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.And the whole time I was trapped in Holborn.St.George’s and the shops in front of the drop were hit the same night.The back of her knees went suddenly weak, as if she had ventured too near the edge of a cliff.“Least that’s what the warden said yesterday morning,” the old man was saying.“It didn’t… here, now, are you all right, miss?”She stared blindly at him.The drop wasn’t hit last night.It was the night before last.But it can’t have been.If it was, then the—Her knees buckled.The old man caught her, dropping his cushion and the paper sack onto the pavement as he did.“Why don’t you sit down here on the curb for a moment,” he said, holding her up.“Till you’re feeling better, and then I’ll take you home.Where is it you live, miss?”He meant the boardinghouse.But Mrs.Rickett and Miss Hibbard and Mr.Dorming and Miss Laburnum were all dead.There was no one there to tell the retrieval team she lived there.And there’d been no one there yesterday, when—“I must go to Townsend Brothers,” Polly said.“That’s not a good idea, miss,” the old man said.“You’ve had a bad shock.The ARP post’s just down the way.I’ll be back in no time.”In no time.They’re all dead, she thought, and they can’t tell them where I am.They can’t come and get me—“Oh, dear,” the old man said, catching her and easing her down onto the edge of the curb.“Are you certain you aren’t injured?” and when she didn’t answer, “You sit there, and I’ll fetch the warden.He’ll know what to do.” He tucked the fringed cushion against the small of her back, trotted off down the street, and disappeared into the fog.Polly got to her feet and stumbled blindly off up the street.She had to get away before he came back with the warden.She had to get to Bayswater Road and find a taxi.And get to Townsend Brothers.But no taxis were abroad, and no buses either.Because of the fog, she thought, but that wasn’t the reason.There was a bus in the center of the road half tipped into a large crater.It was empty.I wonder what happened to the passengers, Polly thought, but she knew.They were all dead.They’d been dead since yesterday, like Miss Laburnum and Trot and Sir Godfrey.Since yesterday.Don’t think about that, she told herself, willing her wobbly legs to walk past it, to walk up the foggy road.Don’t think about any of it.Find a taxi.She finally did, after what seemed like years of walking and wreckage and craters and fog.“Townsend Brothers,” she told the cabbie as she opened the door.“On Oxford Street.”“Townsend Brothers?” he said, looking oddly at her.She’d forgotten shopgirls didn’t take taxis.But she had to.“Yes,” she said.“Take me there immediately.”“But you’re already there,” he said.“Already—?” she said, looking bewilderedly where he was pointing, and there was Townsend Brothers.She looked at the boarded-up display windows, at the doors.And at the empty pavement in front of them.The retrieval team wasn’t there.She’d been so certain they would be, so certain that when they couldn’t find out where she lived, they’d go to Oxford Street.They’ve been delayed, that’s all, she told herself.They couldn’t find a taxi either.Or they thought there wasn’t any point in coming till I arrived for work.They’ll be here at nine.She looked at her watch, but she couldn’t make the hands mean anything.“What time is it?” she asked the cabbie.“Twenty past nine,” he said, pointing up the street at Selfridges’ clock.“You all right, miss?”No.“Yes,” she said, and realized she was still holding on to the open passenger door.She shut it and started toward the store.They’ve already gone inside, she told herself, going in the staff entrance and up the stairs.They’re waiting for me in my department.But they couldn’t be.The store wasn’t open yet, and when she reached third and opened the stairway door, there was no one over by her counter.They’re not here, she thought, and the sick dread she’d been trying to hold at bay since she saw the wrecked church, trying to keep from herself, washed over her in a drowning wave.The drop had been damaged by the same parachute mine that destroyed St.George’s and killed—oh, God, Sir Godfrey and Trot and all the rest of them.They’d been killed and the shops flattened and the drop damaged all at the same time—the night before last, while she was in Holborn, standing in line at the canteen, talking to the librarian, sitting in the tunnel reading the newspaper.No, earlier than that.“Not more’n an hour after the sirens went,” the old man had said.While she was trying to convince the guard to open the gate so she could go to the drop—But it had already been out of commission.Already out of commission when she came to work yesterday morning.The retrieval team should have been here yesterday.They should have been waiting for her outside Townsend Brothers yesterday morning, not today.Yesterday.“Polly!” she heard Marjorie say, but when she looked up, it was Miss Snelgrove, the floor supervisor, who was walking toward her.She looked appalled.She’s going to discharge me, Polly thought, because I didn’t get a black skirt.“Miss Sebastian,” Miss Snelgrove said.“What—?”“I couldn’t get my skirt.I tried, but it wouldn’t open—”“You mustn’t worry about that now,” Miss Snelgrove said, taking her arm as the old man had.“And it’s nearly half past nine.”“You mustn’t worry about that either.Miss Hayes,” Miss Snelgrove said to Marjorie, who’d come over.“Go and tell Mr.Witherill to telephone for a taxi,” but Marjorie didn’t go.“What happened, Polly?” she asked.“They’re not here,” Polly said.“They’re all dead.” She started blindly over to her counter.Miss Snelgrove stopped her and steered her gently back toward the lifts.“We’ll find someone to fill in for you today,” she said, patting Polly kindly on the shoulder.“You need to go home.”Polly looked at her bleakly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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