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."THE EASIEST DONUT RECIPE IN THE WORLDI hesitate to call this a recipe, it's so simple, but the results are spectacular, and the process is the easiest I've ever come across.Try them when you've got hot oil for a different batch of donuts, and I think you'll agree.INGREDIENTS1 can, biscuit dough (I like the sourdough recipe)DIRECTIONSTake the biscuit rounds from the can, then use your hole cutter only to cut out the center.Add the rounds and holes to 375-degree oil, and turn after 2 minutes on each side.A trick here is that the centers often turn over in the oil on their own when they're done.After draining them on a rack or on paper towels, you can eat these plain, or dust with powdered sugar.It's amazing how pretty they turn out, and they taste good, too.What more could you ask for?Makes 4 to 8 donuts.CHAPTER 10The door was locked when we got to Rita's place, and no amount of banging would bring her to answer."Maybe she's gone," Grace said."More likely, she's passed out on the floor," I said.We were walking back to the car, though, and something made me turn around.I saw a face duck away from a window in the living room, and just before it vanished, I recognized it as Rita's."She's watching us," I said.Grace asked, "How do you know that?""I just saw her.""Then we're going back."I grabbed her arm."Grace, she obviously doesn't want to see us."My friend had a determined look on her face."If she's in there, and she's awake, I'm going to make her come to the door.""Grace, we can't make her talk to us.It's not like we have badges or anything.""That doesn't mean she can just ignore us."I shook my head."Sorry, but that's exactly what it means.Let's just go.We'll figure out something else.""Fine, but I think we're giving up too easily.""Maybe, but it's been a long day.I'm tired and hungry, and in a few hours, I've got to get up to make donuts again.""Do you want to grab a bite while we're out?" she asked."No, I just want to get home and forget about the world tonight.Do you mind dropping me off at my Jeep?""Not a problem," she said.As we drove, Grace asked, "So, what do you make of all we saw today?""It's going to take some time to digest it all, but one thing's certain.""What's that?""Nobody recognized me," I said, smiling."I won our bet.I can't wait to have lunch at Napoli's.""You were right, so I'll pay up.I can't believe nobody knew who you were.""Like I said, it's all about context," I said.We arrived at my Jeep back in April Springs, and I got out of Grace's car."Thanks for helping out this afternoon.I couldn't have done it without you.""Are you kidding? I had a blast.Suzanne, I know you're sick of the entire town worrying about you, but be careful, okay? I've got a feeling somebody we've talked to in the last few days is a murderer."I would have loved to be able to disagree, but I couldn't."I think you're right.I just wish we knew which one.""That would make life easier, wouldn't it?"After she drove off, I noticed something tucked under my windshield wiper.It couldn't be a parking ticket.I was in front of my own shop.Instead of a ticket, I found a note."Sorry I missed you.I'll catch up with you later.Jake."He wasn't the only one who was sorry.Though we'd just had one date--and it had ended less than perfectly--I found myself becoming attached, something I hadn't planned on, or been expecting.I was still smiling when Max, my ex, walked up, with a dozen long-stemmed red roses in his hand.And suddenly, the lightness of my good mood was gone."There's my Suzie girl.These are for you."I made no move to take them."You should have saved yourself the money," I said."I don't want them."Max frowned gently."Hey, I'm trying to apologize here.The least you could do is let me." His words were a little slurred, not enough for most folks to be able to tell that he had been drinking, but I'd been around him a long time."How much have you had to drink?"He held up his thumb and index finger about two inches apart."A little, I admit it.So, how about it? You wanna go out with me tonight?""You must be out of your mind," I said."Right now I wouldn't go out with you again on a bet, and that doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that you wrecked my date last night.""Are you seriously telling me you'd rather date that cop than me? Suzanne, we had something special.""I thought so, too.I wonder what Darlene would say?""Would you drop that once and forever?" Without realizing he was doing it, Max swung the roses down, smacking them on the hood of the Jeep.Petals flew off onto the asphalt, and I took a step backward.Keeping my voice calm, I said, "Your temper has gotten a lot worse since we split up, hasn't it?""I'm going crazy trying to get you to forgive me," he said.I could swear he looked like he wanted to cry."I'm sorry, but I can't." This was a scene I'd been dreading since we ended our marriage.Max almost never drank, because when he did, his emotions dictated his actions, and he hated losing control."I want you back in my life," he said, after he'd managed to compose himself."I'm not giving up."He started to try to hand me the flowers again, then noticed their beaten appearance.After flipping them into a trash can, Max walked away, and I finally started breathing again.What was I going to do about him? I thought we'd worked out a way to be around each other without scenes like this, but evidently, I'd been wrong.At one time, he'd been the most important part of my life, and he'd thrown it away with one stupid, thoughtless indiscretion.But it was all I could think about when I saw him, and I wondered if the image of him and Darlene together would ever go away.Momma was waiting for me by the door."Don't you look all grown-up," she said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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