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.“It’s so nice to meet you, Becca,” Amy said.“Thanks, you too.”Chelsea stared up at Becca in awe, tugging at the bottom of my sister’s shirt.“Mommy, she looks like a Disney princess,” she said in her best attempt at a whisper, causing us all to break out in laughter.“Thank you, Chelsea.” Becca smiled.My sister shook her head and smiled as she and Chelsea walked back into the dining room.I leaned down and whispered in Becca’s ear, “Told ya you were beautiful.”After dinner, we sat around talking.I was happy to see Becca looking totally relaxed and deep in conversation with my brother-in-law, who was also a lawyer.“Mason, come into the kitchen and help me clean up for Mom,” Amy said.I got up from the couch and followed her in.“So, Mom and Dad still have no clue about this party tomorrow night?” I asked.“Nope, they just think that they’re meeting me and Mickey for dinner.So don’t let it slip.”“I promise.I won’t.”“So, she must be really special.”“Who?” I asked.“Who? Becca, silly.”“What makes you think that?”“Well, let’s see: for one, you never bring any of your girlfriends home for us to meet.She is absolutely beautiful and you have doted on her for the past hour at dinner.”I looked down at the dirty dishes in the sink.“She’s beyond special, Amy.”“I’m happy for you, Mason.You deserve it.Is it hard with her being blind?”I shook my head.“No, it’s like when I’m with her I sometimes forget that she can’t see.She’s so independent and strong, it just absolutely amazes me.She went through her last year of college and law school, blind.”“Wow, that really is amazing.Well, I really do wish you both nothing but the best.She seems like a really sweet girl.”“Thanks.” Amy’s opinion meant a lot to me.She and I were always really close and I would still find myself calling her up for advice whenever I needed it.After we finished cleaning up, we joined everyone in the living room once again.Chelsea was sitting next to Becca, playing with her hair, while Becca sat there looking totally relaxed and enjoying every minute of it.“Chelsea, Sweetie, what are you doing?” Amy asked.“I’m playing beauty shop.” Chelsea smiled.“Well, I’m sure Becca doesn’t want you messing up her hair.”“Oh no, it’s fine.It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a beauty shop so this actually feels nice,” Becca said.My sister looked at Becca with sadness in her eyes.“Well then, we’re going to have to change that.I’m sure my girl can squeeze you in after my hair appointment tomorrow for a little well deserved pampering.”“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, but –”“I insist.” She looked around to make sure that my mom and dad were out of earshot.“You have a party to go to tomorrow, so you have to look your best.” I wrapped my arm around Becca’s waist as I sat down next to her and she leaned her head into me.“Do you think you can manage to be without her for a few hours tomorrow, Mason?” Amy teased.“Don’t know about that,” I teased back.“Well, when you see how beautiful she looks, you’ll realize that it’s worth it.”I kissed Becca on the top of her head and closed my eyes, knowing it wasn’t possible for her to be any more beautiful than she already was.My sister called to let me know that she and Becca were running late and that Becca was going to get ready at her house.I patiently waited for them to arrive at the restaurant, hoping that my parents didn’t get there first.I lifted my head and stood up when I saw Amy walk in the door.“Where’s Becca?” I asked.“Close your eyes,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.She stood behind me and placed her hands over my eyes.“Okay, open them,” she said as she uncovered them.Becca stood in front of me on my brother-in-law’s arm and I was speechless.She was beyond beautiful tonight, wearing a short peach colored studded dress.Her hair was flowing around her face in big loose curls and her makeup was done up lightly to accent her natural beauty.“Just like Cinderella,” Amy giggled.I walked over to her and took her by the arm.“Do I look okay?” she asked.“Becca, I can’t stop smiling.You look gorgeous, Baby.”“The dress looks okay? Amy picked it out when we went shopping today.She said it’s not too short, but –”I placed my finger on her lips to stop her from talking.“Becca, it’s perfect.You look perfect and I can’t wait to show you off to everyone tonight.” I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “There’s only one problem.”“What’s that?” I could hear her voice rise in panic.“I’m gonna have a damn hard time keeping my hands off of you all night.”I gently rubbed Becca’s back as she slept.Tonight was one of the best nights of my life.Just seeing how happy she was the entire night, holding her in my arms on the dance floor and finally making love to her after four long hours of staring at her perfect body in that dress that hugged her every curve.Even though it was pure sexual torture, it was totally worth the wait.Once I knew that she was in a deep sleep, I got out of bed and slipped on my shorts.I walked outside on the veranda and took a seat in the lounge chair.The full moon was trying to break through the overcast sky and I was hoping that maybe it was some kind of sign.I knew I had to tell her soon.I was hoping that maybe something from these past few months of being together would help her piece it together, but it didn’t.Maybe she really did just want to completely erase Drew Bryant from her memory, but then why did she still carry that picture around in her wallet? I ran my hand through my hair, not wanting to think about what just may happen once she knew the truth.I didn’t know if I could handle losing her again.The rumble of thunder broke me from my thoughts.I got up upon seeing the flash of lighting in the distance.When I walked inside, Becca was crying out in her sleep.I crept over to her.“No, Drew please, please don’t leave me!” I stood there frozen as the tears overflowed from her closed eyes and down her cheeks.I wanted to go to her and comfort her but something was stopping me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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