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.She actually sounds like she purrs when I do it a second time.My dick twitches, wanting to be inside of Hope right now.Wrapping my hand around my cock, I slowly work my hand up and down my shaft while my other hand explores parts of Hope's body.Moving the blanket out of the way, I glide my finger along her core.She stirs in her sleep but doesn't actually wake.Climbing off the bed, I grab a wrapper from my drawer and place the condom over my dick.I need to have Hope.I have to have her.My dick wants her pussy like a crack head craves his next hit.Moving the blanket completely away from Hope, I place myself between her legs, spreading her apart with my legs.Running the head of my dick along her entrance, I wait to see if she'll wake, but she doesn't.Placing my hand over her mouth, knowing it'll give her the thrill that she oddly seeks, I plunge into her.Her eyes widen and I can feel her moan vibrate against my hand.I don't stop or slow down, instead I pull back and slam back into her hard.I feel her pussy milk my dick as I continue fucking her tight little pussy.I can barely hold off, so when I feel her pulsating against my cock, I let loose and we both end up coming together.The feeling is a sensation I can't actually explain.Giving Hope a quick kiss to the forehead, I remove my hand and grin down at her."Morning." With a wink, I back away from her, sliding my dick from her pussy, and leaving her to lay there freshly fucked."Good.morning," she says groggily with a bit of amusement.Yeah, I could get used to this.Getting out of the shower, I walk into the kitchen to find Hope cooking some bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast."She cooks?"She looks up to me with an innocent little grin."She tries.Don't hate me if it comes out tasting like shit."Walking over, I grab a sausage and bite into it.It’s a little undercooked but still tastes amazing, so I won't complain."Nice, thanks." Sitting on one of the stools, I happen to notice Paul passed out on the couch.He had said he was staying with Edison, but I gave him a key just in case.I didn't expect him to be here this morning.I guess that means I won't be getting a round with Hope on the kitchen counter this morning."He wake up at all?" I ask Hope.She looks over at the couch and shrugs."No.He your brother or something? It scared the shit out of me when I saw him there.I didn't remember him being there last night.""He wasn't." I don't bother going into detail."You should probably head on home soon.I got to get to work.""Oh, yeah, of course.Sorry." She places the plate down on the counter and walks towards the bedroom.Did I just piss her off? And why is that she didn't fight with me to stay, even just for breakfast? That girl, she confuses me.It’s as if she enjoys me being mean to her.If this were that Virginia chick, she'd be throwing food in my direction, telling me I'm a piece of shit, and probably waking up the neighborhood before slamming the door closed.Women.I'll never understand them.I continue eating until Hope comes out of the bedroom with her purse.She slides her shoes on and without looking at me, she gives Sharmane a pet on the head and opens the door."I already let her out," she mutters before closing the door behind her.The bacon I was about to shovel into my mouth gets thrown back on the plate as I stand and walk after her.Opening the door, I yell out, "Get your ass back in here." She keeps walking, not even looking back in my direction.I'm only in my god damn boxers but I sure as shit don't want her leaving like this.Something about the woman makes me want more."Hope, get your ass back here."I jog down the steps and towards her.The friggen pavement under my feet scorches, and I do my best to ignore the stares from everyone pausing on the sidewalk.I reach Hope before she gets to the end of the block and pull on her shoulder."I said to fucking stop."She turns around looking incredibly sad, that is, until she notices me in my lack of clothing."Wes, you do realize you're not dressed right?" Her eyes dart down to only thing I have on right now."Stop undressing me with your eyes and get back in my house.Now." I bark out my order and walk back towards the house.I can feel Hope close to me, which is good.When we get back inside I point towards the bathroom.Go take a damn shower, then eat some food.You can head home after."I don't have clean underwear or clothes.I don't wanna shower."Giving her a sharp look, I interrupt her before she can say anymore."I just went outside in my fucking boxers for you, and you're about to get fucked.hard.I suggest you go shower.Now." Without another word, I finish eating the slice of bacon I originally had in my hand.She drops her purse and slides off her shoes, giving a little attitude but I know she likes it, then she heads into the bathroom.Paul doesn't hide his laughter once the damn bathroom door shuts."Dude," he says groggily.I turn to look at him."There’s food." I hold up my plate to show him just how much."Come eat.""Didn't know you had a girlfriend." He sits up and runs his hands over his face."Fuck, I feel like shit.""What happened last night?" I choose to ignore his stupid ass remark.I don't got a girlfriend and you'll never see me with one, not even Hope."Your dad happened." He gets up, still in his clothes from yesterday.I don't think he has much to wear.He had brought a backpack with him, but it wasn't a large one and I know it wasn't filled.I'll have to give him some money to go get clothes today, until then, I'll have him wear some of mine.Wait."My dad? What the fuck?" I didn't even tell my dad about him.He sits on the stool next to me, piling food onto his plate."Yeah, well, he showed up at Edison’s last night.Flipped the fuck out, told me to get out of town.Wanted me to head out to Texas and that'd he wire me money when I got there.I ain't fucking going to Texas, man.I don't know anyone there.What the fuck am I supposed to do when I get there?""Did he say?""Nah.He just said to use a fake name.He gave me all the paperwork, including a new social security number, and I told him I was leaving but ended up here.I just couldn't do it.I got to the bus station and turned my ass right back around [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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