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.You never unbuttoned your sleeves when we were fleeing Starhaven.You claimed to wield a different kind of magic, but any kind of spellwriting would require you to look at your arms.And then there’s your greatsword.A man of six feet would need both hands just to lift that weapon.You toss it about as if it were a feather.”Deirdre closed her eyes and pressed a slender hand to her cheek.“Only the druids were called to the convocation.I couldn’t get into Starhaven without the disguise.”Nicodemus said nothing.She looked at the stairwell.The sunbeam was moving up the steps.Maybe three hours had passed since midday.“I am Boann’s avatar.Do you know what that means?”“Theology was thought to be wasted on cacographers.I only know what they say in the stories.”She nodded.“Deities sometimes invest worthy devotees with portions of their souls.Just as golems carry the spirits of their authors, we avatars carry the souls of our deities.If we die before our divine souls can disengage, then part of the divinity dies with us.And those who carry souls of the high gods and goddesses become the heroes of your stories—warriors with impenetrable skin, bards with hypnotic voices, and so on.”She smiled sadly.“Boann is nothing so powerful.My gifts are simple: I do not age, I heal with extraordinary speed, and for a brief time I may possess the strength of ten or eleven men.”Nicodemus was confused.“Why did you come looking for me?”“What I said before is true.Last spring, Boann ordered me to attend the Starhaven convocation where I would find a ‘treasure wrapped in black.’ You asked if she knew of Typhon.Perhaps she did and didn’t tell me.Now that I think on it, she must have known the demon had hidden you here.Why else send me?”Nicodemus glanced back to make sure the Index still lay behind him.“Deirdre, I didn’t tell you everything Fellwroth told me.” He explained what he knew about Language Prime and the monster’s claim about two factions striving to breed a Language Prime spellwright.Deirdre listened with her head resting against the wall.When he finished, she spoke in a flat, exhausted voice.“If they do exist, the Alliance of Divine Heretics is well named.The belief that there is no savior—noHalcyon for the wizards, no Peregrine for the druids, no Cynosure for the hierophants—is perilously heretical.It denies all prophecies, and the high deities use those prophecies to justify their rule over their kingdoms.The heretical gods would need to remain hidden and wage their war against the Disjunction in secret.”She closed her eyes.“I can’t say if any of this is true or not; nor can I say if Boann is a party to this Alliance.” She paused.“Though her sending me here to rescue you makes it seem probable.”“But you’re her avatar; shouldn’t you know her intentions?”Deirdre produced a quavering sigh.“I am indeed Boann’s avatar.Her only one.But…a year ago, I lost her love.”Nicodemus hugged his knees to his chest and said nothing.She took a long breath.“The savage Lornish Kingdom occupies my native Highlands.But there are many among us who fight to restore our home-lands to the civil forests of Dral.Nearly forty years ago, I became Boann’s avatar in this struggle.”She was breathing faster now, her cheeks flushing.“I was married when she called.I had two sons I loved dearly.But when the goddess commanded me to go, I left without hesitation.Years later, my husband died with nothing but hatred for me.But you must understand how perfect Boann’s love is.”The woman’s face had grown tense.Her eyes shone with a light that Nicodemus had once mistaken for simple excitement.She took the greatsword from her back and set it on the ground.“From time to time, Dralish druids sneak into the Highlands to fight for our inde-pendence.Kyran came to me two years ago.His nephew was a famous Highland brigand who ceaselessly attacked the Lornish.The Highlanders called him the White Fox.The Lowlanders had worse names for him and marked his wife and sons for death.So Kyran came across the border to smuggle his nephew’s family into Dral.My goddess, hating Lornish rule, was more than happy to help.”Deirdre looked at the steps again.“But the Paladin of Garwyn attacked during our crossing into Dral.I managed to save Kyran and his nephew, but not the rest of the family.The paladin slaughtered them.”She shook her head.“I took Kyran and the Fox back to one of my clan’s secret holdings.I managed to sneak the brigand back into Dral, but Kyran was too badly wounded.He stayed with us for a year.Boann knew but…” She swallowed.“Boann had forbidden me to take a lover, and…”Nicodemus made a soft sound.“She discovered my infidelity.Some part of me must have known she would.She withdrew much of her soul from me.For an agonizing season,I was mortal again.And though Kyran and I ceased to be lovers, Boann stayed away.He and I dedicated ourselves to winning her forgiveness.”Nicodemus touched her knee.“But he didn’t love Boann; he loved you.”She laughed humorlessly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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