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.Graeme held her as she came undone, a bolt of sheer male possessiveness shooting through him as her sheath tightened around him.Unable to hold back a moment longer, Graeme pumped deeper, burying his shaft to the hilt inside her as each thrust came faster, stronger.With a wordless groan, he impaled her fully.As his first spasm began, he lifted her hips off the bed, angling her higher to meet his fierce thrusts.With a shout he spilled inside her.Stars exploded inside his head and he knew nothing but glory.Blair’s quiet sobs brought him back to reality.He touched her cheek, infinitely gentle, infinitely tender.“Dinna worry, lass, I will take care of you.”He held her until she quieted, and continued to hold her until she fell asleep.But sleep did not come easily to Graeme.A storm of warring emotions swelled and churned inside him.He needed Blair, wanted her beyond reason.Since wedding sweet, wee Blair, Joan the Maid had become a dim memory.Could his feelings for Blair be more than physical? he wondered.Nay! He could not love Blair.Though she had not yet fully convinced him about the powers she claimed to possess, he was no longer the doubter he once had been.Were they to share a love, Blair’s powers would thrive, and he could not allow that to happen.If Blair were accused of witchcraft, she could die a violent death.Like Joan.He began to tremble.He would not, could not love Blair, even though his heart warned that she loved him.Making her love him had been his goal from the beginning, and he should be elated at how well he was succeeding.What he felt, however, was something entirely different.If only he could figure out just what it was.Blair awakened the following morning feeling exceptionally well.Then she recalled her dream, and beads of perspiration broke out on her forehead.Crying out, she jerked upright and clutched at her heart.Graeme awoke with a start.“What is it? Are you ill?”Blair’s tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth when she recalled all the ways she and Graeme had made love last night.She’d been awakened in the middle of the night by Graeme’s arousing caresses.Their loving had been slower and gentler than the first time, but every bit as satisfying.“Are you ill?” Graeme repeated.“Nay, ’tis naught.”“Did you have another nightmare?”She shook her head.“I am fine, Graeme, truly.”Graeme searched her face, then shrugged.“ ’Tis late.I have to go.The wool must be bundled up and taken to market.”“You are leaving Stonehaven? When?”“Soon.Tomorrow.I’ll take only Heath with me and leave the other men to protect my property.”His heated expression told her that he considered her his property.“How long will you be gone?”“Not long—a few days at most.Dinna worry, you will be taken care of in my absence.”Blair bristled.“I can take care of myself.”For the span of a heartbeat they were locked in visual combat, neither giving ground.Then he kissed her forehead and climbed out of bed.“Dinna argue, sweeting, I will feel better knowing someone is watching over you.”Blair watched him dress.He was a man in his prime, thick-shouldered and massive.Ridges of sinew bulged and flexed with his slightest move.The blatant sexuality of his powerful physique was almost indecent, yet Blair couldn’t look away.She might have gaped for eternity had Graeme not turned and caught her staring at him.His brows rose in unspoken challenge.Embarrassed, Blair blushed and looked away.“Will you find Alyce and send her to me?” she asked.“I’d like to bathe.”He sent her a wicked leer.“Perhaps I should linger a wee bit longer in your bed.”“Nay! I mean.you said you had things to do to prepare for your departure tomorrow.”“Methinks the lady protests too much.” He grinned, then gave a resigned sigh.“You are right.As much as I’d like to, I’d best not tarry.Until tonight, sweeting,” he promised in parting.“Tonight?” Blair whispered after Graeme had departed.Another night of heated kisses and burning caresses would seal her fate.Loving was easy when the man was Graeme, but being loved in return was not so simple.Alyce bustled into the chamber a few minutes later.“I ordered yer bath, lass.” Her eyes twinkled.“Yer husband gave me the message.”Blair knew precisely what Alyce was thinking.“Dinna make too much of this, Alyce.I am Graeme’s wife.I must do my duty to my husband.If I dinna, he will take a mistress.”“And that would upset ye?”“Nay, I.” It was no use.She couldn’t lie to Alyce.“Aye, it would.The spirits sent Graeme to me.I canna deny him.”Alyce’s eyebrows shot upward.“I am happy ye finally saw the light.The Campbell laird is yer destiny.Be happy with him, lass.’Twas what yer dear departed father wanted.”Blair sighed.“We both know I canna love him.”Alyce snorted.“And we both know ’tis too late for those sentiments.Place yer trust in the Prophecy, lass, and all will be well.”Their conversation ended abruptly when Blair’s bath arrived.Alyce helped her into the tub, then departed so Blair could bathe in private.Resting her head against the rim of the tub, she closed her eyes and recalled the pleasurable hours she had spent in Graeme’s arms the night before.While Graeme ate his breakfast, his thoughts kept returning to Blair.Something was happening to him, and he liked it not.How had she become so important to him in such a short time? What he felt went beyond his need to protect her.Joan was no more than a sweet memory, pure and holy and unreachable.“Are ye not hungry, Graeme? I could fix ye something else if porridge doesna appeal to ye.”Graeme smiled up at Glenda.“Nay, lass, porridge is fine.My mind is occupied with other things this morning.”Glenda glanced about, saw they were alone and placed her hand on his shoulder.“You have been neglecting me.Have I offended ye in some way?”“Nay, lass, you did naught to offend me.But I have a wife now.”“Yer wife is a witch, Graeme.Dinna pretend ye want her.”Graeme stifled a grin.Want her? He desired her to the point of obsession.“You know naught about my feelings.Mayhap ’tis time I found you a husband.”Glenda threw herself at Graeme.“Nay, laird, I dinna want to wed anyone but ye.’Tis all her fault.She has bewitched ye.Ye would have wed me had the MacArthur laird not begged ye to marry his evil daughter.”Graeme tried to unwind Glenda’s arms from his neck, but she clung to him like a leech.“I wouldna have wed you under any circumstances, Glenda.You came to my bed willingly.If you recall, no mention was made of marriage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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