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.He immediately regaled them on the rest of the fun he had at Connor’s expense.The laughter began almost immediately.Connor looked towards the office, shaking his head.“He enjoys this just a little too much.”“How are you feeling?” Karen asked.“I need to take it easy for a while, but other than that, I feel great.How have you been? It seems like years since I held you.Hey.I.I sense two heartbeats.You…You’re going to have a baby.”Karen looked up into his eyes finally.“I am going to have your baby.”It was the first time since she met Thomas Connor that she saw his mouth drop in complete shock.She saw tears start at the corners of his eyes, and then he hugged her to him again.She felt the euphoria ring through her as if she were a tuning fork.If there had been any trepidation about telling him before, it disappeared completely.“I want you to move in with me until we get married.”“What happened to my trip back to Paris?”“Give me a little time to heal up, and then I will take you on a honeymoon there.How about we go shopping for rings here in New York at the swankest place we can find?”“I think that would be very nice.Can I tell everyone?”“Sure,” Connor said sheepishly.“Besides, I promised Johnny, along with not killing him, that I would buy him dinner tonight at the place of his choice if he would stop hawking me as Tom Cruise.It was the only way I could get the little cretin to let up.Those people looked like they were getting ready to collect Tom Cruise samples.”“Let’s get Nate, Johnny and the whole team.We can all go celebrate.”“Did you look in on the boys while you were in with Attila? I worried about them when I saw Nate had come over.”“They’re running the business like pros.You should see their growing customer database,” Karen said.“They have an active advertising program going on in the Senate, House, and all of the federal buildings, not to mention referrals.You and Nate have a solid group of capitalists there.”“Sounds like I will have to have them recruit some more help.”“Nate already okayed two more friends of the group.Sammy trained them on the road, and they have been working with everyone on their time in the shop and office.Barf has been looking for you though.He loves the boys, but he misses you.He goes on his walks reluctantly.”“I missed him too,” Connor sighed.“I’ll make him a steak dinner when I get back.Let’s go get my two partners, and get over to the hotel, so we can all get cleaned up.I think we ought to take the whole team out with us.We can share it with everyone.”“Do you mean it? I would love it, but then you will have an inordinate number of witnesses.How will you back out later?”Connor picked her up off the floor and held her tightly to him.He kissed her with abandon, and then looked straight into her eyes.“I will never leave you lady.You will have to be the one to back out.”They heard catcalls and whistles.“Get a room,” Nate called out.Connor and Karen walked over to join the group just outside the custom’s office.“I can see in your mutant face Karen told you you’re about to become a Father Mutant,” Johnny said grinning hugely as he stuck out his hand.“Congratulations Thomas.”Connor took his hand, beaming.All of them were on him then, clapping him on the back and shaking his hand.Nate hugged him, much to everyone’s amusement.Karen told them about the plans for dinner, and that Johnny would get to pick the restaurant, and then why he got to pick, which brought more laughter.Connor rented the Triplex Suite on two different floors of the New York Palace Hotel.They had a small party with all the men before dinner.Connor told them to charge anything their hearts desired, but to act with honor.Karen watched their young faces change at his friendly admonition.Nick and Derek had rejoined them, and brought along Luis Ruiz with them from where he had been staying.Nick stepped forward.“You will never have to worry about us letting you down Mr.Connor.”“Relax Nick.I wasn’t trying to assault anyone’s sensibilities.I just don’t want anything to happen to any of you after what you all have been through in the last month.”“We all know that Mr.Connor,” Luis said, “and we all know what you have been through.I wonder if any of us will ever again know the success and satisfaction we have known in the last month serving under you.”Other voices spoke up in agreement immediately, but Connor waved them down.“You guys have not seen anything yet.Whenever I find a mission, where I need people I can trust, you guys will be the first called.You all work for Greg at CIA now.He knows he can count on Nate, Johnny, and I to help him and Derek.We know we can count on you guys.You all know where we are.Anytime any of you guys get into Washington, I will put you up at the hotel of your choice, and chauffeur you around in your own private limousine.I never forget.Salute.” Connor held up his Champaign glass, as the others joined him solemnly in a toast.The wind howled outside through the streets of Washington D.C.The ballroom rented for the Washington DC Limousine Company Christmas party sparkled with Christmas lights and wreaths.A gigantic fully decorated Christmas tree stood in the center of the ballroom floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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