared at them again before my attention was pulled to the front.“Today you will be painting your cars.There are two paint booths, you will want to check the schedule to find your booth number and time.Use your time wisely, you have four hours,” Eddie said.Then we were off.I went to check the schedule; we were painting in three hours.I could do that, we had an hour in the paint booth.I went to our stall to let the guys know.Then I checked over the body, when I was happy that I wouldn’t have to putty any small dents, I focused on finishing the seat.I quickly finished the seat, glancing over my shoulder, I found cameras trained on me, and rolled my eyes.It seemed that I was a popular target, since every time I turned around I had cameras focused on my ass.I looked around and saw my team was hard at work, so I decided to begin taping up the car for painting, marking out my design.I was planning on a simple flat black paint over the car, then add flair in other ways.“You bringing the steering wheel in with you?” asked Simon.I looked down at the newly fabricated steering wheel and debated between a few ideas.“Yeah, I think I am.”After I had everything taped up, I had about fifteen minutes until our allotted paint time.I loaded all the parts that I would need onto a cart, as well as a few items I needed from my personal stash.With only an hour in the booth, and no real dry time, it really was the best plan to keep it simple.I was going to do only the bare minimum in the booth then tomorrow add on to what I had completed.I wheeled my cart to the painting area, when I got there, I found one of the judges and a production assistant standing outside the door.I parked the cart and stood waiting for my time slot.I dug into my pocket and pulled out my MP3 player, and started searching for the playlist I wanted.Finally, it was my turn, I rolled the cart into the room popped in my ear buds then went to work moving items quickly, finding the paint I had requested waiting for me.I was working in five minutes.I started on the shell of the car, a quick drying primer, then moved on to the steering wheel, and other small parts that needed to be painted.Once I was finished with them, I went back to the shell and found it dry enough, and went to work getting the flat black paint evenly coated.When I was happy with that, I switched colors, to my one accent color and sprayed the smaller parts.I had chosen to use only two colors in the booth to save time, after I was finished with the smaller items I checked the shell and decided it was as dry as it was going to get for my final step.I had decided to use a glossy black as an accent color.It wouldn’t show up easily unless in bright light or in the sun but would look wicked cool.I quickly laid the lace I had cut into a strip where I wanted it, then sprayed it slowly with the glossy black.I went to the other side of the car repeating the procedure, once finished I took a step back, happy with how it was turning out.I quickly changed it over to the final step a clear coat over the smaller parts, carefully removing the lace then spraying the car, I nodded turning everything off.I pulled the ear buds out of my ears and glanced up at the clock, three minutes left and I was finished with this part.I turned towards the door and found Thayne standing there watching me which startled me since I never realized anyone had walked into the room.“Hey,” he said acknowledging me but not taking his eyes off my pedal car.“Hey,” I replied wondering how he got in here, and what he wanted.“So what exactly are you doing here?” he asked gesturing at the car.“Uhm painting it,” I countered sarcastically.He looked over at me, and I realized he had the most gorgeous grey stormy eyes.They had a dark blue circling them making them resemble storm clouds on the horizon.I let out a startled gasp tracing his strong square jaw with my eyes following his facial hair that curved around accentuating it.His brown hair had natural red highlights that set off his amazing eyes.Simply, he was beautiful only in a sheer masculine kind of way and he was not for me.I cleared my throat and forced myself to look back towards the car trying to remember what I was doing before I was sidetracked.“I realize that, smart ass, but what exactly?”“Uhm a lace pattern,” I mumbled trying not to get ensnared by those eyes again.“Huh, never seen that before,” he retorted I glanced up quickly to find him looking at me oddly.I shrugged trying to ease the tension in my shoulders and look unaffected with him standing there staring at me.“It’s not done often anymore.”“Well I look forward to seeing it when it’s done.”I nodded and looked back towards the door, wanting to escape this odd conversation.“I’m sorry about the other morning, I was out of line, it’s just that Tris is or was our leader, and we’ve been having issues since he’s not here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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