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.“Let me in deeper,” he gasped.“Push against me.”Deeper? Matty willed herself to relax and bear down, and felt something change inside her.He slapped up against her backside, thick and hot in her ass.His cock jerked.Matty felt it swell, pulse, and Turner stiffened behind her.His fingers trembled in her pussy, his thumb pressed hard on her clit and she flew with him.Turner filled her not just with his cum but with himself, with his love.He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his trembling body, muttering, “I love you, I love you,” over and over in her ear.Matty had never taken drugs.She’d not even sucked on the joint she’d once been offered, even though others had made fun of her.She’d never smoked a cigarette.She liked wine and champagne but she’d never imbibed alcohol to the point of excess.But this…this feeling inside had to be what it was like to be not quite in the world.She was intensely aware of everything, could hear, see, smell more clearly.Sex with Turner and Catch had been great before, now it was insane.Maybe she was the one who was insane.She couldn’t eat anymore.She couldn’t walk in the sun.She couldn’t have children.Her heart galloped and Matty gulped.She shouldn’t even have a reflection? Oh God.Only blood would keep her alive and Matty felt cheated that she’d not had chance to have a last meal, a last drink.“What’s wrong?” Turner asked.He lifted her off his cock and pulled her round to face him.“Let’s find somewhere to stop so we can all fuck together,” Matty said.Sex would stop her thinking.“No.” Turner smoothed her hair from her cheek.“Tell us what you’re feeling.”“I…” Matty sucked in a breath.“I’m a vampire.”“Technically speaking you’re probably a were-vamp like me,” Catch said.“What does that mean?” she asked in a small voice.“If you’re lucky you’ve inherited the best bits of both of us,” Turner said.“If you’re unlucky, you’ll get Catch’s minus points, which means your feet will smell and you’ll drool in your sleep.”“My feet do not smell,” Catch snapped.Turner cuddled her closer.“Note that he didn’t deny the drooling.Try not to worry, angel.The only thing that matters is that you’re here with us and we’ll be together forever.We can make things work.We won’t let you be unhappy.”“But the sunshine,” Matty whispered.How she’d miss the sun.“I’m okay in the light so long as it’s not full sun,” Catch said.“Maybe you’ll be the same.Maybe the brilliant guy holding you will find a solution in that fourth book and identify the plant.”She snuggled closer.“It’s kind of strange that my father was so interested in botany.I still have a lot of his books in the attic.”“What did you think you’d find when you bought Milford Hall?” Catch asked.“I hoped for plants that had developed from ones that were brought here.Once Gabriel had been and gone, I’d intended to survey the whole estate, check for unusual species, anything strange in the soil.”“Wood sorrel isn’t unusual, is it?” Matty asked.“Only because it flowers at night.” Turner kissed her head.“Why?”“There’s a little place where I played as a child where wood sorrel grows and my father told me I always had to take care of it.He said I was its guardian.”Turner tensed.“Show me?”* * * * *By the time they arrived back at Milford Hall, Turner had hyped himself into a tangle of nerves.He kept reminding himself Matty’s place could be nothing.Then a little voice shouted out, It could be everything.As Catch locked the car, Turner took Matty by the hand.“Now,” he said.“It can’t wait until— Oh fine,” Catch said when Turner glared.He took Matty’s other hand and she pulled them around the far side of the house.“Winterval’s gone.” Matty released a deep sigh.“Not quite,” Turner said.“Look over there.”Matty squealed.“The ice rink.”“Seth arranged for them to stay a couple more days,” Turner said.“Oh thank you.” She gave him a brilliant smile.Turner’s heart beat faster and faster as Matty led them farther away from the house.When she finally stopped and they stood facing a small clearing with a large rock in the center, Turner’s heart lodged in his throat.“I loved to play here,” Matty said.Turner moved to the rock and ran his hands over the rough surface.“Dad said it’s an erratic, transported from its home on a river of ice.”Or brought from another planet and full of minerals to feed the soil? Turner’s hands shook.“The wood sorrel’s all around,” Matty said, and pulled Catch to look.“Wow, how many colors does it come in?” Catch asked.“It’s like a rainbow.”No, it was like a miracle, Turner thought.The answer could be here.He caught hold of Matty’s hand and Catch’s and spun them around and around as he laughed.“Can you do that on skates?” Matty asked.“Let’s go and see,” Turner said.The answer was bound to be no.The last time he’d skated had been at a birthday party long before he became a vampire and Turner had fallen and broken his leg.They ran back to the rink and Catch tugged open the door to the little hut.One switch flipped and the ice lit up under a circle of lights.Another switch flipped and soft music filled the air.Matty’s sigh of happiness was worth the small fortune Turner expected he’d have to pay to hire the rink.He’d said “Price is no object” to Seth.While Turner and Catch looked for ice skates big enough, Matty had yanked a pair on, fastened them up and disappeared with a whoop of glee.“You think she’s okay?” Turner asked.“A bit manic but yes,” Catch said with a grin.The yelp didn’t disturb them but the cry of alarm did.They dropped the skates and surged out of the hut.Catch stopped abruptly and Turner slammed into his back.“Oh fuck,” Catch whispered.Turner couldn’t believe what he was seeing.Gabriel couldn’t possibly be here when he lay with a broken neck on a hospital roof bloody miles away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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