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.“… okay, thanks for the update,” Erik said, sitting on the bed.“That was Arthur.Apparently this little article opened a floodgate.Three actresses have come forth reporting similar circumstance to yours, including Tia Atkins, who played his sister on your series.”“She was so pretty! How could he have been mean to her, too?”“Miserable people make people miserable, baby cakes.He is done.Arthur is also getting a restraining order against him, preventing him to come near you, me, or any of Crenshaw’s holdings.The industry will follow his example.There is zero tolerance for this behavior.Arthur is also retaining an attorney to see if we can prosecute him for sexual harassment.Push comes to shove, we will bankrupt him.That nightmare is over.”“What he said last night, about me being a dressed-up pig…”“Jealousy and stupidity.Baby, look at yourself.These photographs don’t lie.And neither do I.Kiss me, eat your breakfast, and then get your bottom out of bed.It is already noon and we have things to do today before Arthur comes by.”“He is coming over? Is he done with the new script?”“He didn’t tell me.” Erik watched her take a few nibbles and then pulled the tray from her lap.“Change of plans.We make love, then you eat.”“Hmmm… Good thing I’m flexible when it comes to schedule changes…” Camille said, pulling him into her embrace.* * *Arthur burst into the lake house that evening laden with an oversized bouquet of flowers and several bottles of his favorite champagne.Stan followed behind, carrying only his briefcase and a huge grin.Camille stood quietly under Erik’s arm as the two older men bellowed happily over the media coverage of the ball and the upcoming wedding which, in Arthur’s opinion, could not be soon enough.“Next thing you know, he will be planning the wedding himself,” Erik whispered in her ear.“Fine with me.I would not even know where to begin…”“… the best wedding planner I know,” Arthur was stating.“And there he goes.Just remember what you said,” Erik sighed.“Hey, can we at least sit down? Can I get you something to drink, sweetheart?”“No, thank you.So, are you two here to celebrate our announcement or to tell us about the new script?” Camille asked as champagne was passed around.“Both! To our kids! May your lives be filled with endless happiness, success, and sex!”“Arthur, please! There is a lady present,” Erik scolded as Camille blushed.“I am so sorry, honey.I should have said sex, happiness, and then success.Cheers!”“You are incorrigible,” Erik said, lifting his glass.“So? The script?”Stan handed them both the thick packet.“Here it is.We hope you like it.”“Stan? Is this your name?” Camille asked, surprised.“I never knew you were interested in making screenplays.”“Old man Arthur suggested I try my hand at writing and since I know your character better than anyone, I agreed.Plus, it would give me a reason to hang around you just a bit more.I am gonna miss you, kiddo.” His gruff voice did not hide the catch in the back of his throat or the mist in his eyes.Camille looked at him strangely.She stood and offered him her hand.“Come take a walk with me.I need to talk to you about something.”Stan nodded, squeezing her hand as he followed her into the aviary.She offered him a seat and then sat across from him.“You have been there for me ever since I could remember.You were the one who put Band-aids on my knees and kissed away my tears.You saw to it that I was educated and cared for when even my own mother didn’t care.Why?” she asked gently.“Because somebody had to, Cam.You deserved someone to be there for you and when your mother and I…”“Stan? Are you my dad?”Stan sighed and shook his head.“No, sweetheart.I’m not.I do feel responsible for him leaving though.”“Tell me the truth.All of it.Don’t worry, nothing is going to change how I feel about you.”“You are such a good girl, Camille.You always have been.Very well.Your parents had separated when your mother was pregnant with you.Shortly after you turned two, your father miraculously returned and was working as a mechanic in the garage I took my car to.He was complaining about how his useless girlfriend gave birth to a carrot-top and that she was demanding child support.I, of course, wanted to see the picture he was passing around.I hate to say, but you were one, uh, unique-looking kid.”“Oh, I saw those pictures.I was just plain ugly.Hell, I would have stuffed myself back in until I was done,” Camille laughed lightly.“It still bothered me how a father could be like that.I had no children of my own and would have given anything for one, even a little carrot-topped girl.” Stan smiled, squeezing her hand again.“But there was something in your features that caught my attention, especially your eyes.They had character, an appeal that I did not see very often in child actors.I gave your dad my business card and told him that if he were ever interested, to call me about setting up a photo shoot.He laughed, needless to say, and made a couple of crude comments that there is no reason to repeat.Several months passed when I got a phone call.It was your mother.She said she had found the card and wanted to meet me.”He took a breath and paused to stare at a hummingbird attacking the hanging fuchsias.“By that time, your appearance was so quirky that you were cute.Your mother was desperate to make money off you, saying that her husband could barely make the rent and her only skills were those of a lonely housewife.”“But they weren’t married.Uh oh… I think I know where this is going.” Camille bit her lip.Stan looked at the floor and nodded.“Your mom was an attractive woman and I was lonely.I also knew that she was not married, but I did not care about the lie.Anyway, we hooked up, making all these great plans for when you became famous one day.I was too naive to see that she was using me, thinking that I had some great power to make that happen.After I sold you on a shoot for baby food, I proudly handed her the cut for a whopping 75 bucks.She hit the ceiling, demanding the entire payment.”“She wanted your share too? Figures.”“And yours.In the contract I had drawn up, one third of the payment would be placed in a private trust for you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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