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.I would weep with frustrated rage, only I cannot afford to expend any precious blood on tears.Just a little more.just a little more.My jaw twitches, and I slowly creak it closed just enough to wrap my lips around the gash, probe my tongue into the moist slit--And he pulls it away.Damn him!His fingers resume their earlier exploration, and this time, my tiny reservoir of blood rushes to fill the organ.Damn him thrice.I like it.I feel delicate tickles turn to firm strokes, and he chuckles as my penis stiffens in his hand, even as the rest of me lies wrinkled and emaciated before him."As I was saying, Manishtushu, I love you in this state."My heart thumps a third time as I feel the heat and strength of his lean thighs as he straddles my prone, stiff body.And then there is a delicious tightness enveloping the only part of my body that is truly alive.I feel him rise and fall around me, his body tremble, and try to imagine the scene taking place on the other side of my frozen eyelids.The lovely Naram-Suen, waves of black hair falling against broad, bronzed shoulders, his head tossed back, exposing the long, tantalizing throat.His full lips would be open, working at the empty air, as if sucking a phantom cock.Was he stroking himself? Were long fingers caressing his slender chest, straying from nipple to nipple? Would he open his black, liquid eyes and fix my rigid, helpless body with a gaze that hungered for something less tangible than blood?My brain rages with impotent fury as his hips rise and fall, rise and fall.There is so little that I can feel, so little of my body that is truly awake.My cock is on fire from his heat, his tightness, his delicious friction.But it is helpless to react on its own.Not when my hands are curled up in stiff claws, my torso flexed in a stiff arc, my mouth frozen open in a hungry, silent scream.My orgasm is trapped, beating at the taut skin of my oversensitized cock.Naram-Suen is flaying it with each stroke of his hips.This is an agony like no other.I never want it to stop.There is a cry, a hot splash on my belly, and he sags against me, kissing me first on the upper lip, then on the lower.I try to kiss him back, try to make my mouth respond, but there is no blood for it to use.It all concentrates on my rigid, helpless organ.All I manage is the barest of tremors, an impotent articulation of frustration.A tongue laps me clean, and then his wrist is back.The blood gushes, rushing into my starving tissues, pouring life back into them, and as my body comes alive, the long-dead nerves flare and spark and I finally spasm with an orgasm that rattles my loose teeth, my clacking bones.Heat pours through me like fire.I can feel my heart resume a slow, steady rhythm, and the dried out raisins of my eyes plump beneath thin eyelids.My eyes.I need to see him before he's too far gone.I direct all my will at my eyelids, and they slowly creak open.He smiles down at me, my beloved, the lines already starting to etch deeply into his once-smooth face.It is already too late.We have not seen each other at full vitality for nearly four thousand years.I feel my skin softening, my joints loosening, and reach one clawed hand up to try to gently stroke that beautiful face.He feels like paper to the touch.Too late.I gasp in a long, rattling breath."Naram-Suen."His grin turns wicked, even as his face crinkles into deep crags."Ah, so your mouth is working."Again, he pulls away his wrist, and I watch with a ravenous gaze as he licks the wound closed.I should tell him to stop, to let us both lie together in this state for hours, or days.That there is no hurry.But that tongue, that ruby tongue, it has me distracted.He used to tease me to such wicked heights with it, back when we could both walk the earth at the same time.I should miss him for his intellect, or for his companionship, or for the skillful way he has managed to pull the strings of power from his hiding place in the shadows for all these centuries.And I do.But when he teases me like this, I find that I miss his body the most of all.From the twinkle in his rapidly-dulling eyes, it seems he's thinking the same thing."Let's put that mouth to good use [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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