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.Not too many pregnant women delivered healthy babies.A lot of miscarriages and a couple stillbirths.Proof of the abominations those poor little souls were, in my opinion.Others say it’s because the kids they had got older and the adults didn’t want them to know how badly they’d sinned.No child should have to bear the sins of their parents.And sin it most definitely was.Mary taking sick like she did scared the bejabbers out of a lot of people.She took ill young and only got worse as the years passed.”Rex cleared his throat.“Considering Derek’s diagnosis, she could have had cancer too.Could be a little of all you mentioned brought an end to all that carrying on.Until now, no one’s said a word to us about the history of the place.As you know, we met Derek in college.He talked about how great he’d heard the ranch and inn once were and that it had fallen not exactly on hard times, but that there was a lot of potential to make it great again.The more we talked, the more we felt it was something we wanted to make work.So we formed a partnership.”“You did a darn fine job of it too.The grandkids love playing cowboy, and the inn is beautiful.The missus and I have picnicked in the aviary more than a few times.We were just there last week, in fact.” Mr.Simpkiss beamed a smile their way.“Along with half the town.First time in a long time my whole family got together outside work.Goodness, that was fun.Nothing pleases me more than seeing Tito Llano bested by a woman.”Tyler slipped his hand over Tessa’s knee.“The inn and aviary are beautiful, all thanks to Tessa’s sharp eye and skills.”Simpkiss’s smile swept her way.“So I understand.Well done.” A flush crept over his face.“That’s right.Mike Ford left the place to you.”And just like that, he’d realized his faux pas in telling stories about the place.Tessa didn’t care anymore but also wasn’t going to address her parentage.People could make of it what they would.“Judging from your earlier comment, I’d guess the autopsy on Derek revealed his cancer.He and Mike had apparently known for a while.Rest assured, the ranch and all it entails will remain in good hands.Nothing will change.” She added a smile that was more genuine than she anticipated.It lifted her heart.“Good to know.”Too bad his tone didn’t reflect the sentiment.Tessa was afraid to ask why.Simpkiss retrieved a portfolio from the desk behind him.“Derek’s personal effects are in the back room.The sheriff’s department took his clothing and the weapon.All things considered, I would suggest a closed casket.”Rex cleared his throat again.Emotion must be getting to him.“I think cremation would be best,” he said.“Me too,” Tyler added.“He’d prefer his ashes scattered.”“And a memorial service at the ranch rather than a stiff funeral.Something to celebrate his life,” Tessa said.“Donations in lieu of flowers.” Rex frowned into space.“We’ll draw up an obituary and provide more information about that then.”Simpkiss nodded while he made notes.“Very good.”Yes, it was very good.Odd how simple and right it felt to make those decisions, as if they’d somehow channeled Derek.“I’ll have my daughter prepare the contract and be right back with Derek’s personal effects.” A nod, another kindly smile, and they were left alone.Rex and Tyler draped their arms around the back of her chair as they turned her way.Hands cupped her knees.Tessa laced her fingers with theirs.Connected.One.This was all that mattered.Lifting her hands, they kissed her fingers and returned to their former positions.But the tie remained.She felt it deep inside.Did they?A cough alerted them to Simpkiss’s return.Tessa remembered that tactic from when they’d made funeral arrangements for Mike.It was Simpkiss’s polite way of warning the bereaved he was about to enter the room.“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” He walked in carrying a clipboard and a light blue photo box.“Margaret had everything nearly complete.I was delayed with another call.I presumed there would be no urn, since you indicated you would be scattering Derek’s ashes.”“Correct,” Rex said.“Very good.” Simpkiss passed the clipboard their way.“I’ll need you to review this and sign at the bottom.”Tyler accepted the clipboard and started to read.“And here are Derek’s things.” The box came in their general direction.Rex accepted it.“I’ll give you some privacy.Take your time.” He gave a nod and started to walk away.“Did the medical examiner indicate cause of death?” Tyler asked.Simpkiss crossed his wrists loosely before him.“He surmised it was an arrow at close range, not a gunshot.There were feathers in the wound left from someone pulling the arrow through.However, by the tumors throughout his body, he had about two months left.Medical examiner said the killer saved him a lot of agony.Not that he or I condone murder.”“Thanks.”He nodded, stepped into the hall, and closed the door behind him.“Odd that Tito didn’t keep his effects as evidence.” Rex caressed the box.“Nothing Tito doesn’t do surprises me anymore.” Tyler scrawled his signature at the bottom of the form, then set the clipboard aside.“Are we going to talk about this?”“Does it matter?” Tessa ordered her mounting tears to stay away.“He was killed.Deliberately, purposefully murdered.” At close range.“Open the box, Rex.Please.”Tessa and Tyler craned their necks for a look as Rex lifted the lid.Wallet, cell phone, keys.Her relief at seeing the safe-deposit key was usurped by the Galveston key ring shaped in a heart.Grief slammed into her full force.Derek was dead.Murdered.She pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle a cry.It didn’t help.Tyler and Rex flanked her from both sides, leaning in while she cried, and adding tears of their own.Chapter ThirteenRex didn’t expect it would be this rough.Grief had hit him hard.He’d tried to be strong for Tessa.In the end, he was as vulnerable as she.Tyler too, for that matter.He felt like he’d been wrung out and put up to dry.Opening yet another box wasn’t something he looked forward to.But here they were, tucked away in a cubby outside the bank vault yet again, staring at Derek’s safe-deposit box.“Ready?” Tessa’s hands shook as she reached for the lid.“Let’s just get it over with,” Tyler said.Rex silently echoed that sentiment.Breath held, Tessa pulled the lid free.A white envelope with their names on it stared up at them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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