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." "Who has he given the main jobs to?" "I didn't ask, and he didn't volunteer, but I suspect we'll only have to wait for the morning papers to find out.Not that I'm that interested," he continued, staring at the floor, "as I intend to take the first place that comes free on the legal bench.I've wasted too many years already." "So have I," said Joyce quietly- "What do you mean?" asked Raymond, looking up at his wife for the first time since she had come into the room."If you're going to make a complete break, I think it's time for me to do so as well." "I don't understand," said Raymond."We haven't been close for a long time, Ray," said Joyce, looking straight into her husband's eyes."If you're thinking of giving up the constituency and spend even more time in London, I think we should part." She turned away."Is there someone else?" asked Raymond, his voice cracking."No one special."324FIRST AMONG EQUALS"But someone?" "There is a man who wants to marry me," said Joyce, "if that's what you mean.We were at school in Bradford together.He's an accountant now and has never married." "But do you love him?" Joyce considered the question."No, I can't pretend I do.But we're good friends, he's very kind and understanding, and, more important, he's there." Raymond couldn't move."And the break would at least give you the chance to ask Kate Garthwaite to give up her job in New York and return to London." Raymond gasped."Think about it and let me know what you decide." She left the room quickly so that he could not see her tears.Raymond sat alone in the room and thought back over his years with Joyce-and Kate-and knew exactly what he wanted to do, now that the whole affair was out in the open.Harry Hampton's third birthday party was attended by all those three-year-olds in the vicinity of Eaton Square whom his nanny considered acceptable.Charles managed to escape from a departmental meeting accom- panied by a large box of paint and a red tricycle.As he parked his car in Eaton Square he spotted Fiona's old Volvo driving away toward Sloane Square.He dismissed the coincidence.Harry naturally wanted to ride the tricycle around and around the dining-room table.Charles sat watching his son and couldn't help noticing that he was smaller than most of his friends.Then he remembered that Great-grandfather had only been five feet eight inches tall.It was the moment after the candles had been blown out, and nanny had switched the light back on, that Charles was first aware that something was missing.It was like the game children play with objects on a tray:325FIRST AMONG EQUALSeveryone shuts his eyes, nanny takes one object away and then you all have to guess which it was.It took Charles some time to realize that the missing object was his small gold cigar box.He walked over to the sideboard and studied the empty space.He continued to stare at the spot where the small gold box left to him by his great-grandfather had been the previous night.Now all that was left in its place was the matching lighter.He immediately asked Amanda if she knew where the heirloom was, but his wife seemed totally absorbed in lining up the children for a game of musical chairs.After checking carefully in the other rooms, Charles went into his study and phoned the Chelsea police.An inspector from the local precinct came around immediately and took down all the details.Charles was able to supply the police officer with a photograph of the box, which carried the initials C.G.H.He stopped just short of mentioning Fiona by name.Raymond caught the last train to London the same evening because he had to be in court to hear a verdict by ten o'clock the next morning.In the flat that night he slept intermittently as he thought about how he would spend the rest of his new life.Before he went into court the next morning he ordered a dozen red roses via Interflora.He phoned the Attorney General.If he was going to change his life, he must change it in every way.When the verdict had been given and the judge had passed sentence, Raymond checked the plane schedules.Nowadays you could be there in such a short time.He booked his flight and took a taxi to Heathrow.He sat on the plane praying it wasn't too late and that too much time hadn't passed.The flight seemed endless, as did the taxi drive from the airport.When he arrived at her front door she was astonished.326FIRST AMONG EQUALS"What are you doing here on a Monday afternoon?" she asked."I've come to try and win you back," said Raymond."Christ, that sounds comy," he added."It's the nicest thing you've said in years," she said as he held her in his arms; over Joyce's shoulder Raymond could see the roses brightening up the drawing room.Over a quiet dinner, Raymond told Joyce of his plans to accept the Attorney General's offer to join the Bench, but only if she would agree to live in London.They had a second bottle of champagne.When they arrived at home a little after one, the phone was ringing.Raymond opened the door and stumbled toward it while Joyce groped for the light switch."Raymond, I've been trying to get you all night," a lilting Welsh voice said."Have you now9" Raymond said thickly, trying to keep his eyes open."You sound as if you've been to a good party." "I've been celebrating with my wife." "Celebrating9 Before you've heard the news?" "What news?" said Raymond, collapsing into the armchair."I've been juggling the new team around all day and I was hoping you would agree to join the Shadow Cabinet as." Raymond sobered up very quickly and listened carefully to Neil Kinnock."Can you hold the line?" "Of course," said the surprised voice at the other end."Joyce," said Raymond, as she came out of the kitchen clutching two mugs of very black coffee."Would you agree to five with me in London if I don't become a judge?" A wide smile spread over Joyce's face with the realiza- 327FIRST AMONG EQUALStion that he was seeking her approval.She nodded several times."I'd be delighted to accept," he said."Thank you, Raymond.Perhaps we could meet at my office in the Commons tomorrow and talk over policy in your new field." "Yes, of course," said Raymond."See you tomorrow." He dropped the phone on the floor and fell asleep in the chair, grinning.Joyce replaced the phone and didn't discover until the following morning that her husband was the new Shadow Secretary of State for Defense.Charles had heard nothing for three weeks about the missing gold box and was beginning to despair when the inspector phoned to say that the family heirloom had been found."Excellent news," said Charles."Are you able to bring the box around to Eaton Square?" "It's not quite as simple as that, sir," said the policeman."What do you mean?" "I would prefer not to discuss the matter over the phone.May I come and see you, sir?" "By all means," said Charles, slightly mystified.He waited impatiently for the inspector to arrive, although the policeman was at the front door barely ten minutes later.His first question took Charles by surprise."Are we alone, sir?" "Yes," said Charles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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