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.He moved enough to find my lips, kissing me in quick bursts.I laughed as he nuzzled my neck, his breath tickling the skin behind my ear.“I need a shower,” I said with a groan.“Yeah, I guess.Can I join you?”“You’d fucking better.I don’t want you out of my sight today.I want to fuck you until neither of us can move.”He made an “mmm” noise into my ear, sucking my earlobe into his mouth and biting it gently between his teeth until I cried out.He let me go, kissing a line across my jaw and my lips again before climbing off of me.He walked into the bathroom, and I heard the water start in the shower.I lay on the bed for a few more minutes, trying to get up the energy to get off the bed and make my way to Ethan.I closed my eyes.The picture I had of him naked with soapy water cascading down his smooth flesh was enough to get me up.Ethan had the water so hot that when I opened the door a wall of steam hit me in the face.I stepped into the room, closing the door to keep in the heat and climbed into the shower behind him.“Where were you?” he asked.“Trying to get up,” I said with a yawn.“I think you already wore me out.” Ethan turned to look at me, lifting my chin up as if studying me.“You look pale.”I put my hands on his hips and moved in to kiss him.He let me for a minute but pulled away much too quickly.“Jamie, I mean it.You don’t look so good.”“I didn’t hear you complaining this morning,” I said with a small laugh, but he didn’t seem to find it funny.“I think you need to eat.You’ve been running on nothing but my blood for a week.You’ll need to find a donor tonight.I don’t want to risk losing you again.I just got you back.” He sounded genuinely worried, but I didn’t really understand why.I knew I was tired, but having just had two amazing orgasms, I didn’t think exhaustion was that out of the ordinary.But I supposed if it was that important to him, I could try to eat a little someone.He handed me the soap, apparently not willing to get me in the mood again until he felt I was well enough.I blew out an exaggerated sigh which finally earned me a smile from him, but he kept to his own side of the shower while I cleaned up.He turned off the water and helped me out of the tub.I walked into the bedroom to get dressed, leaving him alone in the bathroom.I wasn’t angry, just slightly frustrated that he seemed fine while I just wanted to spend another week in bed.I wondered if the exhaustion could be left over from the previous week.Should I have stayed in the Temple a few more days, not tried to push myself so quickly?As the thoughts flew through my mind, I barely had a moment to wonder why the floor was racing so quickly towards my face, then the world went black.* * * *“What the hell did you do to him?” Beth’s voice was too loud as I struggled to open my eyes.I wondered what she was doing at Ethan’s, but when I inhaled deeply through my nose, I smelled burning sage and knew I had somehow ended up back at the Temple.“What’s going on?” I asked groggily.“Jamie, are you all right?” Ethan was next to me, and I smiled when his hand brushed the hair on my forehead.“I’m fine.I’m just a little tired,” I said.I struggled to sit up, and Ethan pulled me against him so I could lean into his shoulder and not have to hold myself up yet.“What happened?”“I came into the bedroom, and you were passed out on the floor.I swear, if you don’t stop doing this to me, I’m going to kill you myself and get it over with,” Ethan said.“Don’t you threaten my brother!”“Beth, shut up,” I said softly.“He’s kidding.” At least, I was pretty sure he was.“Beth, stop yelling.I’m quite sure your brother could use some quiet.And I need to talk to them alone.You should go.I think I can handle it from here.” Gran’s voice sounded strained, as if she were having a hard time keeping from shouting herself.Beth’s heels clicked away, then the door to the Temple slammed.Ethan and Gran both blew out sighs, and I laughed.“So, what have I done now?” I asked.My eyes didn’t seem to want to stay open, but I didn’t feel all that bad anymore.“It wasn’t your fault,” Ethan said, kissing the top of my head.“Gran agrees that you probably need fresh blood.None of us are equipped to live on blood pouches and other vampire’s blood for an extended period of time.” I nodded.The thought of anyone but Ethan near me made my stomach flip a little.I had thought the bond was getting better, and I didn’t understand why Ethan was fine, but I still seemed to be a big old mess.It didn’t seem fair, and a little resentment filled me at the thought.I opened my eyes and realised that there was another person in the Temple with us.The too-young-looking boy from The Kiss stood next to Gran.He looked scared, as if I would attack him at any moment.It made me wonder what kind of stories had been circulating the city about Ethan and me, but I wasn’t interested enough to actually ask.“I don’t want to bite him,” I said.“Okay,” Ethan said.“If I bite him, do you think you can handle drinking from him?” I nodded, the small movement of my head making me nauseous.I hated feeling so weak, especially in front of Ethan.For some reason, having him witness this made it so much worse.I felt like an absolute pussy, and even though I didn’t hate him anymore, I still wanted to believe I was stronger than him.The boy seemed to relax at the realisation that I wouldn’t bite him.I didn’t understand why he was so skittish of me.The last time I had seen him, he’d offered his wrist to both of us, but now he didn’t seem to want my fangs anywhere near me.This was fine with me.His fear made me feel a little more manly.Ethan pulled the boy closer, his fangs piercing the boy’s wrist so gently he didn’t even flinch.I smelled the blood as soon as it hit the air, and something about it made me angry.It felt like I was moving in slow motion as my head turned towards the source of that bittersweet scent.Ethan softly sucked at the boy’s wrist, and I felt heat fill my face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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