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.”“Why would she do such a thing, Rain Song?” asked Big Hand, the elder who had taken Lean Bear’s place when he grew sick the previous winter and died.Rain Song looked into the elder’s earnest eyes and realized he wanted to hear her opinion, which surprised her.“I do not know why she did such a thing, but I do know she wanted to see me dead and Wind Warrior discredited.” Her gaze moved to Tall Woman, who encouraged her with a nod.“Spotted Flower attempted to take the remaining horses so my mother and I would not have a way to escape the fire.”Dull Knife looked at her with anger.If what Rain Song said was true, then Spotted Flower had disregarded his orders.She was supposed to make certain Rain Song escaped the fire unharmed.He wanted the council to believe the fire had been a natural occurrence.“You say this is true.Are we supposed to believe you?”Seeing her daughter’s trembling lips part, Tall Woman interceded.“May I speak?” she asked.The elder nodded.“What my daughter told you is the truth.For her part in the tragedy, Spotted Flower was banned from our midst.As I see it, the matter is over.”Dull Knife could hardly challenge the word of Chief Broken Lance’s woman.His expression was sulky, and his face reddened as it always did when he was furious.“Then let us bring this meeting to a close,” Big Hand said.“Dull Knife, you were mistaken when you chose to remain near the river and convinced others to do the same.But I place no blame on you—you thought you were right, and Wind Warrior thought he was right.Now that we know the outcome, we can all draw our own conclusions.As for me, I believe you were wrong, Dull Knife.Let the matter rest there.”Rain Song remembered that Spotted Flower had said someone wanted to discredit Wind Warrior.Her gaze met Dull Knife’s—she believed it was he, but she had no proof.Should she say something to the council?Ducking her head to break eye contact with Dull Knife, she decided to say nothing.Rain Song waited until her mother rose to leave, and then she did the same.Once she was out of the tipi, Rain Song wished she had voiced her suspicions of Dull Knife.But that was all they were, only suspicions.Looking skyward, she watched the first snowflakes of the season drift downward.There was coldness in her heart, and a fear that Dull Knife would do something to harm Wind Warrior.Not wanting to take the chance of running into Dull Knife, Rain Song hurried down the footpath into the woods, soon joined by her faithful Chinook.It had been difficult to relive the horrors of the prairie fire today, but it had been necessary to settle the matter.Now she needed to be alone.The wind whipped up and sent a chill through her body.Halfway down the path, she heard footsteps coming from behind and she turned.The bristles on Chinook’s neck stood, and the wolf growled deep in her throat, dropping into an attack stance.Dull Knife had followed her.She wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go that he could not overtake her.“You once walked with my brother—now walk with me,” he demanded.She glanced down at Chinook—the wolf was quivering, ready to attack.“My father gave his permission for Wind Warrior to walk with me.He did not give you permission.”Dull Knife grabbed her arm and shoved her behind a tree, and Chinook lunged, going for Dull Knife’s throat.Before Rain Song knew what was happening, Dull Knife stabbed Chinook, and the wolf fell to the ground.Crying out in horror, Rain Song broke away from Dull Knife and rushed to Chinook.Going down on her knees, she quickly examined the wolf to determine if the wound was life-threatening.Chinook was bleeding from her side, and Rain Song tried to stop the flow of blood by pressing her hand against the wound.When Chinook tried to get up, Rain Song ordered her to stay.Her anger overruled her fear.Turning to Dull Knife, she narrowed her eyes.“You are evil.”Dull Knife yanked her up, slamming her against a tree.“Forget about the wolf.I do not believe you yet comprehend that you belong to me,” he growled.“I will kill any man who comes near you.Do you understand that?”He pressed his body against hers.She struggled and fought, trying to push him away.Bile rose in her throat and she willed herself not to be ill.She said forcefully through clenched teeth, “Let-me-go.”Ignoring her, Dull Knife tightened his hold, glancing down the path to make sure they were alone.“I will have you now, Rain Song.No man will want you after I’ve finished with you,” he said, lifting her gown and shoving his hand underneath.His voice was deep and husky.“I will have you.”All Rain Song could think was that the hands touching her were the same as had touched Susan, murdered her.She felt a sob building up inside.“Leave me alone!”He jerked her chin and made her look at him as his hand continued to climb higher up her leg.“I will leave you alone when I am finished with you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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