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.Now the regrets came flooding in, as inevitable as the tide.Marco asked, “There was another reason, wasn't there? Another reason to come to Italy, to see Giovanni again.”“You mean to bring him the yearbook? Yes, but that was just an excuse.I needed to get away from Oakville.Evie suggested Italy.She came here after her divorce, and I'd always wanted to come.So I picked up his yearbook for him.I think he appreciated it; he said it reminded him of the happiest time of his life.I was surprised to hear that.High school was full of anxiety and uncertainty for me.”“Is that all?”“Isn't that enough? I also felt like an outsider, different from everyone else.I didn't have a boyfriend.It was only later I hooked up with Dan.”“I mean is that all you brought? Didn't you bring something else for Giovanni? Didn't he expect something else, something more?” His face was set in a grim line, his mouth was tight, his eyes were suddenly colder than the walls of the cellar.She shivered.“It's cool in here.Let's go up.”“You didn't answer my question.”“The answer is, it's none of your business what goes on between me and Giovanni,” she said briskly and went back up and out into the sunshine.Chapter FourteenThey went to the youth hostel next, but right away Marco knew it wasn't the right place for them to stay.He had something else in mind, a place with some privacy, soft lights and a soft bed.A place to make love.He chided himself.Which was more important? Finding the diamond or sex with Ana Maria? Obviously it was the diamond.But that was hard to remember when she was around.It was only a hard, cold stone, while she was a warm, desirable woman.In the grand scheme of things, what was really more important? If he had to ask, maybe he shouldn't be in the business of catching criminals.Just one more time, one more chance to do it right, to show her how good sex could be and then he could forget her and concentrate on his work.He could have her and catch Giovanni too.If he was careful.But he didn't want to be careful.He wanted to be young and crazy and reckless.He wanted to make love to Ana Maria because she made him feel young and carefree.No doubt about it, she'd gotten under his skin.He didn't know what to make of her and that made her irresistible.He'd resisted temptation at every turn for so long, but he'd never known what temptation was until he met Ana Maria.She wasn't vain, she didn't require or demand his attention.She didn't dwell on past disappointments, like Giovanni or her room being trashed.She started each day expecting the best even though the day before hadn't quite lived up to her expectations.She didn't need fancy clothes or jewelry.She didn't mourn the loss of her suitcase, though any other woman would have been frantic.The hostel was completely unsuitable for her, with its bare-bones dormitories and used linen.Even though she was as low-maintenance as a Fiat, she was as classy as a Lancia and deserved to be treated as well as he would a fine car.Besides, the hostel wasn't safe - they couldn't leave their bags there, locked or not; one never knew who might wander in and out.Wherever the damned diamond was, he didn't want it stolen by some small-time crook.He pictured someone taking Ana Maria's ring off her finger while she slept in her bunk in the women's dorm.And if they couldn't get it off.he shuddered to think of what someone might do to take it from her.Had she really bought it on the street? He had to keep an eye on it, regardless.Certainly that was why they had to sleep together tonight.Maybe she was telling the truth; perhaps it was just a cheap souvenir.Maybe she was just what she seemed.He wanted to believe that.He also wanted to catch Giovanni.He himself was an oaf, a stronzo, an asshole for demanding to know what she'd brought Giovanni.She wasn't going to tell him.Why should she? Why had he pushed her? Because he was frustrated, that was why.He took a deep breath and nudged Ana Maria with his good hand.“Let's go,” he said.“Where?”“Anywhere but here at the hostel.” He didn't give her a chance to voice her opinion.He didn't need to.The place wasn't good enough for her.He pulled a list from his pocket where the garage mechanic had written possible rooms for rent.Dragging their suitcases, they stopped a half dozen times to ask directions.They visited two houses.One was full of children with a macho, bare-chested father yelling at them.The next was a pale, quiet widow who proudly showed off her guest room on the second floor.It was spotlessly clean with a double bed and a small balcony overlooking the vineyards in the distance.The whole scene was bathed in a golden light from the setting sun [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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