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.In one mental picture, he had to devote his entire being to selfless concern for Shal, Anton, Ren, and the Hammer of Tyr.On bended knee, Tarl did not even see the workings of his faith.The Hammer of Tyr erupted with the light of the sun.One horrible, bloodcurdling scream escaped the blue lips of the vampire before he and his light-hating minions turned to dust.And then the brilliant light from the hammer bathed the room, shedding the pure, healing power of Tyr on Tarl, Ren, and Shal.12The Pool of Radiance"Incompetent clods!" Cadorna shouted."What does the city pay you for?"The fifteen assembled soldiers of the Black Watch stood mute before Cadorna in the council chambers."Didn't any of you at least see where they went?"Finally one of the men responded."I did.Eight of our soldiers pursued them in a small schooner.I was the only one to make it to shore after the wizard-woman sank our boat in a maelstrom—""Congratulations, soldier," said Cadorna, his tone dripping with sarcasm."So you live! I'd expect that from a child.But what exactly do you know?""They didn't go straight south into the Moonsea.They skirted the mouth of the Barren River and made their way along the shoreline beyond the eastern edge of the city.""How far beyond? Where exactly did they get off?""I didn't see, sir."Cadorna threw up his hands, then turned to where Gensor stood beside him."What do you think, Gensor? Do we have any way of tracking them?""Not that I know of," answered the mage, shaking his head.Then he lowered his voice and whispered, for Cadorna's ears alone, "Dismiss the others.Have them wait out in the hallway.We need to talk."Cadorna looked at Gensor curiously for a moment, then did as the mage suggested.When the two men were alone in the council chambers, Gensor began to speak, enunciating slowly and deliberately for emphasis."You have no way of knowing where the three are—or where they are going.""Correct." Cadorna's eyes widened and his voice raised agitatedly as he spoke."And who knows what Yarash may have told them? It's absolutely imperative to catch all three of them.But how? You yourself said that there's no way to track them.""Councilman, I hate to be so blunt, but you're missing the point.It's not what they know that you need to worry about.It's what the Lord of the Ruins might get from them.Think about it.Remember your plan to get their two stones and complete the figure of power yourself? If the Lord of the Ruins should catch up to those three and get the two ioun stones they carry, you will lose your chance to usurp power.You will never have the opportunity to rule all of Phlan, civilized and uncivilized alike." Gensor leaned in close to Cadorna and spoke emphatically to make his point."Honorable First Councilman Cadorna, as your advisor, I urge you to make your move against the Lord of the Ruins now, or you may never have another chance.""You mean attack the Lord of the Ruins to get his ioun stones and then find the thief, cleric, and mage to get their two?" asked Cadorna."Exactly," Gensor said."Even if you don't get their stones immediately, you should still have as much power as the dragon has now, which is considerable.""Right you are," Cadorna answered slowly.His eyes gleamed brightly, and he clenched his hands in excitement.He didn't need to wait for Gensor to go on.Immediately he commanded the soldiers of the Black Watch back into the chamber.With Gensor's help, Cadorna explained to them that there was a certain bronze dragon he wanted killed, a very powerful bronze dragon that made its lair at the heart of Valjevo Castle, in the northernmost part of Phlan."I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourselves," he said to the soldiers."You stand to earn an unprecedented reward, but be forewarned, I won't tolerate cowardice or stupidity!""I'm sure I speak for the others, First Councilman," one of the soldiers at the side of the room called out."You can count on us."The mercenaries made hasty preparations for their mission, and just two hours after dawn, under Cadorna's direction, they arrived at the gates to Valjevo Castle.* * * * *Silence hung thick in the cavern, like spiderwebs.The stone floor was covered with thick dust.Shal opened her eyes and saw the gentle blue light that filled the room.She did not know what had happened.She was not even sure at first that she was alive.She pressed the heels of her hands into the dust and slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position.Tarl was nearby, kneeling, his hands lifted skyward, an expression of awe and innocence on his face.His silvery hair glowed almost blue in the soft light.The Hammer of Tyr hung suspended in the air just above him, its steel head shining with the vibrancy of molten metal.Shal could also see Ren, still lying facedown near the front of the cavern.Quickly she pushed herself to her feet to run to his side, but before she got there, he was already rousing himself up from the floor."Hell of a party," Ren said thickly, rising slowly to his feet."What happened to our hosts?"Tarl rose to his feet and joined the others, his face still bathed in light from the Hammer of Tyr."Gone," he said simply."Vanquished by the power of Tyr, the same power that saved and healed the three of us." He reached out his arms and pulled his friend and his beloved close.Tears of relief welled in his eyes and in Shal's and Ren's.Though thoroughly shaken, all three felt strangely rejuvenated and infinitely grateful for their own survival.They stood together silently, arm in arm, for several minutes.It was Tarl who finally broke the silence."I feel an incredible sense of relief.Now that the vampire is vanquished, Anton can be healed and I can return the Hammer of Tyr to the temple in Civilized Phlan.I'm not even worried about the guards around the city.It's Tyr's will that the hammer be returned, and nothing's going to stop me from doing it."Tarl reached out for the floating hammer, but the holy symbol quickly scooted away from his outstretched hand, the way one magnet moves away from another.He reached for the hammer again, and again it moved just out of reach.Tarl wondered for a moment if perhaps somehow his motives were not right and so the hammer would not come to him.But when the hammer started to float away, he was gripped by a sense of dread, fearing the hammer's power was somehow being subverted again.Maybe the vampire wasn't really gone.Once more Tarl tried to catch the holy artifact.It floated to the front wall of the cavern, precisely above the spot where the vampire had hovered just a short time before.For one terrible moment, Tarl thought the hammer's light was darkening, turning black, but then its blue glow surged strongly and a blinding ray of light flooded the cavern.Suddenly a blue oval was outlined against the wall behind the hammer.The stone surface within the oval began to shimmer like water under moonlight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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