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.He must know that she would soon be missed and a search party sent from the garrison.As they rode off towards Sir Walter’s manor Rosamunde looked back at Thomas’ unmoving body lying where it had fallen and knew her situation was helpless.There would be no rescue.When morning came she would be Sir Walter’s bride, one way or another.Although her captor threatened to hit her if she did not keep still, Rosamunde struggled until she almost fell off the horse.They travelled slowly and the man holding her cursed frequently.Suddenly the man did hit her: hard.Stunned, she stayed still for a few minutes and then started to struggle again.The man was taken by surprise, thinking he had cowed her into submission and fell from the horse.Since she had no means to hold onto the horse, Rosamunde also fell, crashing onto her elbow and hip.Dizzy from the pain, she felt rough hands grab her and put her back onto the horse.When the men spurred their horses on, she started to moan, as if in greater pain than she felt.The men grumbled, but remembered their orders.The horse’s motion changed from a trot to a walk and Rosamunde moaned more quietly.The journey to Sir Walter’s house continued.But she was content; she had slowed them down.Help might yet find her before it was too late.She knew that Guy would follow once he knew that she was taken, but he might not know for some time yet.The afternoon was darkening by the time they arrived at the manor.Rosamunde had wondered what had happened to the men left behind by the duke to guard Sir Walter, but as they entered the walled manor she saw four corpses in the courtyard and knew.Sir Walter came out to meet them in the small courtyard and helped her down.She was stiff and sore by now and stumbled into his arms.“Welcome to your new home, my dear,” he said, holding her close against his body.She pulled herself away and almost lost her balance.Rosamunde wanted to spit at him, but decided instead to maintain a haughty composure.“Do not imagine for a moment that I shall be staying here,” she said.She noticed with anger that her voice shook.She was cold and bruised, but she knew it was fear that he would hear.“After tonight you will be my wife and you will have no choice,” he replied coolly.Seeing her glance again at the corpses, he said, “You see what comes of those who oppose me.” His very calmness was frightening.He had shown how determined he was to have her as his wife.He had not permitted even the king’s will to stand in his way.He must know that the king would punish him severely for this.“I will not be your wife,” said Rosamunde, although she was now very frightened.The other men left by the duke must be in Sir Walter’s dungeon.What hope could one woman have when so many men had been defeated?“Of course you will,” said Sir Walter.“We will be married tomorrow.But tonight you will be mine.” He smiled as he reached out a hand to stroke her cheek, but she moved her head away from his touch.“The day will come,” he snarled, “When you will want to please me.”“Never!” The hand that slapped her moved so quickly that she did not even see it.The force of it threw her to the ground.“You will not naysay me again,” said Sir Walter and there was no mistaking his meaning.He nodded to one of her captors and she was lifted back onto her feet.“Bring her inside,” ordered Sir Walter and, to her dismay, Rosamunde’s hands were left tied and two men, each holding one of her arms, led her inside the house.Rosamunde had expected the house to be plain and functional and it was.Sir Walter had chosen not to spend the little money he had on providing decoration and comfort.The walls were strong, but bare.The furniture was of the most basic kind.But it was clean.Like him, Sir Walter’s people were plainly dressed.She saw few men and women and no children and guessed that the household itself was small.The men he had brought to besiege the castle must have been peasants from the farms.No wonder they had made so many mistakes and so many had been wounded or killed.She was taken through the hall where the household was finishing the evening meal.“Stand in the presence of your new lady,” ordered Sir Walter and his command was obeyed immediately.Some of his people looked puzzled, but others grinned as they realised that this was Lady Rosamunde for whom Sir Walter had gone to such lengths to make his wife.Sir Walter ordered that food be brought for her in his bedchamber and one of the serving boys hurried off towards the kitchen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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