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.The thought horrified her, was more terrible to contemplate than the notion of being taken by force.The idea that her free will could be taken from her so that she would give Denrick what he wanted sent her spiraling down into a dark pit of despair.Denrick noticed the girl's reaction, and he smiled."What, don't you think it would be better like that?" he asked Emriana."At least you'd be fooled into looking forward to it," he added, that wolfish grin growing more feral by the moment.He turned back to the diffident wizard."Well? Can you do it?"Bartimus nodded and replied, "I can, but these things are never guaranteed to work, and there are always unintended side-effects.I'm giving you these warnings so that you will be fully aware of them and not blame me later if it doesn't all turn out as wonderfully and romantic as you're envisioning right now.Furthermore, I have to say that—""Are you quite done?" Denrick asked, cutting off the babbling man."I don't want a full lecture on the details.I just want to know if you can do it or not." The wizard simply nodded."Good, then get on with it."Emriana sobbed and began to thrash in her bonds again, shaking her head violently back and forth, mmphing through the wad of cloth shoved back in her mouth, pleading with Denrick not to go through with his foul game.The young man simply gestured expectantly toward her while staring down the wizard.Bartimus walked cautiously over to stand near Emriana, shoved his glasses farther up his nose, and said, "All right; we've got a couple of choices here.I think perhaps.yes, that should do nicely."Emriana whined plaintively at the man, trying to make him see her side of things, but Bartimus was effectively cowed by Denrick and he totally ignored her, other than to begin the casting.That's when Emriana began to rock her chair back and forth again.She had been moved farther away from Jaleene so that they couldn't help one another escape again, and the handmaiden had been gagged, too.But Emriana wasn't trying to reach her companion in the hopes of getting her knots untied.She simply wanted to tumble over, fall flat on her back, knock herself unconscious, perhaps.Anything was better than being magically charmed into crawling into bed with Denrick right at that moment.The girl heaved her weight around, trying to increase the motion.As she got into a rhythm, Den- rick came around and grabbed the chair, halting it.Emriana whimpered in absolute disconsolation.Then Denrick slapped her, once, hard enough to cause her to grunt again.He leered at her."All right," Bartimus said, "I think I'm ready to begin.Are you sure you want to go through with this?"Denrick stepped back from Emriana's chair and replied, "Yes, use your magic to make her drawn irresistibly to me.I want her to desire me and take me willingly to her bed."Bartimus opened his mouth to begin, but he never got even the first words out, for both his and Denrick's attention were suddenly drawn to something behind Emriana.They were looking in the direction of the doorway leading out to her patio.The girl turned her head, straining to see behind her, but the chair's angle and high back made it impossible."If you don't shut your mouth right now"—it was Vambran—"I'll plant this crossbow bolt right into the middle of it."Em closed her eyes in relief."Damn you!" Denrick cried as Bartimus stam-, mered, mumbled, and backed away."How the hells did you get past the guards?"Vambran advanced into the room and into Emriana's view.She could see that he carried a crossbow, which he had leveled at Denrick's chest."Hello, Em," Vambran said, giving her a smile, though he never took his eyes off his target."I came as soon as you called."Emriana gave her brother a steady stream of joyous, thankful, but incomprehensible gibberish through her gag, though she knew he understood the gist of it.He made it, she thought, and not a moment too soon."Well," Denrick snarled, glancing down at the girl."You managed to do a little more than untie your hands while I was gone, I guess." He backed away from Vambran, who was slowly closing the gap between the two of them."And you managed to show up where you weren't wanted all over again," he said to the mercenary."Just like the other night, when you had to go dashing in to save poor, pathetic Jithelle.You messed everything up!""And you're a sad, spoiled little boy who never learned that the world and the people in it don't belong to you just because you're wealthy," Vambran replied."Now, you're either going to drop down to the floor and plant your face on the tiles, or else I'm going to put this bolt right in your nose.Your choice.What's it going to be?"In response, Denrick grabbed Bartimus, who had edged over by the merchant's son, and he thrust the wizard between himself and Vambran [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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