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.If I had any thoughts of escaping, they'd be impossible with him standing there like a brick wall.I don't though, which feels nice.Constantly looking for a way out.exhausted me more than I thought it would.We go down the halls to the photography studio again, and Stephan does my make-up once more.I sit, not fighting a single moment of him running make-up over my face.When he's finished, Giovanni orders me to move in front of the camera.This time a couch is present, with a lamp and end table.The lighting is set to a dim yellow, and it evokes a comforting, home-like feeling.The white sheet that was behind me has been replaced with props of a set.Strange.Why not just take pictures in Giovanni's actual house? Only then do I realize there are more people in the room than last time.Several men dressed in suits and ties, some holding briefcases, are standing stoically behind the camera.They're closer to the door than the stage.I can't get a good look or feel on them, because Giovanni snaps his fingers to get my attention."Okay, Lily, I need you to pick up that book on the table and open it.You can read it if you'd like, but it doesn't really matter.""Yes, sir." I don't even feel any humility calling him sir in front of the other people anymore.It's invigorating.He flashes a smile at me and I pick up the book and open it.It's a photography book, a kind of coffee table book if I ever saw one.It's filled with models, nude and dressed, all posed in strange positions.Not macabre or gross, but bizarre.Everyone is frozen like they were captured seconds before they were told a picture would be taken of them.The lights all flash as the shutter goes off.I flip the page, and the lights go off again."Okay, pull down the top of your dress, show me your breasts," Giovanni commands.His voice is firm and not joking at all.I stare through the lens at him and knit my brow.I don't know about getting nude around these people."Go on, Lily, These men are professionals.""Yes, master," I say.I feel a thrill as I unhitch the straps on the dress and drop the top down, exposing my bra.My bra comes undone just as easily, and I pick up the book again.Giovanni waves the book away."Put that down and look at the camera.""What.sir.is this for?""Just some test shots.Stop asking questions," he says.Is that what the coffee book contains, test shots? Almost every page has women on it, only a few men are scattered through the couple of pages I flipped through.And the men weren't nude.I stare into the lens and the lights all flash again.The shutter clicks."Perfect," Giovanni says.He pulls up from the camera's viewfinder and his eyes pierce me.He's reading me.I look at the book and see his name plastered on the front of it.There's no title on the front.Maybe the missing dust-cover would have a title? Either way.none of the pictures were for any advertisements, that's for sure."Sir.?"He grows a bit cross."Lily.What did I say?""Sorry, sir." I hang my head down, and he comes past the cameras to reach me.His finger goes under my chin and he tilts my face up to meet his.I stare into his fierce eyes and feel a storm raging inside them.Some conflict he can't solve, he can't justify.After a microsecond, the storm disappears behind a wall of stone and I can't see it anymore."You'll be fed soon enough, don't worry," he says.For once, he's misread my mind.I keep my mouth shut and let him believe he caught me again.He moves behind the camera and asks me to look at the camera."Look.like you did last night."I blush quickly and stare into the lens.I give the camera, and its handsome operator a look I wish I could have given the night before.When he was taking me from behind and I tried to look at him.He pushed my face away.I wanted to stare at him, to make him feel what I felt.We did share it.I know it."Ah.Smoldering.Perfect," he says.He clicks the shutter a few more times, and the lights flash in sync.I realize that it isn't just the one camera he's controlling, but the three positioned at different angles around the room."Now.take off your dress."My face burns again as I look from Giovanni to the other men in the room.What if I refuse? Will I get spanked again? It almost feels like Giovanni made a mistake with how he punished me.He must've have meant to make them arousing and painful at the same time.I obey him anyway, crumpling the top against my waist then pulling it down off my legs."Your panties, too, Lily.""Yes, Master." I slip them off and drop them to the floor.He gives me a grin only demons should and snaps a few more photos.After he's finished, he wipes his forehead."Alright, gentlemen, you may leave now.I hope you're satisfied."The men in suits nod and Giovanni shakes each of their hands in turn."I'm sure we'll be in touch soon." They all file out of the room.Stephan and the last remaining man also get the boot.Giovanni and I are alone again, and he walks up past the row of cameras and steps onto the small platform I'm on.The stage, he'd call it, I'm sure.He leans down and reaches under the couch, and pulls out the Polaroid camera he had taken from me yesterday.I'm still flushed from undressing in front of all the men, and seeing him produce the Polaroid is surprising.My jaw drops and eyes widen, just as he lifts it and takes a photo.The film peels out from the bottom with a whirring noise, and he plucks it free from the camera.He blows on it and shakes it gently, his arm resting on his knee from his squatting position."I think that one.is going to be perfect.""I thought the others were perfect, master?""They were, but they were business related.This one.this one is just for me.""Why?" I want to probe further and ask who those men were, but I don't push my luck [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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