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.Between the two protruded a DNA lock.Trent moved before the wall, running his fingers over its carved surface, before reaching for the DNA lock as if he knew how to use it.It spun a quarter turn, then stopped.Terra squawked, hopping down his arm to lay one of his tiny hands on the lock beside Trent’s.It started to spin again, but stopped after another quarter turn.“Sasha, I think.” Trent started, but Sasha had already stridden to his side, placing her hand atop his.The DNA lock spun the last half-turn before spiraling inwards as the door folded into millions of tiny blocks that vanished into the surrounding walls.“A DNA lock, only those who have been provided permission by the emperor, king, or queen shall be allowed to enter,” Sasha explained when she noticed Trent staring in awe.Finding him locked in place, she wrapped her arm around his, pressing her body close to lead him through as Terra hoped back into her bosom.Trent glanced over, drawn by the sudden movement, and watched Terra curled up within.Sasha noticed his gaze linger, so she placed a finger to his chin, tilting his view away.“I.sorry.” he apologized, like he hadn’t realized what he was doing.She smiled, finding that she didn’t actually mind him staring, then shook off the foreign thought.What on Origin am I thinking?As they moved farther from the entrance, deeper into the darkness beyond, the door reassembled, blocking the only light.They stood together, only their rapid breaths sounding in the cavernous interior, like they were the only two beings who existed in the entire universe.“Vin?” she questioned after a moment.In response, a single spotlight appeared from high above to bath a towering statue that began to sparkle mysteriously in the center of the room, depicting a man who Sasha knew quite well.The sparkles, seeming to be attracted to the light above, began to flow up the statue’s surface, erupting from the crown it adorned one after another.They began to swirl, coalescing into the shape of a galaxy.their galaxy.She was drawn forward, towards the statue, pulling a dazed Trent along beside her.“My father, King Johan Vn’Oco,” Sasha whispered under her breath.Trent froze at her side, doubt covering his shadowy face.“You’re the daughter of the king?” Trent asked in disbelief.“I thought you said you would trust me?” she said, glaring at Trent, trying not to let her anger seep into her voice.“I do,” his expression gradually shifted to concern, “but I haven't seen anything that would completely convince me that what has been happening is not some sort of grand corporate experiment that I just happened to get caught up in,” Sasha stared at him, dumbfounded, he thought this, her, was all a lie, a fabrication! “But,” he continued before she could respond, her tongue locked by what she’d just heard, “I have seen things that even I know are well beyond this world.So if you tell me, Sasha that.that this is not a corporate experiment that.that we are not brainwashed and this is real.everything I've heard, seen, experienced is real I.I will believe you, since I trust you, no matter how hard my mind cries not too,” Trent, though his words were unemotional, couldn’t hide his pleading, pleading for someone to answer a question that must have been eating at him since he first joined the TSB.“Everything is real Trent,” she moved before him, squeezing his hands in hers, “what is fake is the life you lived until now.Earth is the experiment, created by the NHA to study human development and evolution over tens of thousands of years,” Sasha stared into his eyes, hoping to see recognition that yes.he did in fact.understand.*********Her words didn't register at first, being so unbelievable that his mind tried to smother them before he could fully comprehend.But as he stared into her eyes, something released, like a frozen gear had just become unjammed or the blinds that hid what was actually beyond the window were just flipped.I am the lie.Trent let this knowledge sink in, to push back against the voice that screamed it was impossible she spoke the truth, that she was just trying to confuse him, manipulate him, like all the other women who had been a part of his life.But he knew, beyond any doubt, she wouldn't lie to him, though why he knew this fact escaped him.So if she said everything that had occurred, all the outrageous events he'd experienced since he’d become a hobo, were all related to some gigantic human space empire, he would believe her.As he continued staring into the eyes of the woman he'd met less than an hour before, Trent began to realize that it made a strange sort of sense.He’d always felt that there was something inherently wrong with the world that he could never quite place.Now he knew what that feeling was, the feeling of dislocation.Humans are not native to Earth.“So that would make you not just a grand duchess, but a princess?” Trent sighed, resigned to this new reality.He'd finally given up on his past.on Earth.and it was time to start moving on.Sasha’s expression softened, draining of tension, as she took a step back, rising to her full height while studying him intently, like he was a sculptor in need of appraisal.Seeming satisfied, she flicked her hair over her shoulder, then leaned in to kiss his cheek.Blood rushed to the spot where her lips had touched and his heart pounded in his ears, a giddiness rising within like that was the first time he’d ever been kissed.Sasha, with a mischievous grin that Trent thought could melt anyone's heart.even his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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