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.This is your chance to tie the game.” He paused for a moment, no doubt wallowing in his success, and then ruffled my hair.“You know what? I’m feeling generous tonight.You win this challenge, not only will I tear up that document so Jeremy and Daddy will never see it, I’ll go one step better and give you your merger.Want to shake on it?”What else could I have done but take the offered hand.I knew I could make amends with Kris, replace the loss from Sybers’ pulling out, but I’d have no chance in hell of recovering from embezzlement.I’d be disowned and sent to prison.My father would show no mercy.The front door opened and Marcus walked back in, followed by a gorilla-sized man in a charcoal grey suit.He was about as attractive as one too, the only difference that instead of his head and face covered in dark hair, his was red.“Come in, come in,” Judas greeted them.“Our guest has agreed to be our evening’s entertainment.Marcus, be so kind as to hand me a glass of wine, please.”“Yes, sir,” Marcus said with a grin and moved to get Judas’s glass.“Tommy, this is Patrick, my personal assistant.”I didn’t like the feel of this and didn’t try to hide my distaste as I glared at the ape hatefully.“Don’t be rude, boy.Say hello,” Judas chastised.“You will show him the same respect as me.Understood?”I pressed my lips together tightly and took a steadying breath in through my nose, blowing it out slowly.You won’t do well in prison, I reminded myself.“Yes, sir,” I said to Judas, and then turned to Patrick.“Nice to meet you, sir.” I got a grunt in response.“Thank you, Marcus,” Judas murmured when he was handed his wine.“Have a seat.You too, Patrick.” Judas waved toward the two leather club chairs across from the couch.“We can get the festivities under way.”“Yes, sir,” Marcus responded quickly and took the seat indicated.Patrick, true to his animal appearance, gave another grunt, but did as he was told.“Okay, boy.Pick one to suck or be fucked by.Choose wisely.” Judas sipped his wine regally, in stark contrast to his words.He’d just pimped my ass—or mouth—out and he looked as if he were sitting at a cocktail party.I looked back and forth between the two men.Marcus looked a little nervous, shifting in his chair, and wouldn’t meet my eyes.Patrick’s green eyes were cold, emotionless, and his face devoid of any readable expression.Choose wisely echoed in my head.I was sure there was a cryptic message in the statement.I stole another glance toward Judas.He just smiled when he caught me looking at him.I needed to try and outthink him, outplay him.I turned my attentions back to Marcus.He had a lowly job, and his nervousness showed in his twitching limbs and the wringing of his hands.He was beyond pathetic in wanting a blow job or fuck, yet not man enough to look me in the eye.Marcus was the epitome of weakness and his impotence disgusted me.Judas would assume I’d pick Patrick, easier on my ego to kneel before a man the size and strength of Patrick.And I would be kneeling; no way in hell was I going to choose to give up my sore ass to either of them.“Now,” Judas snapped.“I’ll suck him,” I said through gritted teeth and nodded toward Marcus.My repugnance for the man grew when his cheeks turned a deep shade of red.“Your lucky day, Marcus,” Judas said raising his glass towards him.“When’s the last time you had a good blow job? I bet not since you got married.”Marcus shook his head.“Nope and not since the divorce either,” he said with a nervous laugh.“Well you’re in for a real treat,” Judas said brightly.“My new boy here gives amazing head,” he bragged and tightened his arm around me in a brief hug.“You can fuck his mouth as hard and deep as you want.” Judas quirked a brow and leered at me before adding, “Just make sure you let him catch his breath every now and then.We wouldn’t want the night to end on a bad note.”Patrick laughed at that, the first emotion I’d seen or heard from him.“Give us a show, boy.Marcus is a little shy.He’s never had a man suck his dick so I’ll be calling the shots.Understood?”“Yes, sir.”“Well, go on then,” Judas nudged.I stood and started to take a step when Judas ordered, “Crawl to him.”I had to rein in my temper and force my body to obey, but I went to my knees [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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