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.She would understand the message he had left for her.As he heard the sirens of other vehicles approaching the area he retreated, using the noise they were making to cover his movements.TWENTY MINUTES LATER, patrol cars lined the street, spotlights probing into the darkness.A police helicopter circled overhead.Most of the houses appeared to be abandoned as officers searched each one.As Wayne leaned against the Durango, drawing heavily on a cigarette, Jess slowly made her way back toward him.She was frowning."I'm gatherin' you lost him," Wayne stated the obvious."Yeah.Goddamn it!" she seethed as she threw her flashlight into her car."Well, I'm hungry from all this excitement," he said as he pushed himself away from the car and crushed out his cigarette.When they drove up to Harriett's house, there was a patrol car in the driveway.Inside, officers were taking statements from Lacey and Devon.Harriett came up to them."Who was it?" she asked."I never saw his face," Jess explained.Harriett frowned and Jess was furious that she hadn't been able to apprehend the man."I don't think you should stay here, Harriett," she said."Whoever it was probably knows where you live.""I'm not going to run away and hide, Jess.It would just give him more power over me."Taking Harriett's arm, Jess led her into the kitchen."Why don't you and Lacey stay at my place for a while.At least give us a chance to locate the guy.""We'll be fine here.""If you won't come to my house, then I'll be forced to stay here," Jess said."Your choice."Placing her hands on Jess's shoulders, Harriett finally said, "Let's have dinner, and then I'll decide.Okay?""Where's the food?" Harriett asked as she and Jess returned to the living room.Lacey jumped up, "Oh, I left it in the truck when we got home.I'll get it, but it's probably cold by now.I'm sorry.""That's why God invented microwaves, sweetheart," Harriett smiled."I'll get it," Wayne said as he trudged out the front door.A couple of minutes later, he carried in two large plastic grocery bags full of food and handed them to Harriett.Turning to Jess, he said quietly, "Join me outside for a minute."Jess followed him to Harriett's truck."Walk around her truck.slowly.Tell me if you see anything unusual," the investigator said as he lit another cigarette.Jess looked at him blankly, but did as he told her.She walked around the truck twice.Once at normal height and a second time bent at the waist.As she came around the rear of the truck the second time, she stopped.Looking at Wayne, she asked, "Got a flashlight?"When Wayne shook his head, she walked to the Durango and retrieved her flashlight.Squatting next to the truck, she ran the beam down the body of the truck."Fuck me," she breathed."Whaddaya think it is?" Wayne asked coolly.Glancing up at him, Jess said, "You know damn well what it is.Some guy whacked off and finger painted with his own semen.""Yep, that's what I thought.Just wanted another opinion," he said gruffly."Better get the lab out here to impound this truck.Whoever it is sure ain't tryin' to be very subtle."Jess flipped open her phone and punched in a number."Unfortunately, it's not illegal to jerk off, even if it is on someone's private vehicle.""Whatcha gonna tell Harriett?"Looking back at the truck and the word "soon" scrawled on it, she looked at Wayne."I'm going to tell her that her life has been threatened, and she should take it very seriously.""Well, there goes dinner," he exhaled.AFTER WATCHING HER truck being loaded on a tow truck and hauled away, Harriett and Lacey packed bags, and Jess loaded them into the back of her Durango.Wayne agreed to stay at Harriett's just in case anyone uninvited showed up.Arriving at her home, Jess showed Lacey to a downstairs bedroom and made sure she had everything she needed to be comfortable.Joining Harriett in the master bedroom, Jess took off her jacket and locked her Glock away in the nightstand.Harriett began unpacking as Jess cleared a place for her clothes in her closet and chest of drawers."How long do you think we'll have to be here?" Harriett asked."Probably long enough for the lab to process the car that followed Lacey and your truck," Jess shrugged."I'll need to rent a car.""I'll arrange for one tomorrow after I drop you off at your office.Anything special?""How about something non-descript that looks like every other damn car on the road?""That's probably a good idea," Jess frowned slightly."Listen, Harriett, if you want, I can sleep downstairs.""If anyone should sleep downstairs it would be me.I'm the one displacing you.""I don't look at it that way.But I don't want Lacey to get the wrong idea.""And exactly what idea would that be, Jess?" Harriett asked shortly."That you and I are sleeping together? We both know that's not true."Jess was taken aback by the rebuke in Harriett's voice, but chose to ignore it."I'm sorry, Jess," Harriett said softly."I'm so sorry.Tonight has just been.stressful.""I won't let anyone hurt you or Lacey."Crossing the room, Harriett put her arms around Jess and hugged her tightly."Let's get some rest," she whispered."We're both a little jittery right now, and my client's trial starts in earnest tomorrow.""I'll be back in a minute.I need to check the doors and set the alarm," Jess nodded.Harriett finished putting her clothes and bathroom items away.She had just begun undressing, pulling her shirt over her head, when she had the feeling she was being watched.As she turned, she saw Jess leaning against the door facing of the bedroom.She could feel her eyes caressing her body, clothed only in her bra and half zipped jeans.Jess's eyes wandered slowly up Harriett's body until their eyes met."You are so beautiful," she said softly as Harriett moved slowly toward her, stopping less than a foot from her."You take my breath away."Harriett continued looking into Jess's eyes as she reached up and touched the side of her face without speaking.Her hand came to rest on the back of Jess's neck, and she pulled her closer.In a rush of desire she had been struggling with since they first met, Jess took Harriett in her arms and kissed her deeply.Her kiss was filled with a longing and need she hadn't felt since she had lost Renee, and Harriett responded to it eagerly.As Jess's lips moved along her neck and shoulders, Harriett closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of Jess's hands on her skin.Almost as quickly as she had begun, Jess stopped and held Harriett in her arms."I should sleep downstairs," she said.Harriett couldn't believe what she was hearing."What's wrong, Jess?""Nothing.""Then why do you seem so.reluctant to be with me?""I'm not.This just isn't the right time.Your plate is full with the trial and now with whoever is stalking you.You don't need me to complicate things even more."Harriett held Jess's eyes with her own as she began unbuttoning her shirt.Running her hands under it she heard the quick intake of breath as her hands spread and flattened against Jess's abdomen and ribs."I want to be with you, Jess, but you keep pushing me away.""I want you so much that it scares the hell out of me, Harriett.I never thought I would meet anyone who could make me feel like this after Renee.""I can't be Renee for you, Jess.""You don't need to be.Renee is.dead.""And you're still alive.When are you going to forgive yourself being alive and wanting to enjoy life again?"Jess's eyes penetrated Harriett's as if she were trying to see what was in her mind.Her hands softly touched Harriett until they found their way into her jeans and caressed her buttocks.Kissing her with a series of small teasing kisses, Jess let her mouth wander as Harriett ran her hands through Jess's hair and pulled her mouth back to her own.She couldn't remember ever wanting anyone so much before, not even Alex [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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