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."Jenny swallowed hard, trying not to show any emotion."I doubt that.He doesn't even know you.""A boy came to the door yesterday afternoon, but my wife answered it.""Your wife." The words cut her so deeply, Jenny sat down on the edge of the couch.His wife.Of course, she had known about his wife for years, but she had never heard Luke say the words.They sounded so intimate on his lips.Not that she cared.Of course she didn't care.Luke had been a lifetime ago, a youthful fantasy, a broken heart.She didn't care about him anymore.She hated him for not wanting her -- for not wanting Danny.Danny, her son, her beautiful baby.The one Luke had wanted her to abort.Her heart hardened into steel."You must be mistaken," she said."Denise said he was selling candy," Luke continued."I only caught a glimpse of him, but I kept thinking about him last night.When I saw his picture in this morning's paper, I felt sure it was the same boy.""Sometimes Danny sells candy for his school.""So, he was in my neighborhood yesterday?""Maybe.He was with a friend.I'm not sure exactly where they went.I was at work.""You don't know where your son goes after school?"Anger flared at his insinuation, and she stood up, squaring her shoulders."I take good care of my son.What he does after school is none of your business."Jenny walked to the door of the waiting room.She had to get away from Luke."Jenny, wait." Luke's voice stopped her.She paused, one hand on the edge of the doorjamb."What?" she asked, her back to Luke."Where is Danny's father?"She took in a deep breath and slowly counted to ten."He's not here.""Isn't he?" Luke walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.He spun her around.His touch was searing, his eyes demanding, impatient.Oh God, he knew!"Is Danny my son?" Luke whispered, gripping her shoulders with hands so tight they bit into her skin."No.No." She shook her head."Why would you think that? You told me to get an abortion.""And you took my money.But that doesn't mean you got one.Besides, the paper said he's twelve years old.""So what?""I can count.""I have to go.My son needs me." She struggled to pull out of his arms, but he wouldn't let her go."Don't lie to me, Jenny.""I'm not.""You are.You're transparently honest, you always have been.You're not looking at me.You're avoiding me.Why? Because I'm Danny's father? Because you never told me we have a son?" Luke shook her, his eyes flaring with fury."Danny's my son, isn't he?" He shook her again."Isn't he?"Chapter Nine"Mrs.St.Claire?" The nurse called her name from a few steps away.Luke's hands tightened, then released.Jenny turned around, thankful to be free from Luke's punishing gaze."Yes?"Leslie looked at her a little strangely."The doctors are done.You can go in now.""Thank you.I'll be right there.""This isn't the end, Jenny," Luke said."It is the end." Jenny faced him with as much courage as she could muster."Go away, Luke.Danny isn't your son.You and I have absolutely nothing to talk about."Jenny abruptly turned and walked away, her back as stiff as a rod, her head held proudly, defiantly.It was a good exit line, Luke thought cynically, but he didn't believe her for a second.Damn her.She had had his baby twelve years ago and never said a word.She could deny the truth all she wanted, but his ego refused to entertain the possibility that there had been another man all those years ago.No, impossible.He had seen her face that day.Seen her tears.She had told him she was pregnant.She had said he was the father.Luke ran a hand through his hair in complete frustration.For the first time in a long time he didn't know what to do.He was married to another woman for God's sake.The easiest thing to do would be to walk away.Jenny didn't want him to be involved.Denise certainly wouldn't want him to be involved.But what about the boy? He saw the vision in his mind as clearly as he had the night before.Danny had called him Dad.How could he forget that?He couldn't.This wasn't over.Not by a long shot.* * *"Hey, he's leaving.My dad's leaving," Danny protested."Come back.Come back," he shouted, but Luke stepped through the elevator doors and disappeared."What's he doing? He's supposed to see me."Jacob chewed on a wad of tobacco as he considered the situation."Looks like he's running scared.Too bad [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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