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.Takari and Vala were huddled together on the opposite side of the work, talking quietly and studying the relief so intently they did not see the others approach.".don't want either of you hurt," Takari was saying."You've seen yourself why it can never be.""I have?" Despite her curtness, Vala's voice was surprisingly mild."When was that?""You met his father," Takari explained."You saw what became of Aubric when Morgwais returned to the forest.""We're getting ahead of matters here, but I'm no Woodelf," Vala said."Were 1 to make a life pledge, I would honor it as my mother and father honored theirs.""And how long would that be?"Vala raised her chin."My parents have been sharing the fur for forty years and three.""A blessing for them both, but forty years and three is not the same to an elf." Takari laid a hand on Vala's arm."Forty years from now, Galaeron will still be young, with four centuries before him."When Vala did not answer, Galaeron said, "There's no need to poison her against me, Takari." He waited for the pair to turn, then gestured at Aris's relief."It's only art— and what business is it of yours? I'm your princep, not your nestmate."The flash that came to Takari's eyes was more sorrowful than angry."And no fun as either." She turned and slipped through the black tree trunks."Sorry to forget my place."Vala shot a scowl at Galaeron."I only kissed you," she growled, starting after Takari."I have done more with half the men in my clan!"This drew a crooked smile from Melegaunt, but he made no comment and turned to Jhingleshod, who stood studying the work with the enigmatic gaze of the dead."It appears we are ready to go," Melegaunt said."You are ready," said the knight "But there is still the matter of my payment."Galaeron cast an anxious glance after the departing women."If the bridge is any example, you are not worth much of a price," the elf said."You learned what you needed to learn," replied Jhingleshod."If you recall what happened there, you may survive to claim what you seek.""I have no fondness for these games of yours," said Galaeron."If you would have something from us, then you must tell us what we need—"Melegaunt stepped in front of Galaeron."We have alreadyagreed to your price, Sir Knight.If you wish to tell us what it is, we are listening.""1 ask little," said Jhingleshod."Only your word that you will do what already you must.""Yes?" asked Melegaunt."Destroy Wulgreth, my master, as I once attempted.""As you once attempted?" Galaeron asked, more wary than before."If you betrayed your master, how are we to know you won't betray us?""I have no care for what you know or do not know, elf," said Jhingleshod."But I tell you this: I bear no small part of the blame for the evil here, and I am damned to wander the Dire Wood until what I should have done then is done at last""How is Wulgreth's crime your doing?" asked Melegaunt."I sense no great evil in you.""But I relished the bounty of his shadow," said Jhingleshod, "and so I stood by.After Wulgreth summoned the demons to Ascalhorn, for six decades I watched their evil and did not raise my voice against them.When the demons turned on him at last, 1 followed Wulgreth into the wilderness and sat in his shadow feasting on stolen bread and drinking the wine of murdered wayfarers.And after he came here to Karse, I was waiting outside the black crypt when he returned with its dark power."Jhingleshod let his chin fall."And yet, you found the strength to slay him," prompted Melegaunt."It was despair, nothing more," said Jhingleshod."The power was twisted and evil, and it corrupted all it touched.First, the forest died and turned to black stone, then the ruins became a city of the dead.When I begged Wulgreth to send the monsters away and build a city for the living, he struck me blows, saving he would never be avenged on the demons with a living army.Seeing that my dream was not to be, 1 felt betrayed and vowed he would never again bring ruin to any city.I killed him in his sleep that night.""Which proved unwise," surmised Melegaunt.Jhingleshod nodded."He caught me as 1 fled the city, a cackling dead thing of heinous power.He chased me through the forest, using his magic to flay me an inch at time, until I ran myself to death.I awoke as I am now, condemned to wander the Dire Wood until the vow 1 made is kept." He turned to Galaeron."And that is why I won't betray you.""And if we fail you as Wulgreth did?" asked Galaeron [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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