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.The Bleydeauxs are even nervous about that android Temple your father built a year ago.They think odd things are going on there, too.""What Temple? I hadn't heard of that." What would androids need with a temple, Andros wondered."It was an idea of your father and I, give the androids something to worship, something to call their own.I'm afraid it didn't work out too well.Most of them aren't interested," Mathler sighed."And Fitzsimmons, what do they think he's doing?" Andros asked."They think he's forming an army of androids and that there will be an attempt to take over Bleydeaux and add it to the Complex," Rodge answered."Most of them are mad at him because they can't get any more Ones or Twos, so they make up rumors, but this one could be true.He could do it if he convinced the Confederation it would be the best thing for Roarchik's.Bleydeaux is an unimportant city here on Mhalkeri—Jastium, as the capital, could handle all our work—but the Confederation runs on Roarchik androids.""Fitzsimmons couldn't get the androids to follow him.They know he has no interest in android equality.""True.But he is making a lot of androids out at the Complex who know nothing about equality and Fitzsimmons will keep them that way.""Then why would they fight for him?" Andros asked."That should be easy to figure out.They'll fight because they're programmed to.Power is Fitzsimmons' god." Rodge was watching a row of infocubes march out of the retrieval hatch."An army of zombie-like androids behind him could be important in gaining such power.Your father wanted nothing for himself; perhaps that's why he died, he wasn't tough enough to put his own welfare first.You can be sure if Fitzsimmons causes a revolt, he won't come out the loser.He would be very sure of that before he started." Rodge checked the row of infocubes, lining them up neatly."I think we have all the data now." He picked up the first cube in the stack and fitted it into the viewer."Andros, if you would come and have a look…"The screen was filled by an official looking document dated the day of Andros' birth, and had an impressive heading which said "Agreement of Responsibility" in elaborate script.Below that were several lines of legalese which Andros could not begin to understand, and places for two signatures.The space marked "mother" was blank.The other line contained his father's name."Master Mathler, would you mind explaining this to me? It does seem to be written in Comspell, but I can't make out one side from the other.""I'd be only too glad to assist.That's what Record Clerks are for, to explain records." Mathler bustled over to the viewscreen and peered at the cube readout."Now let's see, it says, 'I the true undersigned do hereby, with sound mind and under solemn oath as a citizen of the Confederation, with free will and without coercion…""Sir," Andros said plaintively, "I can read it, but I don't understand what it means.How does this affect me as a human? Does it prove I'm Erik Roarchik's son?""Party of the first part does hereby—sorry, I do tend to get so involved in these, the phrasing is so lovely.Let me see, what would "be the best way to explain this?" He stroked his chin reflectively."You do understand that you were an outborn child?""Yes, I was told that by my father.But that's not very important as far as my rights are concerned.""Yes, but your father could just as easily have sent you to a creche and washed his hands of you.He didn't.In this document, he states that he is your father and he will not only be financially responsible for you, but that he will also raise you, taking all responsibility until the age of twenty-one—just as if you had been termborn.And now this is very important.He says you are to inherit all of his estate at his death, no matter what other children he might have had after your birth, termborn or otherwise.That is an unusual clause.I tried to tell him it wouldn't stand up in a court of law should he have other children, but he insisted there would be no one but you to inherit Roarchik's.If you can prove you are human, you will be a very rich man, Andros.""Or if Fitzsimmons can prove you're an android, the Confederation gets everything.There are no other claims on the estate," Rodge said."This next document will interest you, too." He pushed a button to advance the cube to a new section.It's a proof of supposed parentage document.""A what? Does the Confederation know about this?""Yes." Rodge glanced down at the screen."But don't get your hopes up, it's not as good as you might think.Your problem is that it's to the Confederation's advantage to have you declared an android [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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