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."Now sit down, shoulders back.We dinna wish the servants' tongues to rattle." The servants were ushered back into the room to present the food and then commanded to leave once again."Now we must consider what to do," said Lady Graham as she accepted a bite of food."But, Mother, there's naught I can do.I'm married now." Aila wanted to tell her mother about what had happened in the stables but feared this might only provoke a new bout of anger.Her mother would be furious if she knew Aila had been out riding.Lady Graham flashed Aila a wicked smile, and all thoughts of confiding in her mother vanished."Married, yes, but consummated, no.Ye've got options, my dear, until he beds ye.""Oh?" Aila's eyes widened."I ken it be time ye joined the convent.""But the wedding…" Aila was still not sure she understood."Since that fool of a husband ignored ye last night, the abbot can have the marriage annulled." Realization struck Aila.Her mother was right; the abbot would be certain to champion her request for an annulment, particularly since the convent and his abbey were built on her dower lands.The Church would not be likely to turn away her inheritance.Besides, Sister Enid had written to encourage her to avoid marriage and take her vows.She valued the nun's opinion, so it must have been a been a mistake to agree to the marriage.Her mother stopped eating for a moment and gave her daughter a penetrating glance."Ye dinna want to stay married to such a man, do ye?"Aila sighed.She had wanted to be married to him, very much at one point.But now… she thought of his rejection."No, Mother," said Aila sadly, "I dinna want him for my husband.""Good.'Tis all settled.Ye'll go to the convent today and ask for sanctuary and an annulment.""But, Mother, how will I get there? 'Tis not the day I usually visit the sisters, and I doubt they will let me go on my own." Aila went with an armed escort to visit the convent once a week, but those trips were arranged in advance.To leave the gates, she would need the permission of her father, or perhaps now, her husband, and she had no idea if they would grant such a request.Too bad she had not thought of this earlier.She had ridden past St.Margaret's this morning.She could sneak out the secret passage, but the stable would be too crowded during the day to leave unnoticed."I could leave at night," Aila started to say."Nay, child.Ye must leave today, as soon as possible, before that ugly brute of yers gets his hands on ye."Aila was about to respond that MacLaren was not at all ugly, but wisely swallowed the comment and said, "But how can I leave the castle?"Lady Graham smiled at her daughter."Watch and learn." She ushered the maids back into the room.Maggie and Senga gathered the food tray and spread out a clean tablecloth."Maggie," said Lady Graham slowly, causing the maid to jump and cringe."Aye, m'lady?""How is that beau of yours?" Lady Graham asked, her tone suspiciously sweet."Is he no' one o' our soldiers who guards the gate?""Aye, m'lady," replied Maggie, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve."Does he have duty today?""Aye.He begins his shift after Matins," replied Maggie, confusion clear on her face as she glanced from Lady Graham to Aila."And where is yer young suitor now?"Maggie's eyes grew large."I dinna ken.""How verra odd, for I swore I heard him talking wi' ye outside my door no' too long ago."All the color drained from the maid's face."Oh, m-m'lady, I be so s-sorry.""Dinna worrit yerself," said Lady Graham, her voice smooth."I ken young love.Why are ye no' married?""Well… I…""'Tis yer lack of dowry, no? Well, I'd like to help ye.Bring me the chest." Aila brought her mother the small chest of cedar and polished brass and opened the lock with a small key that hung around her mother's neck."Here are ten coins, my dear," said Lady Graham."Will that no' provide for yer dowry?"Maggie gasped.To her, it was a considerable fortune."Thank ye, m'lady.I dinna ken what to say.""'Tis how I reward my faithful servants who help us in our time of need.Ye do wish to help us, aye, Maggie?" Maggie nodded her head vigorously, eyeing the stack of coins on the table."That's a good lass.All I need from ye and yer beau is a soldier's tunic and guaranteed safe passage from the castle.""Nay, m'lady, I coud'na.My Brody will no' accept a bribe.""I'm no' bribing Brody.I'm dowering ye, and I'm ashamed at ye for suggesting different," said Lady Graham, her voice once again harsh."I only supposed ye'd wish to help Lady Aila to reach the safety o' the convent afore her husband returns for her.He surely has no love for her.I shudder to think o' what he may do to her once he gets her back to that pile of rocks he calls his home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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