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.Can you ride it around the neighborhood? We can go for rides together.I need a bike.”“Take it easy.What’s the hurry?”“You need to get back up to speed, so to speak.We have things to do.”“What things, Gia? I don’t need any more things to do.Trying to keep my wife safe and in the same county is work enough for me.”“Stop.I’m not going anywhere.Do I really have to draw you a map here? I’ve wanted to work with children since I can’t remember when.You have a gift for it.We’re in this situation for a reason.Kids like Ty are that reason.It’s our destiny to pool our ideas and talents and help kids.”“No, I don’t need a map.I’ve been feeling it, too.”“I’m going to camp with you tomorrow so I can talk to the directors there.They have experience with grant writing and fundraising.I’m going to pick their brains about how we can start our own deal for special needs children.”“We can’t start a camp, Gia.”“Not with that attitude we can’t.Maybe not this week, but sometime in the future.”“Start smaller.”“OK.First we have to get Ty in the pool.Then onto a hand cycle.Then we can have a game day at the community center for disabled kids.We’ll have food, prizes.Then we can have weekly activities for kids who need a boost.You can have a junior hand cycling club.I can do the emotional and relational stuff—”“Gia.”“I’ll work on a proposal for Coach.I bet he’ll be on board—”“Gia.”“We can do something through the church, too, so we can have a program with a faith-based approach.”“Gia.”“Yes?”“We can get to all this tomorrow.All I want to do is hold you and sleep.”“I love you, Rocky.I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I do love you.Takes my breath away how much.”“I love you, too, Gia.I should have said it, too.I guess that’s what happens when you do the whole thing backwards.You miss the fine details.”“We’ll not miss them again.”“I was scared to death when I came home and saw that note.I thought you were gone for good.”“It said I’d be back.”“Yes, but then I saw your room.All your things were packed.I thought you were moving out.”“No, Rocky, I’m not moving out, I’m moving down the hall.”“Oh.Ooooohhhhhh.Why didn’t you put a box in my room or something? I’ve literally had heart palpitations for two days.”“I’m sorry, but it never occurred to me you would think I wasn’t coming back.It was in the note.We’re married.I love you, and I thought it was high time I spent the night with my husband.Plus, I heard he has a great spa-like shower deal.”“He does.Get some sleep, and then we’ll try it out.”“I love you, Rocky.”“I love you, too, Gia.”Thank you for purchasing this White Rose Publishing title.For other inspirational stories, please visit our on-line bookstore at www.pelicanbookgroup.com.For questions or more information, contact us at customer@pelicanbookgroup.com.White Rose PublishingWhere Faith is the Cornerstone of Love™an imprint of Pelican Ventures Book Groupwww.PelicanBookGroup.comConnect with Uswww.facebook.com/Pelicanbookgroupwww.twitter.com/pelicanbookgrpTo receive news and specials, subscribe to our bulletinhttp://pelink.us/bulletin_May God’s glory shine throughthis inspirational work of fiction.AMDG [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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