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.Hit me up in a PM.DKnight90.” As soon as he hit send, he stared at the photo a little more, looking at it closely.“Whoa… could it…” His eyes widened.He checked the message once again and covered his mouth.His pulse quickened when he noticed the resemblance.“Rhett? Oh my God, Rhett, is this you? Oh shit…” Immediately, he placed his netbook on the table and dashed to his room to get the box he carried with him every day to and from work.Once he grabbed it from out of his briefcase, he ran back in the living room and compared the pictures of the boy in his graduation class and the man’s profile.“Rhett, this has gotta be you.The similarities are too damn close not to be the same person.” Putting the picture next to the small profile, he gazed carefully, convincing himself that this was indeed the man he’d been searching for.“Brown hair, same eyes, cheekbones, pouty kissable lips, and no more unibrow but hell, he still looks…” And then he looked at the message again, checking the signature.RV.“Rhett Vorhees,” he smiled to himself and lay back against the sofa with the computer still on his lap.60“Rhett, I cannot believe…” Darren shook his head and bit his bottom lip.He couldn’t stop smiling and the butterflies in his stomach made him lose his appetite.“You just have to be him,” he mused to himself and looked down at thescreen patiently waiting for the response.Although it was mighty farfetched to see someone from the past, he knew in his heart that Rhett Vorhees was the man who contacted him.Why else would he call Valentine’s Day stupid?* * * *With the lights dim and his favorite band Depeche Mode playing in thebackground, Rhett finished up the dishes that had been sitting in the sink the last few hours.He wasn’t a neat freak but compared to his best friend and roommate, Matt, who was a slob, it made him look like a person who was anal about housekeeping.As much as he complained to his friend about not leaving dishes, Matt retorted with excuses or that he’d do them later.And of course, Rhett would end up doing them instead which irked him but nonetheless, he did it anyway.Once he dried his hands, he grabbed a cola out the fridge and turned off the light to retreat to the living room to relax.Although tomorrow was a day off, it would be a very emotional day for him and he wanted to be prepared for it.When February 6th rolled around, he took the day off to go visit his mother’s grave in the cemetery to pay his respects and spend the day mourning the loss.It had been almost eight years since she died from breast cancer but he missed her so much and decided no matter where he was or what he was doing, he’d go visit her resting place to honor her memory.Once he settled on the couch, he picked up his laptop and switched the power on to see if he received a return message from the guy.He hoped he did so he’d be able to shut Matt up about his prospects for finding someone.“Mhmm…” Rhett rubbed his hands together when he noticed the returnemail.“Hi back.Valentine’s Day isn’t that stupid but I’m all for making it better.Let’s chat.Hit me up in a PM.DKnight90.” “ Cool.” Rhett opened his soda and went to the personal message part of the site.When he clicked into it, his eyes 61narrowed and he looked closer at the screen.“Wow, you’re a persistent one, aren’t you?” He tapped the mouse once and read.I know this is crazy but did you go to Rosner Elementary and graduate in 2001? Miss Bretter’s class? If so, please PM me back right away and we can exchange phone numbers.DK.“Seriously? Whoa, does he know me from the past?” Maybe that was whyRhett found him to be so familiar.He typed back.Hey, yes I did go to Rosner and graduated from Miss Bretter’s class in 2001.Wow, what a coincidence. RV1990And it really was a coincidence.Small world to meet someone online you might’ve gone to school with over a decade ago.Rhett swore he looked like someone he used to know but couldn’t place him.After all, if this really was a person he used to see in grammar school, that was a long time ago.Their looks would be distinctly different.Rhett waited with bated breath to see what the response would be.Who was this that knew him back then? An old classmate? A friend he’d lost touch with?Disturbing him from his thoughts, the laptop beeped, alerting him of a new message.Rhett Vorhees? Please tell me this is you.DKnight90Looking at that, Rhett cocked an eyebrow.How the heck does he know my name?Yes it is Rhett.How did you know? Are you psychic? Perhaps I should ask you for the winning lottery numbers.LOL Rhett tried to make light of the situation but in all seriousness this bothered him.How did this guy know his name? Did he have a stalker? All kinds of thoughts traveled through his head.Still, the man was a hunk.Who wouldn’t want to be followed by such an attractive man?The alert sounded again.Rhett this is Darren McKissick.I still have the valentine you gave me almost 11 years ago.Please call me, Rhett.I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that day.773-997-845862Upon looking at the note, Rhett’s eyes bulged and he almost choked on his cola.“Ugh, omi…” Rhett placed the laptop on the couch and shook his head profusely, knowing this couldn’t be happening.The guy who made fun of him all those years ago when he tried to tell him how much he liked him? Darren McKissick? Goddamn, he was still hot.Still, he was the one that caused him the hurt, the one that made him feel like a fool that day.The one that made him sour on relationships in the first place.What the hell could he possibly have to say to me?With trembling fingers and beads of sweat forming on his brow, he typed the response.Darren? Why would you want to talk with me after all these years? You laughed at me when I gave it to you.Just when he was about to type more with the anger bubbling within, Darren beat him to it.Please Rhett.Meet me in the chat room I created, Unforgotten Hearts.Darren.Rhett couldn’t believe what he was seeing.A message from DarrenMcKissick, the guy he used to have a crush on, the guy… “Wait…” Rhett shook his head in disbelief.“Darren you’re gay? What the hell, this just gets better and better! You laughed at me for giving you the valentine and now you’re…you’re gay?”Curious about what Darren had to say, he clicked the link to the chat room.A message popped up asking to turn on the video cam.“I guess.This couldn’t get any more, strange.” Rhett smoothed down the hairs on top of his head and licked his lips before tapping the mouse to accept the video request.When he did, a young caramel skinned man appeared with a big smile on his face.His eyes looked glassy as if he’d been crying or smoking something.Jesus, he’s still gorgeous.63Rhett couldn’t believe his own eyes.He settled in front of the camera to show himself.“Well, here we are, Darren McKissick.After all these years, you’re gonna tell me you’re gay,” he smirked and leaned back on the sofa.Darren rubbed his eyes.“Yeah I am, Rhett.I can’t believe it’s you.I’m having the hardest time believing that I’m actually talking to you.”“Okay, why?” He rolled his eyes and fingered his locks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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