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.All we have are the two dozen photos.“Maybe he left the company,” I say.“Maybe there’s an even bigger list somewhere else,” Gillian offers.“Or maybe this one’s just right,” Charlie says as he heads back to the top.Moving the cursor onto Stoughton’s photo, he clicks the face and prays for some of his usual magic.Amazingly, he gets it.The border of the box moves just slightly.I shoot out of my seat.“Did that just—?”“Don’t say it,” he warns.“No jinxes.”“It’s not going to do any good without the last face,” Gillian points out.Ignoring her, Charlie puts the cursor on the pale banker and presses the button.Onscreen, the box once again flinches.The last one there is the redhead.“Miss Scarlett.in the library.with the lead pipe,” he announces.Staying with the order on the photo-strip, he clicks on the company photo of the frizzy redhead.The box blinks and I put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, tightly grabbing the back of his shirt.Gillian and I lean in close, our bodies draped on the armrests.All three of us hold our breath.The copter’s on the helipad and gassed to go.But nothing happens.“What’s wrong?” I ask.“I’m telling you,” Gillian says.“You need all four photos for the keys to work.”Sinking in his chair, Charlie stares blankly at the screen.He won’t admit it, but this time, she’s right.Nothing’s happening.And then.out of nowhere.something does.The screen flickers and goes black, like it’s clicking to another web page.“What’re you doing?” I ask.“It’s not me,” Charlie says, taking both hands off the keyboard.“This bad boy’s on autopilot.”Unconvinced, Gillian reaches for the mouse, but before she gets there, the screen once again hiccups.and the Seven Dwarfs appear in front of us.Doc, Sneezy, Grumpy—they’re all there—each one standing over a different button, from Community to Library.Gillian and Charlie scour the page.I go for the web address at the top of the screen.There’s no www.Instead, the prefix is dis-web1.“Any idea what we’re looking at?” Charlie asks.“If it’s like at the bank, I think we’re on their Intranet,” I say.“Somehow, the pictures tunneled us into Disney’s internal network.”“So what happened to the website?”“Forget the website—that’s for the public,” I tell him.“From here on in, we’re officially snooping in the private computer network for Disney employees.”“Welcome Cast Members!” it says toward the top of the screen.“What about the guy with the cleft chin?” Gillian asks.“I don’t think we’re going to have to wait that much longer,” Charlie says as he raps a knuckle against the screen.Directly below the Seven Dwarfs, there’s a red button at the bottom of the screen: Company Directory.“If we’re looking for employees.”“Reel it in,” Gillian sings.Cringing at her enthusiasm, Charlie tightens his jaw and pretends not to notice.Even he knows now’s not the time to stop.A flick of his wrist and another mouse-click take us to a place marked Employee Locator.From there, a new screen pops up and we’re staring at dozens of brand-new faces.CEO.Board of Directors.Executive Vice Presidents.the list keeps going—tons of photos under each category heading.Forget the few dozen people who run the website—we’re talking the full organizational hierarchy here—from the CEO, all the way down to background animators.“There’s gotta be two thousand photos here,” Gillian says, sounding overwhelmed.“Go to Stoughton’s Internet group,” I interrupt, my voice surging as I let go of Charlie’s shirt.“If I’m Duckworth, I’m keeping it on the home team.”“Guess who’s back in boy-wonder mode?” Charlie asks.He loves the tease, but I can tell he’s excited.Nodding, he scrolls down through the various groups until he gets to Disney Online.Set up in the exact same pyramid as before, it doesn’t take us long to find Stoughton’s salt-and-pepper portrait.Below him, we once again spot the pale accounting guy, followed by the redhead.But once again, that’s where the Online group ends.Just like before.No black man; no cleft chin.Right back where we started.“Didn’t your dad ever do anything easy?” Charlie asks.“It’s in here somewhere,” I insist, eyes locked on the screen.Gillian’s silent, but the way she fidgets with her skirt, it’s like she sees something familiar [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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