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.Here or in London, it’s all the same to me.’ I gave him a kiss and then we went down to join the others in the bar for drinks before our meal.The rest of the squad were already there, booted and suited with Charlie saying to them earlier that Tracey was dressing up for the occasion.They wouldn’t let me buy one drink and all complimented Tracey on his dress and simply raved over the diamond necklace.Tracey positively bubbled with the attention he was receiving and I was glad that he was back to his normal self.Charlie must have had words with the dining room manager for we had one long table for all of us instead of the normal separate tables in the dining room.Tracey was given the seat at the head of the table with Charlie and myself sitting opposite each other but next to him.Then it was the two corporals next to me and Charlie and the ranks lower down in seniority of their original enlistment.I actually had a swell of pride that these men had been with me in action, though I couldn’t remember the fact, and had rallied round when I called for assistance.The meal was excellent and at the end of it, I made a little speech to thank them and to say that Tracey and I were going back to London too, but they could stay on for the rest of the week and that they should enjoy the sunshine while they could.I wasn’t sure if Tracey welcomed the news that we were going home or not, but the decision had been made.Charlie then said that Jimmy Knowles was also returning with them, he being another of my caretakers.Donald Fraser was the other one but Jimmy had said that he would look after his building for him, so he was staying with the rest of the squad.Tracey and I were the first to leave the table for the others to enjoy the rest of the evening, and while I shook each members hand, Tracey gave them a kiss on the cheek.Charlie accepted his without a blink or a blush and I gave his hand an extra squeeze as a way of saying thanks.‘What a lovely crew of cut throats you’ve got there,’ Tracey said as we went up to our suite, ‘I’m glad they all came through all right.’‘So am I, considering that I was asking, well to me at least, almost perfect strangers, to risk their lives for me,’ I said.‘Then that’s another eleven people who love you as well as me, though maybe it’s more adoration on their part than the kind of love I have for you.’ I’d drunk quite a lot with the boys at that wonderful dinner, and I may have been looking through rose coloured glasses, but Tracey looked a really radiant woman in that red dress with the diamond necklace at his throat.His eyes were shining with more than the few gin and tonics he’d drunk as well as the wine.There was a slight flush under the sun tan and he looked most desirable and I couldn’t wait to get him into the bedroom.He was eager too at getting my clothes off and his dress.‘Leave the necklace and underwear on,’ I said hoarsely.‘I was going to, he said in a voice that matched mine, our bodies clashing as we kissed passionately, falling on the bed to continue and spend our passion in each other’s body.What a glorious fuck it was on our last night in Nassau, not going to sleep till the early hours of the morning as we talked, kissed, sucked and fucked.We had breakfast in our suite and I got dressed and went out saying that I had a last thing I wanted to buy and left him to see to the packing of our clothes.I wasn’t out long and Tracey wanted to know what it was I had gone out for, and told him that he would find out later.I settled our bill and left what really amounted to an open cheque with the manager to pay the other bills when it was time for them to leave.He knew better, I think, than to try and cheat me on this.Charlie and Jimmy were ready and so we four said our goodbyes in the lobby and took a taxi to the airport where I had already booked our flights.I also paid for the rest of the flights and left the tickets for them to collect when they were ready to leave.We boarded our plane, first class, and settled back to enjoy the flight and service and then I gave Tracey what I had bought just before leaving.He smothered my face in kisses when he opened the box and found an engagement ring inside.Chapter Eleven ‘It was foolish of me not to have noticed it first, that when we checked in as Mr.and Mrs., you weren’t wearing any rings on your finger.Even though our joint passport showed us as man and wife, you didn’t have the rings to show that you were married.Do you accept this ring as an engagement present?’ I felt foolish asking this question as he had said many times that he loved me, but it had to be asked.‘Accept? ‘he asked incredulously, ‘Of course I accept! When can I expect the wedding ring?’ He was really bubbling over.‘Well I was really going to leave it up to you as to when you wanted to wear one.’‘Can we make it formal?’ ‘As you like,’ I said, not realising what I was letting myself in for, but that I wouldn’t find out for another couple of days.Though a couple of glasses are the norm in first class, Tracey ordered a whole bottle of champagne and made me pay for it as glasses were passed across to Charlie and Jimmy, them not knowing the reason, but took the drinks anyway.I had this little happy bunny beside me all the way home, and he said that we should have travelled by Lyon Air and then we could have gone to bed for him to show his appreciation.‘Wait till we get home,’ I told him.‘That long? I’ve already creamed myself when you gave me the ring.I can’t wait to give you mine.’ We both laughed at this sally and spent the rest of the flight in telling each other in detail of what we would do when we got to bed.The whole time I sat there with a steaming hard on and when I asked for a blanket to have a sleep, that was all that Tracey needed to cover my thighs as he gave me a hand job to relieve me.That he took my come into his other hand and then swallowed it and licked his fingers, didn’t surprise me in the slightest.His eyes shone as he did this and I didn’t have the gall to do the same and so I kissed him instead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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