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.It was a scene straight out of a romantic comedy.Kate was finally in front of me, blushing and out of breath.She dropped her bag and flung her arms around me and it seemed like we stayed like that for the longest time.It felt … right.That’s the only way I can explain it.Profoundly right.When we sat down, Kate scooted her chair across so she was sitting next to me and we could hold hands.When the waitress came over to take Kate’s order she smiled as if maybe she remembered what it was like to be our age and in love.Because I think that’s what it was, even then.I was in love with Kate.I wasn’t sure when I’d started loving her, or exactly what it meant, but that didn’t stop me knowing it.And it made me feel good to know it, even though I had no intention of putting it into words.I didn’t want to freak her out.Kate didn’t have a tan – she was so fair she had to stay out of the sun – but a tiny sprinkling of freckles had appeared across her nose.‘Nice freckles,’ I said.Kate shielded her face with her hand and half-turned away.‘I hate them!’I grabbed her hand and held it tightly in mine.‘Well I happen to think they’re seriously cute.’‘Really?’ She was always saying that.Usually whenever I said something nice or paid her a compliment.As if she found it hard to believe that there was anything worthwhile about her.‘Yes, really.’ I kissed her nose and she laughed as she tried to squirm out of my embrace.She was serious all sudden.She held my face in her hands and looked at me as if she was trying to memorize my features.She was looking so hard it made me wonder how she wasn’t able to see me for who I really was.Maybe she didn’t want to see the real me.‘God, I missed you.’I smiled.‘I missed you too.’‘Really?’ This time I just rolled my eyes.I wasn’t about to admit that I’d spent the whole week thinking about her.But Kate said as much – that the only thing that had made a whole week with her mum bearable was knowing I was waiting for her when she got home.Then she kissed me and there was something a bit forceful about it – almost desperate.I pulled away after a second or two because I was worried about people looking at us, but when I looked around no one was paying any attention.Kate had bought me a present.She acted all shy about it, like she wasn’t quite sure if we were at the present-buying stage yet.It was a necklace, except I’m not sure it’s called a necklace if it’s for a boy.Still, it was a leather string with a cool black stone on it.I put it on straightaway and told her I loved it.I really did love it – it was just like one Jamie used to wear.I liked the fact that something Kate had given me would be close to my heart.I probably should have told her that.I’d got her something too.I’d bought it a couple of days ago when I was at the newsagents.Kate laughed when I pulled it out of my bag, slightly dented.‘Oh my God, you remembered?!’I shrugged, not wanting to show that I was pleased with myself.She’d mentioned she used to be obsessed with Kinder Surprise even though she hated the chocolate.It was all about the tiny little toy inside.Kate tore into the wrapper and broke the chocolate eggshell in half.She held a shard of chocolate between her fingers and gestured for me to take it.I ate it while she opened up the yellow plastic capsule.It was a little panda; Kate loves pandas.I couldn’t have planned it any better.I’d spent less than a quid and Kate was acting like I’d bought her diamonds.Kate thought it was really cool that we’d bought each other a present at the same time.I thought it was pretty lucky I’d been stuck behind the old lady who insisted on paying for her cigarettes with pennies, meaning I had time to notice the Kinder eggs in the first place.It was luck, pure and simple.An hour with Kate was not enough.I kept on looking at my phone to check the time.Five minutes before she had to go, she turned to look at me and it was obvious that she had something she needed to say but wasn’t all that keen on saying it.I looked at her expectantly.Kate coughed a cough that wasn’t really a cough.‘So.’‘So what?’‘My mum wants to meet you.’ She scrunched up the Kinder wrapper.I very nearly spat out my tea.‘Um … what?’‘She wants you to come round for dinner.This week.’Meeting was bad enough but dinner? That was just … no.There were so many things I wanted to say – different variations of ‘no’ – but I kept my mouth shut.‘Alex? Say something … please?’ She squeezed my hand then entwined her fingers in mine.‘What do you want me to say?’ That came out a little harsher than I meant it to.‘I just want to know what you’re thinking.’ She often wanted to know what I was thinking; I never asked her what she was thinking.Thoughts are private.I sighed.‘So your mum knows about me?’Kate looked puzzled.‘Er … yes? Of course she does! Why? Do your parents not know about me?’ She withdrew her hand from mine.That had to be a bad sign.‘It’s none of their business.’She was quiet then.I waited her out.I find that most people will talk if you let the silence go on for long enough.‘Are you …? You’re not ashamed of me, are you?’ Her voice was small.‘No! I just don’t really talk to my folks about stuff like that.It’s nothing to do with you, Kate.Honestly.’She didn’t look entirely convinced but she didn’t push it.‘I had to tell Mum – she knew something was up anyway.Apparently I’ve been wandering around with my head in the clouds or something.She even asked if it was a boy.’I should have probably seen this coming.Meeting the parents was a normal thing to do in a relationship – I knew that.Jamie had done it enough times – dressing up in his least scruffy clothes and heading off to some girl’s house, coming back with stories that had Mum laughing so hard she got hiccups (especially the time when he blocked the toilet).I was in a relationship now.I should have thought ahead, but I’d been too wrapped up in the bubble of me and Kate to see anything outside of it.‘Alex? Are you OK?’I shook myself.‘Yeah, fine.’ I reclaimed her hand and immediately felt better.Whenever I was touching her I felt more settled.‘So you’ll come round for dinner then?’I kissed her on the cheek.‘Of course I will.’ There was no other option, was there?‘Thank you.It’ll just make things a lot easier, you know? Once she’s met you and seen how amazing you are.’ That made me smile.‘I’ll tell her to be on her best behaviour.It’ll be fine.’‘If you say so …’‘I do say so.And I’m pretty much always right.So there.And I was thinking … maybe I could meet your …’ Kate looked at her watch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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