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.“So you know Xander? I hear he’s a great guy.”“How the hell do you know about Xander?” I asked.Ian and Gwen looked at each other and then away.“Cece talks about him at work sometimes.” The blush on Gwen’s cheeks was deepening.“She says you guys are friends and go way back.That’s all.”Ian cleared his throat and placed the guitar back in its case.“Andrew and I are going out to Xander’s bar tomorrow night with some friends.It’s called the Black Hole.You should come.I do a couple of songs on Saturday nights.”Gwen’s face lit up.“I’d love to.Thanks for inviting me.” Her eyes slid over in my direction.“Will your girlfriend be there, Ian?”He laughed and cracked his knuckles.“I am the definition of single at the moment.”“How old are you?”“Thirty-one.”“Perfect.” She got up from the couch and stretched.“It was nice to meet you.See you tomorrow.” She turned to face me and bit her lip.“You have a guest, so I guess we can talk tomorrow?”I nodded, dumbstruck.She smiled again and walked back up the stairs.I waited until I heard her shut the door.And then at least thirty seconds more so I wouldn’t look as eager as I felt.“Be right back,” I said to Ian as I went after her on unsteady feet.She was in the kitchen pouring a glass of wine, and I leaned against the counter and frowned at her.“Want his number?”She laughed and wine spilled over the rim of the glass.“Wow.You have so much personality tonight, Dee.” She wiped down the counter and turned to face me, a look of amusement in her eyes.“He’s not my type.”“Really.” I couldn’t keep the sarcasm from my voice.Her public display downstairs was making me want to push her against the wall and show her who the better man was.“Yeah, really,” she said.“I like tall guys, but I’m not into all those muscles.”She had my full attention.“My friend, Tess, on the other hand, loves guys like that.He’s in her age range and he owns a Monkey Joe’s, which will just make her turn to liquid on the spot.Her son loves that kind of stuff.I was thinking I could bring her tomorrow night, too, if she can get a sitter.”“Oh.I guess that could be fun.”“Is your Marlowe going to be there?”I shrugged.“Maybe.With a date.”There.We’d laid it out.The kids were at Debra’s until Sunday.I’d have a whole night alone in the house with Gwen.Maybe she’d invite me into her room.Maybe she’d get to have a one-on-one with Don.My inebriated state made me take a step closer.“So are we going to talk now?”She shook her head and set down her glass.“You’re drunk.And you have Ian downstairs.”“He’s about to leave.”“But you’re still drunk.”I blinked lazily and made a pfft sound.“Whatever.Fine.”Her lips pulled up into a coy smile, and she tipped her glass my way.“No judgment.I plan on getting drunk, too.When he leaves, you can come up and watch a movie with me on the big TV if you want to.”“Maybe.”I needed to get Ian out of the house immediately.“Then maybe I’ll see you later.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief before she turned and sauntered upstairs, shaking her ass on purpose.I raced down to my apartment, and Ian was standing at the door with a strange look on his face.“Go get her.I’m out of here.” He waved and then gave me a salute as he headed out into the night.I circled around in a frenzy, yanking at my clothes and grabbing my pajama bottoms, sans shirt, of course.No reason to start playing shy now.I debated brushing my teeth—that was a hard one.Have toothpaste breath and be obvious? Or bring the rest of the beer and hope she liked Heineken, too?I grabbed the beer.No need to look like a loser.She was sitting on the couch with her red hair pulled into a ponytail, and as I rounded the front of the couch, I had to stop myself from choking.Shorts.She was in tiny pajama shorts and a tank top.And from where I was standing, she did not appear to be wearing a bra.This was worth all the YoGabbaGabba in the world.I’d even watch a Wiggles marathon.“Hey.” She patted the couch next to her.Then she reached over to refill her glass of wine, stretching out across the couch arm, letting her shirt ride up over her stomach.I sat, trying my best to look bored.Pajama pants might not have been the best of ideas if I wanted to maintain my façade.So I opted for being an asshole.“You never came back last night.” Instead of looking at her, I concentrated on the flashing images on the television.“I know.”“Not that I waited.”I felt the couch vibrate with her giggles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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