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.It was as if she were seeing yet another side of him today, all his barriers down as he concentrated on her.She had never felt so cosseted.`Reed, isn’t there something else you would rather be doing?’ she asked him late in the afternoon when he hadn’t left her side for a moment.`Now that’s a leading question.’ He was sprawled out on the lounger beside her, both of them in swimming attire.She blushed.`I meant, shouldn’t you be-meeting old business acquaintances? He pushed his sunglasses up into his hair, his eyes instantly narrowing in the bright sunshine.`Forget all about that, Darcy,’ he said harshly.`I’ll sort that out some other time.’ `But.’ `I would never have involved you by bringing you here if I’d known what you went through!’ he ground out.`How could you have known?’ she sighed.`It’s a one in a million thing, we both know that.Armed robberies aren’t made on the same person every day of the week!’ `It’s happened to you,’ he grated.`And the thought of you in danger twists me up inside!’ `I’m fine now.Rupert said `I’d like to talk to this Rupert; do you have his telephone number with you?’ Her eyes widened.`He’s my psychiatrist, Reed-‘ `I know exactly who he is.’ He nodded abruptly.She swallowed hard.`A lot of people have need of a psychiatrist nowadays, Reed.I’m not insane.’ He spun round into a sitting position, his feet placed firmly on the ground, reaching out to take her hands in his.`I know you aren’t crazy,’ he rebuked gently.`I just wanted to ask Rupert if there’s anything else I should be doing to help you.Tears misted her eyes at his thoughtfulness.Too many people backed off or looked at her strangely once they found out she had had a breakdown and still visited her psychiatrist.She had guessed Reed wouldn’t be one of that type, and yet his request to speak to Rupert had unnerved her for a minute.She should have known better!.As for his helping her any more, dust be-ing with him, cared for by him, was enough.`Nothing else.’ She smiled at him tremu-lously.`I feel so damned helpless!’ he burst out intensely.And feeling helpless wasn’t an emotion Reed was comfortable with, a man who liked to be in control of the situation a times.She had known a different sort of helplessness both two years ago and yesterday, could sympathise with his frustrated anger.`Did you go to the police about yesterday?’ she prompted huskily.He frowned and nodded.`I called them and told them what happened.I gave them a full description of the boy.Not that it will do a lot of good.Florida has become a damned playground, and along with that have come the people who want to steal from you.I’ll reimburse the money you lost.’ `The money wasn’t important.’ She shook her head dismissively.`You were working for me when it happened.’ `I was spending an enjoyable day with a man I.’ She broke off, her confusion evident at the way she avoided his searching gaze.Oh, God! “‘With a man you c “?’ Reed prompted, as she had known he would.`Like and respect,’ she substituted for the admission she had been about to make.`It was only a few dollars, Reed,’ she dismissed determinedly.`And if you try to reimburse me I’ll.’ ‘Yes?’ he prompted again softly.`I’m not frightened of you, Reed Hunter! `I should hope you aren’t,’ he said huskily.`You aren’t frightened of this either!’ `This’ proved to be the lowering of his body on to hers as she lay full length on the lounger, her head slightly elevated,Reed leaning on his elbows at her sides, his thighs pressing intimately into hers, the tips of her breasts beneath the bikini lightly touching his chest, the gossamer-like caress hardening her nipples to throbbing need.`Are you, Darcy?’ Reed murmured against her throat.`Not with you,’ she acknowledged, arching her neck to receive the moist probe of his mouth, its gentle softness sending quivers of delight down her arched spine.`With other men?’ He looked down at her with darkened eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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