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.The motorbike shop was still there.I really wanted to get a new one.I missed riding.The Yes Man hadn't been given an office with a river view, but at least he got catering.A full cafetière and a small mountain of shortbread fingers sat on a nearby tray.Maybe things weren't as bad as I'd thought.29The door opened.The Yes Man had two buff folders in his hand.He was exactly as I remembered him: five foot six, florid complexion.'How was Harley Street?'I held up my arm a little, as if he could see through the dressing.'Haven't been yet.In the morning.'He wore a dark business suit, with a white shirt and a scarlet tie.On his left hand he still wore a wedding ring.I pointed through the window.'Changed a bit since I was here last.'He was busy pulling a chair from under the table.'My new office?'I joined him at the long table but kept a three-chair distance.'New shops.The gay place.You lot get corporate membership?'He stared at me across the table, not enjoying my joke.I smiled even more broadly.'It says it's got a sauna.'The Yes Man pushed one of the folders across the table and started to pour the coffee.Even upside-down, I could read the stencil UK EYES ALPHA, which meant it was for the eyes of MI5, MI6, Special Forces, GCHQ and Whitehall only, and never to be read by a non-British citizen.There was no yellow card paperclipped to the cover.This was still an unaccountable document, a mere draft or proposal.That normally meant they hadn't found anyone stupid enough for the job.The cover sheet was stamped with various acronyms, like O2G2/OPS and IO/GN, all meaningless to me.They'd have been senior officers, though, who'd signed it off as read.Like every organization, the Firm liked to cover its arse.The best part of any MI6 file, as far as I was concerned, had always been the title, and this one said simply: 'The Need to Locate Dominik Condratowicz, Polish TV Journalist'.The reports themselves might be full of gobbledegook, but the titles were always bang on the money.The best one I'd ever seen was: 'The Need to Assassinate President Milosevic of Serbia'.There hadn't been a yellow card on it, though, which was probably the reason he'd ended up in the dock at The Hague instead of dead in a Belgrade gutter.I opened the folder to find just two printed pages of A4.The document might have been stamped by whoever had had to read it, but the signature page on the inside flap was missing.The two pages included a digital photograph, probably from his passport application.It was definitely Dom.I looked up.'Locate? Don't the Firm know where he is? I assumed you—''He's disappeared.Nobody's heard from him.'I ran a thumb over my stubble.'He was pretty shaken after what happened, by all accounts.I left messages for him, and made arrangements for Media Ops to look after him when he turned up.It was all I could do before I flew out.I had some other stuff to see to here.Then I was going to make some calls.You sure he isn't just off on some story?''I don't believe so.' The Yes Man reached for the coffee and nudged a full cup my way.'I'm still trying to sift through what I can rule in and what I can rule out.Did he mention anything out of the ordinary while you were there? Anything about his home life, family, Dublin, that sort of thing? Anything that might give us any indication of his whereabouts or plans?''Nothing.He just got on with his job, really.I'm not exactly a bosom buddy.'The Yes Man sat forward and took one of the shortbreads.'Did he say anything about his work, perhaps?'I had to give him something or he'd know I was fucking him about.Which would mean Sundance and Trainers being told to fuck me about.'Nothing much.I know he was fixated on the heroin trade, but on the whole Dom kept things close to his chest.'The Yes Man sat back with his brew, deep in thought.'You don't think he's been lifted, do you?'He pursed his lips.'It's a scenario, Nick.'I frowned, and not just because of what he'd called me.If Dom was being held, the decision whether or not even to try to rescue him would be made very high up.It all boiled down to PR [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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