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.Talking never killed anyone.Sexual frustration probably never killed anyone, either—but he wasn’t taking any chances.“There you are!”He glanced over and promptly choked on a bite of bacon.“Mom?”His mother and father and the rest of his family quickly overtook the dining room, helping themselves to the buffet.“We decided to try the breakfast here at the hotel,” his mother said innocently.“Especially when you called and told us you were staying here.”“Your mother wants to find out what the inn has that we don’t seem to have at our house,” his father added, then winced at his mother’s responding glare.“Well, that’s what you said in the car.”There were only a few other guests enjoying the buffet—most of the rest were taking breakfast in their rooms, apparently—so his family was able to surround him at the large oak table.“Can we get a look at your room?” his mother asked.“Uh…” Colin felt his mind go blank.He was hardly going to show them Emily’s apartment.“I haven’t got a room.”“You don’t? Why not?”“There are a lot of people stranded,” he improvised hastily.“And they weren’t expecting me to stay, so I think they gave it away.”“Then you can come home,” his mother said as if the matter were settled.Now what? He couldn’t offer a logical explanation without revealing his new arrangement with Emily, and that was the last thing he wanted.“I think they’ll find a place for me,” he said.It sounded lame to his own mind.His mother’s mouth set in a tight line.“All right, son.What’s going on?”“What do you mean?”“Don’t play coy with me.I’ve been on to you since you took my car the week before homecoming your junior year and went parking with Mary Sue Reynolds—didn’t think I knew about that, did you?”Colin gaped.“Mom!”“It would’ve been better if she hadn’t left her bra in the backseat.” His father snorted.“That was dumb, Colin.”“Why was there a bra in the backseat?” his niece Elizabeth asked.“Never mind,” his mother quickly replied.“Colin, the bottom line is, I know that there’s something going on.So either you can tell me or I’ll find out on my own.”Colin’s mind raced for an explanation.Before he could come up with something plausible, Emily walked in.For someone who hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep, she looked luminescent.Her pale skin glowed in the lights of the dining room’s chandelier.She was wearing a plum-colored V-neck cashmere sweater and a pair of black slacks.Her auburn hair was tied back with a matching plum-colored velvet ribbon.Combined with her glasses, she looked about eighteen years old—like a student, maybe headed off to the library.He definitely had a thing for girls with glasses.He smiled at her before he could stop himself and he caught his mother noticing his smile.He quickly schooled his expression, trying to redeem the situation.“Ava,” Emily said, smiling genially as she poured coffee into their cups.“It’s so nice to see you and your family here.”“I hope you don’t mind,” Ava said.“We thought we’d enjoy the hotel’s restaurant.I’ve heard good things about your brunch spread.”If Emily were suspicious, she didn’t act like it.She looked cool, refined—the perfect hostess.Colin was in awe of her reserve.“We’re happy to serve anytime,” she answered with grace.“You’ll have to try us in the spring.The cook does these fresh strawberry pancakes that are to die for.”“I’ve also heard good things about the hotel,” his mother said, and Colin braced himself.“Obviously it’s so incredible my son is hoping you’ll find room for him here.”Emily’s smile faltered slightly, but so imperceptibly that Colin felt as if only he would notice.“That’s flattering.We’re certainly trying to accommodate everyone who’s been stranded by the storm.” She paused.“It might mean some doubling up, I think….”Before she could continue, a blond woman walked into the dining room.She was obviously not a Tall Pines resident.She had all the look of a big city about her, like New York or Los Angeles.Hell, maybe even Milan.The bright red suit she was wearing, replete with tight skirt and matching heels, looked razor sharp and ready for business.Her makeup was flawless.He would have pegged her as a big executive—he’d run into the type before when he’d started to get some acclaim as an architect.When he’d designed and built a big new art gallery in London, the opening party had been almost entirely populated with women who’d looked like this.This polished, cosmopolitan blonde would’ve blended right in.“Good morning, everyone,” she said, her voice friendly.“Hey, Emily! This is a great spread.I can’t believe you pulled all this together on such short notice.Have I mentioned lately just how impressed I am with this hotel?”“Hi, Joy.” Emily was obviously grateful for the interruption.“These are a few of our Tall Pines townsfolk, the Reese family.Everyone, this is Joy Webster, a friend of mine from out of town.”“Well, hello,” Joy said when she saw Colin.Her eyes went low-lidded and she smiled.“Always nice to meet the locals.”“I’m not local,” Colin was quick to point out.“Are you staying here in the hotel?” she asked after nodding her hellos to the rest of his family.“Um…that remains to be seen.” He forced himself not to glance at Emily.He was trying to quell gossip here.“Well, if you need a place to crash, I’ve got a huge room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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