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.We presume the Soviets were trying to make contact with DEEP SEVEN by way of the Gravedust system on the K-129—and failed, catastrophically.”SLIDE 11: A similar-looking photograph of another machine, this time looking less badly damaged.The photograph is taken from much closer range, and though one curved side has a jagged hole in it, the hull is otherwise intact.“This is a similar artifact, located near the north end of the Puerto Rico Trench, about four kilometers down on a limestone plateau.JENNIFER MORGUE Site Two appears to be damaged, but the same exclusion field is still in place and operational.Initial exploratory investigation with an ROV discovered.”SLIDE 12: A very dim, grainy view through the jagged hole in the side of the artifact.There appears to be a rectangular structure within.Odd curved objects surround it, some of which recall the shape of internal organs.“This structure appears to contain—or even consist of—vitrified or otherwise preserved DEEP SEVEN remnants.You’ll note the similarity of this structure to some sort of cockpit: we believe it to be a deep-crustal or high-mantle boring machine, possibly making it the DEEP SEVEN equivalent of a tank or a space suit.We’re not sure quite what it’s doing here, but we are now extremely intrigued by Ellis Billington’s interest in it.He’s purchased the Explorer, heavily modified it, and, using it as a host, has been conducting sea trials with a remotely operated vehicle.Our intel on Billington’s activities is alarmingly deficient, but we believe he intends to raise and possibly activate the DEEP SEVEN artifact.His expertise in Gravedust systems suggests that he may try to retrieve information from the dead DEEP SEVEN aboard it, and the direction of his operation suggests that he has some idea of what it’s doing there.“I do not intend, at this point, to get into a lengthy discussion of the consequences of annoying the Chthonians—excuse me, DEEP SEVEN—or of getting involved in a geopolitical pissing match between DEEP SEVEN and BLUE HADES.Suffice to say, preserving the collective neutrality of the human species is a high priority for this department, and you should take that as your primary point of reference in the days ahead.“But in summary, your mission is to get close to Billington and find out what the hell he’s planning on doing with JENNIFER MORGUE Site Two.Then tell us, so we can work out what action we need to take to stop him pissing off BLUE HADES or DEEP SEVEN.If he wakes the ancient sleeping horrors I am going to have to brief the private secretary and the Joint Intelligence Oversight Committee so that they can explain CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN to the COBRA Committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, and I expect that will make them extremely unhappy.Britain is relying on you, Bob, so try not to make your usual hash of things.”ANGLETON FADES OUT, TO BE REPLACED BY A more normal dream sleep, punctuated by vague echoes of thrashing around restlessly in a huge hotel bed.I wake up eventually, to discover that the in-flight movie is over and we’re in the middle of nowhere in particular.The airbus bores on through the clear Atlantic skies, ghosting high above the sunken treasure galleons of the Spanish Main.I stretch in place, try to massage the crick out of the side of my neck, and yawn.Then I wake up my laptop.Almost immediately the Skype window starts flashing for attention.You have voice mail, it says.Voice mail? Hell, yes—in this Brave New World there’s no escape from the internet, even at 40,000 feet.I yawn again and plug in my headset, trying to shake off the influence of Ramona’s distantly sensed repose.I glance at the screen.It’s Mo, and she’s on Skype, too, so I place a call.“Bob?” Her voice crackles a little—the signal is being bounced via satellite to the plane and the latency is scary.“Mo, I’m on a plane.Are you in the Village?”“I’m in the Village, Bob—checking out tomorrow.Listen, you asked me a question yesterday.I’ve been doing some poking around and this destiny-entanglement stuff is really ugly.Have they already done it to you? If not, run like hell.You’ll start to share dreams, there’s telepathy going with it, but worse, there’s reality leakage, too.You end up taking up aspects of your entanglement partner, and vice versa.If they’re killed you’re likely to drop dead on the spot; if it lasts more than a couple of weeks it goes beyond sharing thoughts, you could end up merging with them permanently [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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