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.Chapter SixteenKaterina came slowly back to consciousness.It was a while before she was aware of anything except pain-pain in her head, pain in her stomach and back, pain in her groin and thighs, pain everywhere.The pains burned and stabbed and throbbed.She tried to sit up to vomit again, realized that her hands and feet were tied painfully tight, and turned her head to one side.She retched miserably for a long time, but her stomach was completely empty.For a while it seemed that her mind was completely empty too.Then sounds and sights from the world around her gradually sorted themselves out.She was lying under a bush at the edge of the clearing.A look down at herself told her the pains were all real.From her breasts down to her thighs she was a mass of bruises, as though a dozen men had pounded on her with clubs.Out in the clearing the leader was sitting on the grass, watching the six undefeated warriors digging in the ground with their spearpoints.The other three-the one Katerina had killed and the two she'd wounded-lay on their backs.All three were dead.Apparently these people killed those wounded who were too badly hurt to travel.The leader now noticed that she was conscious.With the help of two warriors he staggered to his feet and walked slowly over to her.Katerina tensed.Was he going to take his turn with her now? She knew that she could not stand it, and that she would have to.She had been afraid and she was still afraid.She would not show it again, and she would not die.Or at least she would not die until she'd killed a few of these sons of bitches!The leader stepped away from his two supporters and stood looking down at Katerina, swaying slightly on his feet.He seemed to be appraising her, like a meat-buyer appraising a collective farm's prize steer.When he finally spoke, she was able to listen almost calmly."Woman, you have been met by the Ganthi as are all Strangers who enter our lands.You have been defeated, as are all Strangers.The Ganthi are mighty warriors.If you were a man, you would now be dead, for our land is not for Strangers."But you are a woman.You are a woman who yet has the strength and skill of a warrior.This we have seen, we, the Brothers of the Hunt.We see only that which is true.So you are what you seem, and not what evil spirits may have put before us to make us afraid.I, Stul, an Elder Brother of the Hunt, say this:" The other warriors bowed their heads at these words."You shall be taken to Thessu, and you shall live among the Ganthi as a woman taken in war.You will bear sons who will grow to be warriors and Hunters of the Ganthi, and daughters who will bear more sons.They will be strong, for you are a strong woman.This I say."I also say that you shall be first offered to Geddo, High Chief of the Ganthi.He is a man who needs many women, and takes them whenever he needs them.Those who please him may have great honor when they bear his sons.Think of this.I, Stul, say it."Stul turned away.By now Katerina had prodded and pushed her sluggish wits into thinking up a strategy to improve her position here among the Ganthi.Or at least it would keep her alive a little longer.She pitched her voice to be firm but not too commanding."Stul, I would speak."The Elder Brother stopped and turned, then stared down at her again, trying to read her expression.Katerina kept her face expressionless and waited.Finally Stul nodded."You may speak.""I am to be offered to your greatest warrior, is that not so?""It is so.Such is the High Chief of the Ganthi.""Can I be given to him, unclean as I am? For you of the Hunters have indeed treated me as a woman, without any rites.You have made me unclean by the laws of my people.""The laws of your people are not the laws of the Ganthi, woman.""They are the laws I obey, Stul.I say this-you Hunters shall not make me unclean again.If you do I shall not be fit in my own eyes to be given to the High Chief.I shall not let myself live to be brought before him.I was a warrior, I know how to bring death upon myself, and none of the Ganthi can stop me if I wish it.If I am made unclean again, I shall wish it."It was a risky bluff, but not a hopeless one.Stul obviously hoped to give her as a gift to the High Chief of the Ganthi.She would be an unusual, even an exotic gift-a warrior woman-and Geddo would presumably be grateful.Stul would not want anything to happen to her between here and Thessu.If she threatened to kill herself if she was raped again, Stul might just possibly decide that he and his men should behave themselves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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