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.She walked softly into the chamber and dipped a bow before the too-still queen.On impulse, she began to sing.The queen's gaze remained fixed and blank, but her head tipped a bit to one side as if she were listening.When Tzigone fell silent, Beatrix softly began to repeat the last song in a flat, almost toneless voice.Her voice strengthened as she sang.It was ragged from disuse and long-ago hurts, but in it was the echo of beauty.Tzigone shot a dazzling smile at Matteo.She sang another song, and again the queen repeated it.Then Tzigone spoke of starsnakes, and the queen sang the little spell song that Tzigone had used to summon the winged beasts.On and on they went, with Beatrix responding with songs appropriate to various situations Tzigone presented."Well?" she said triumphantly."It makes sense," Matteo agreed."Music and reason do not always follow the same pathways in the mind.A person who suffers a mind storm might not remember how to speak but often can still sing the songs learned before the illness.However, Keturah's voice no longer holds the power to cast magic.""All she has to do is remember the song.I’ll cast it."After a few moments Matteo nodded.He left the room and spoke with the guards, who released the queen into his keeping.The three of them made their way down the winding stairs to the dungeon.Matteo and Tzigone went first.He had committed to memory each of the spell words Zalathorm used during their descent and whispered each one to Tzigone-only a wizard's voice could undo the wards.She repeated each spell word as they moved together from step to step.It was a long descent, and by the time they reached the bottom both were limp with tension."For once that jordaini memory training came in handy," she murmured as she took off into the room.A sudden bolt of energy sent her hurtling back into Matteo's arms.He sent her an exasperated look."Memory training," he reminded her."There's no sense in having a jordain around if you don't make good use of him!"Tzigone recovered quickly and sent him a teasing leer."I’ll remind you of those words at a more convenient time."With a sigh, Matteo pushed her away and gave her a shove."Three paces, then turn left."They traversed the maze without further mishaps.Finally the three of them stood before the crimson globe.Andris and Zalathorm were still there.The jordain stood off to one side, watching intently as the king knelt before the shining artifact.Zalathorm rose and faced the newcomers."Akhlaur has returned.He awaits me on the field of battle."Matteo looked uncertainly from the king to his oldest friend."Much of Zalathorm's power comes from the artifact,'' he ventured."You told me it is impossible to fight evil with evil means," Andris reminded him."What could be more wicked than leaving these spirits in captivity, when we might be able to free them?"Zalathorm clapped a hand on the jordain's transparent shoulder."That is the sort of advice a king needs to hear.Do what you must, and when the task is done, join me in battle." He glanced at Matteo."When battle is through, I trust you will not mind sharing the honor of king's counselor with another?"A wide grin split Matteo's face.The king smiled faintly.He stepped forward and gently touched his queen's face in silent farewell, then disappeared.Andris looked to Tzigone."What now?"A whispered tune drifted through the room.Tzigone motioned for silence and listened intently to her mother's voice.The song was ragged, the notes falling short of true and the tone dull and breathy, but Tzigone listened with all the force of her being, absorbing the shape and structure of it.Enchantment flowed through the song, revealing a subtle web around the glowing gem.Matteo stared at the gathering magic and recognized its source.There was a defensive shield about the gem that no wizard could perceive or dispel.Someone, somehow, had crafted it from the Shadow Weave.Matteo's nimble mind raced as he considered the meaning and implications of this.Kiva had studied the crimson star for over two hundred years.She had been Akhlaur's captive and most likely knew the secrets that kept the artifact inviolate against attack.Where had Akhlaur learned these secrets, some two hundred years ago? Knowledge of the Shadow Weave was only now creeping into Halruaa!The answer struck him like a firebolt.Akhlaur had learned as Matteo had-in the shadowy antechamber of the Unseelie court.In doing so, he had become what he truly was.Vishna had wondered about his old friend's transformation from an ambitious wizard to a villain who saw no evil as beyond his right and his grasp.Here was the answer.But why Kiva's interest in Keturah? Why the partnership with Dhamari?Keturah could evoke creatures with a song.Spellsong was a powerful magic, one common to the elven people.Perhaps this was needed to form a bond with the elven spirits within.Then there was Dhamari, with his determination to summon and command the denizens of the Unseelie realm.He was an ambitious wizard but not a talented one.Perhaps Kiva had seen in him a fledgling Shadow Adept and encouraged him along this path.Perhaps it was not three descendants who were needed, so much as three talents unlikely to occur in one person.Matteo quickly took stock of his friends and their combined arsenals."Tzigone, touch the gem.See if you can find some sense of Andris within it."She shot him a puzzled look but did as he bade.Her face grew tense and troubled."I can see the battle in Akhlaur's Swamp," she said."Damn! I'd forgotten how ugly that laraken was!""Andris," prompted Matteo."He's here.Or more accurately, a part of him is." She withdrew from the gem and her gaze shifted from the ghostly jordain to Matteo."What's this about?""Making contact with the spirits captured within.Andris is uniquely suited to doing this.The first step involved in multiwizard magic is attunement.That is his task.The casting of magic is all about focus and energy-the spell song you sing will no doubt be echoed by the elven spirits within."Her gaze sharpened with understanding."What about you?"Matteo held her gaze."Akhlaur cast a defensive web around the crimson star, made of the Shadow Weave.I can see it.Perhaps I can dispel it."Andris's pale hazel eyes bulged."You're a Shadow Adept?""I suspect that's overstating the matter," Matteo said shortly, "but it's close enough for our purposes.Let's get on with it.""Those who used the Shadow Weave too often and too long can gain great power of magic, but over time they lose clarity of mind," Andris reminded him."Whatever else you might be, you're still a jordain.You stand to lose the thing that most defines you!""Then let's do this quickly."Tzigone extended both hands to the jordaini.Each took one.For a moment they stood together.Color began to return to Andris, flowing slowly back into the translucent form.Matteo nodded to Tzigone, and she began to sing the melody her mother had taught her.The song seemed to splinter like light caught in a prism [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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