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.I phoned the mansion.Their best cook, Mrs Payne, travelled to the Bunker in the truck when the driver took the star shells and searchlights.She makes giant shepherd's pies.She's taken ingredients and cooking utensils with her.''You're an angel.Shepherds pie? You're making my mouth water.''I can probably get you one now.There's a place that stays open all night not far from here.''Wait until I've had a shower and got dressed,' he said, collecting his clothes.'For when you drive down there your warm coat's on that hanger.I got it out for you.It will be chilly on the coast — after dark it could be freezing.''Again, you're an angel.Shepherd's pie.'Tweed had a dreamy look at he left his office.When Tweed returned, fully dressed, he had a shock.Sitting at her desk was Paula, also fully dressed, wearing the same outfit, complete with leggings and boots, she'd worn in the Black Forest.Her jacket hung from the back of her chair.She gave him a great big smile.'Good morning, Tweed.You're up early.''So are you.And you look fresh as a daisy, a very fresh daisy.Couldn't you sleep after Marler called you?''I was awake when he did call.Have you forgotten? I'm like you.I can get by with a few hours' sleep.Monica's gone out to fetch the goodies.I told her I'd look after the phone while she was gone.Trust Monica to know probably the only food shop round here open all night.'She had just finished speaking when the door opened and Monica walked in carrying a tray.Arranged on it were two large plastic cartons with covers.She placed the tray end on, so one end was in front of Tweed's chair, the other facing it.'Now how did I know, Paula, you'd be here? Fancy shepherd's pie?''I'm so hungry,' Paula told her, 'I could devour it.I hadn't the patience to make myself something at the flat.''Bring your chair over this side,' Monica ordered.She waited until they were settled, facing each other across the desk.Then she bent forward.'Have to do this properly like they do in posh restaurants, she announced.Monica grasped the covers of each carton, paused, then with a flourish she removed the covers.Tweed realized he was famished as an appetizing aroma drifted into the room.'Thank you, waiter,' said Paula.'There'll be a pot of tea shortly.Don't wait for it — your food will get cold.''I have things to tell you,' Tweed said between mouthfuls.He told her about his conversations with Philip at the MoD, about the arrival of Alf's mob at the Bunker, about the delivery of the searchlights and star shells.They were still eating when Howard came into the room, a rather dishevelled Howard.His shirt collar was open at the neck, his hair was only roughly brushed, his jaw whiskery.'Excuse my appearance.I fell asleep for hours in my office.Pardon me, Tweed.' Taking a spoon, he scooped up a helping of shepherd's pie.'That's very good.Why don't I get service like this?''Make passionate love to Monica,' Paula suggested.'I'll get it for him anyway,' Monica said hastily.'Howard,' said Tweed, 'we drive down at ten o'clock on the dot this morning.I'll keep you in touch as far as I can.'`Please do that.I'll be thinking of you all.: He put his hand on Paula's shoulder, squeezed it.!You take care of yourself.''I don't think I'm too bad at doing that.But thank you for the thought.'`I'm going off now to make myself respectable.Good luck to you all.'He left quickly.Paula had the impression he was on the verge of getting emotional.As they finished their meal Monica was working away at her desk.She was checking the profiles again.'Sharon Charlotte Mandeville,' she called out suddenly.'Charlotte.I suppose she couldn't be Charlie.''Tweed thinks she is,' Paula replied.'I'm not one hundred per cent certain.'At precisely 10 am two cars drove away from Park Crescent.In the lead car Paula was behind the wheel with Tweed by her side.In the back Newman relaxed, legs crossed as he gazed out of the window.Behind them Marler drove the second car.Next to him sat Nield and in the back Butler sat very upright, scanning the traffic, looking frequently back through the rear window to see if there was any sign they were being followed.There wasn't.'Thank you for letting me take the wheel,' Paula said as they left London behind.'I thought it was your turn,' Tweed replied.'And I know that you love driving.You realize you're humming a tune?''I know.It's such a lovely day.Not a cloud in the sky and the air is so crisp and fresh.''It will be a different atmosphere after dark,' Newman commented.'Might be a bit too fresh for you, Paula.''Now don't you get fresh with her,' Tweed joked.'I think she's safer with you in the back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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