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."The high mage inclined his head and replied, "It will be done."The queen stood, weariness evident in her posture, and said, "When we have learned a little more, we will meet again to consider our response."CHAPTER 76 Ches, the Year of Lightning StormsAraevin and Ilsevele set out from Waterdeep on a cold, bright day scoured by fierce westerly winds.With the two elves rode Grayth Holmfast, who wore a suit of light golden mail beneath a white surcoat emblazoned with the sunrise of Lathander, and his younger companion Brant, dressed in the orange surcoat of an aspirant to the Order of the Aster.Maresa Rost rounded out the party, wearing a jerkin of studded leather dyed deep crimson, a striking contrast with her pale skin and white hair.They had spent two days outfitting themselves, purchasing good horses, an ample supply of provisions, and equipment for their search."So, where exactly are we going?" Maresa asked as the keep of Daggerdale disappeared below the hills at their back.The cold waters of the Sea of Swords thundered and crashed below the cliffs a few hundred yards from the road, and the roaring wind made speech difficult."I am not sure," Araevin replied."I have a sense of how far away the item we seek lies, and in what direction.I've also glimpsed the place where it lies, a ruined tower deep in a forest.Based on that intuition, I believe that we will find what we seek in the Forest of Wyrms, though it might be the Reaching Woods, or the Wood of Sharp Teeth, or possibly even some unnamed copse somewhere south of the Chionthar and north of the Small Teeth.""You still haven't gotten around to telling me what we're looking for."Araevin frowned.He could feel Ilsevele and Grayth endeavoring not to look at him as he answered.When it came down to it, he still didn't know Maresa well at all, and he hesitated to say too much.But he suspected that she was sharp enough to see through him if he didn't trust her with something close to the truth."I am looking for a set of enchanted gemstones," he said."There are three of them.I have the first, and it permits me to sense the second.""Enchanted? What do they do?""They hold spells," Araevin answered."Like a wizard's spellbook.I'm interested in the spells that I think might be stored in the second and third stones.""Fair enough," said Maresa."I suppose there's no point in asking for a cut of the magic gems, but I'll require an even share of any other treasure we find.""Agreed," said Araevin, then he fell silent, considering what else he should add.Ilsevele spoke for him."There is something else, Maresa," she said."We have reason to believe that there may be others who want these gems—sorcerers with demon servants.They will kill for them without hesitation.Be on your guard.""There are always complications," the genasi said brightly.She patted the rapier at her hip."Let them come.""So we start near Soubar," Grayth said."That's a tenday's ride, possibly more if the rains come early this spring.I guess we'll have time to get to know each other.""I intend to cut seven days from that," Araevin said."I know of an old portal that will shorten our journey by three hundred miles.It was built in the early days of ancient Illefarn.The gate will take us from the Ardeep Forest to an abandoned watchtower in the eastern portion of the Trollbark Forest.""Is it safe to use?" Grayth asked, with no small anxiety."The portal is sound enough, though we will have to be careful when we reach the other side," Araevin answered."The Trollbark is aptly named.But we won't cross more than ten miles or so of that forest before we meet the Trade Way again.""Would it be better to remain on the road?" Ilsevele asked."I don't know.The road has its perils, too—brigands and marauding monsters from the High Moor, thieves and cutthroats in the roadside inns.On the other hand time might be important."They rode on for the rest of the day, and by nightfall the company had reached the outskirts of the Ardeep Forest.The sea wind kept its strength all day and into the evening, though with sunset a low, scudding cloud cover set in, making for a lightless and gloomy night.The House of Long Silences was still almost ten miles farther on, so they decided to camp for the night in the shelter of a ruined hunting lodge, a moss-covered building made of rough-hewn logs and fieldstone.It was open to the sky, but with a little work they hoisted some of the fallen timbers back into place and spread evergreen boughs over the gaps [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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