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.”She saw the disappointment in his eyes.“How will I live if I can’t hold you in my arms?”Wilhelmina pushed down her revulsion.She had always detested a man who behaved like a fawning dog.“It will be difficult for us to be apart,” the lie came easily to her lips, “but we will spend the rest of our lives together.Now go, before someone begins to wonder why you stayed so long.”As George moved away from Wilhelmina, she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could shut out the image of his face.She wondered how she could bear to have that man make love to her again.Climbing into bed with Dr.George Cross was a high price to pay, she thought, but she would do what she must to gain Stoddard Hill.Brittany found it difficult to remain in the house because there was so much to discover on the vast and beautiful grounds.Although the gardens were suffering from neglect, they were still extraordinary, and she could see the shadow of their former beauty.She was walking down a well-worn path toward the river when she heard quickening steps echo along a cobbled lane just behind her.She paused and waited for whomever it was to catch up with her.When Thorn came into sight, she felt her heart skip a beat.He looked so handsome in his buff trousers and a pale-yellow shirt.His dark hair was windswept, and his eyes were soft as he looked at her.“So I find you taking a stroll among the flowers.” He glanced down at the weed-choked flower garden.“I see you are enjoying the tulips.”She reached out and touched a crimson bloom that bobbed delicately from the slight breeze that came off the river.“Many people associate the tulip with Holland, but Simijin told me that tulips originated in Turkey and were transplanted in Holland in the sixteenth century—did you know that?”He smiled.“I do not believe I was aware of that.Is there no end to your knowledge?”She looked up at him doubtfully.“Does it displease you that I speak of matters that Simijin taught me?”“Not at all.I will always want you to speak your mind with me.And never hide your knowledge from me.I told you before, I find your intelligence refreshing.”He took her hand and guided her down the wide path until they stood looking out on the curve of the river.“Have you any news of Achmed?” she asked at last, knowing that he did not or he would have told her right away.“No.But do not lose heart.He could not have just disappeared without a trace, and there are several people looking for him.”“I try not to think that he might have come to harm.”“I do not believe anyone would want to harm Achmed,” Thorn told her.“The Turkish admiral would.”“I thought of that myself, but on checking with the harbormaster, I found that no Turkish ship has docked in Charleston.”She tried to present a brave face to him.“How is your father?”His eyes saddened.“Not good.I am sorry that he is not well enough for you to be presented to him.I think you would like him.I know he would like you.”“I am sorry, too, Thorn.Perhaps he will improve in time.”He looked at her doubtfully.“I don’t think so, Brittany.It is apparent to me that he is very ill.”She met his eyes.“I met your stepmother today.”His eyes seemed to harden, and Brittany wondered what he was thinking.“Did you?”“Yes.When I awoke, she was standing over me.I believe I was a shock to her.”“Undoubtedly,” Thorn replied dully.His hand seemed to tighten on hers.He quickly changed the subject.“This hasn’t been much of a honeymoon for you, has it?”She smiled impishly.“It has been a honeymoon without a bridegroom.”“I am sorry,” he told her regretfully.“I promise to make it up to you.” His eyes became suggestive, and she blushed and glanced back out to the river.“Will you be staying with your father again tonight?”“Yes.I feel a need to be with him in the event that he might awaken.”“Thorn,” she said, looking up at him with innocent eyes.“I have been giving our situation a great deal of thought.Neither of us came into this marriage with glowing hopes for the future.”His lips thinned.“Did we not?”“No.We were not motivated by any great burning love for one another.”He released her hand.“We both agreed our marriage would be for mutual convenience.” He searched her eyes.“Have you changed your mind?”“No, not at all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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