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.Then he had sat down to wait for Ivybridge.His intuition had told him he would not be obliged to wait long.He had been right.“You know the traditional fate of the messenger,” Adam said without inflection.Ivybridge blinked, frowning a little at that.Then he relaxed into a chuckle.“You’ll thank me for this news, Hardesty.”“Will I?”“Indeed.No man likes to be cast in the role of fool.”“I can see you are very eager to impart your gossip.”“It’s not gossip, sir.What I am about to tell you are facts.For starters, the lady’s name isn’t Mrs.Fordyce.” Ivybridge glanced expectantly at the brandy decanter.“Caroline Connor is her real name.I suspect she invented the alias of Mrs.Fordyce to conceal her past.”Adam ignored the unsubtle hint concerning the brandy.He had no intention of serving his excellent spirits to the likes of Ivybridge.“I assume you are going to tell me why she would wish to hide certain facts,” he said.“I will not bore you with all of the details but I can assure you that Miss Connor was involved in a great scandal that left her reputation entirely in ruins.”“I see.”“I must say, I am astonished to learn that she somehow managed to resurrect herself under a new name.But then she did strike me as a rather clever woman.”Adam steepled his fingers.“I have found her to be very intelligent and resourceful.”“Well, those are necessary qualities in a successful adventuress, are they not?” Ivybridge laughed.“I admit that she is an interesting creature, assuming one is in the mood for a taste of something out of the ordinary.But hardly a model of proper female behavior, eh?”Adam pondered the various methods he could employ to dispatch Ivybridge.Unfortunately, most of them involved creating a considerable mess on the carpet.“Not your sort?” he said instead.“Alas, I fear that given the unfortunate circumstances in Chillingham, she has become a woman whose reputation is such that no gentleman would even think of introducing her to his family.” Ivybridge winked knowingly.“I’m sure you take my meaning.”“I do, indeed,” Adam said.He allowed himself to contemplate briefly the temptations offered by the extremely sharp point of the silver letter opener.“I suggest we return to the subject of dead messengers.”Ivybridge scowled in confusion.“Beg your pardon?”The door crashed open without warning and with such force that it banged against the wall.Caroline swept into the room, jewel-red skirts flaring out behind her.Wilson followed in her wake.He appeared highly amused.“My dear.” Adam got to his feet.“What an unexpected pleasure.”She ignored him.“There you are, Ivybridge.” She came to a halt in the center of the carpet.“I saw you leave the ballroom and I knew exactly what you intended.You could not wait to give Mr.Hardesty your version of the events in Chillingham, could you?”Ivybridge surveyed her with a derisive glance, not bothering to rise.Then he looked at Adam.“As I was saying, hardly a model of womanly behavior.”Adam paid no attention to the remark.“Please be seated, my dear.”Either she did not hear him or else she was not of a mind to sit down.She continued to fix Ivybridge with a glare that was a mix of fury and disdain.Adam looked at Wilson.“Sorry,” Wilson said cheerfully, not looking the least bit regretful.“Couldn’t stop her.Once she realized that Ivybridge had left the ballroom, she was off like a hound after a fox.”He should have known better, Adam thought.Wilson was enjoying himself enormously.So much for maintaining control over the situation.He walked deliberately around to the front of the desk and propped himself against it.Bracing his hands on either side of his thighs, he studied his small audience.“I will admit that I am quite curious about the events that took place in Chillingham,” he said mildly.“They caused a great deal of nasty gossip, I can tell you that,” Ivybridge said darkly.Caroline whirled to face Adam.“I will tell you exactly what happened.”The door opened again before she could continue.Julia and Richard walked into the room.“Lady Southwood.” Ivybridge sprang to his feet with a great show of deference and bowed deeply to Julia.“Madam, might I suggest that you take your leave? I’m sure you will not want to listen to this extremely unpleasant conversation.Your delicate female nerves—”“Do not concern yourself with my nerves, Mr.Ivybridge,” Julia said coldly.“I assure you, my wife has very steady nerves, Ivybridge.” Richard raised a brow at Adam.“What the devil is going on here?”“Caroline was just about to tell us the details of a great scandal in which she was involved three years ago,” Adam said.“How thrilling.” Julia took a seat and assumed an attentive expression.“Nothing like a good scandal,” Richard agreed.He took up a position near the mantel.The door was flung open yet again.This time Emma and Milly stormed into the library.Their expressions changed from anxious alarm to outrage when they caught sight of Ivybridge.“What is that bastard doing here?” Milly asked.“Such language.” Ivybridge looked deeply pained.“I did try to warn you, Hardesty.” He settled himself back into his chair.“The entire family lacks any sense of propriety.”Emma looked at him with utter loathing.“You have come here to try to ruin Caroline again, haven’t you?”“Mrs.Fordyce was just about to tell us the entire tale.” Richard gave Caroline an inviting look.“Please continue.”Ivybridge’s mouth thinned with annoyance.“I do not know what you hope to gain by embarrassing yourself in this extraordinary fashion, Miss Connor.You will only make things worse.”Julia was immediately intrigued.“Is that your real name? Connor?”“Yes,” Caroline said.“Go on,” Adam said to Caroline.“I shall try to keep my version of events as brief as possible,” she said.“Mr.Ivybridge has a large estate outside the village.His family has held land in the neighborhood for some time.”“Six generations, to be exact,” Ivybridge said with the arrogance of a man who knows that he occupies one of the higher rungs of the social ladder.“Three years ago Ivybridge decided to marry,” Caroline continued.“It was no secret in the village that his goal was to find a wife who could bring him some additional property in the vicinity of Chillingham.So he hunted for a wife among the local gentry.For a brief time, he paid court to Miss Aurora Kent, the daughter of another well-established family in the area.But for reasons of his own, he chose not to make an offer.”Ivybridge tut-tutted.“Family finances proved not to be as represented,” he explained in a confidential tone to Wilson and Adam.“In other words, the lady’s inheritance was not rich enough to suit you,” Caroline said icily.“You withdrew from that quarter and fixed your interests in a different direction.”“My lovely Helen,” Ivybridge agreed, his satisfaction plain.“It proved to be an excellent match.”“She was not only quite pretty, she came with a handsome property that bordered the Ivybridge estate,” Caroline said.“But there was a small problem with Miss Aurora Kent, who did not take kindly to being cast aside.”Ivybridge grimaced.“My change of plans evidently affected the lady’s nerves in a rather peculiar fashion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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